
jū zhù zhènɡ
  • residence permit
  1. 经手签证事务的律师们表示,尽管向外籍人士发放的居住证数量总体并未急剧减少,但一些之前在中国非法居留、但在最近的整治行动后“转正”的外籍人士可能推高了统计数字。

    Lawyers , who work on visa matters , say that although overall residence permit numbers have not fallen sharply , the statistics could be inflated by expats who were previously in the country illegally , but regularised their status after a recent crackdown .

  2. 她设法搞到了一张临时居住证。

    She has managed to obtain a temporary residence permit .

  3. 她被给予一张为期一年的居住证。

    She is granted a residence permit for one year .

  4. 现行的居住证制度很长时间以来为人们所诟病,认为这是对外来工的一种歧视。

    The temporary residence permit system has long been criticized as a form of discrimination .

  5. 他获得了临时居住证。

    He received a temporary residence permit .

  6. 他们可凭在居民居住证或内地医保参保凭证免费接种疫苗。

    They can inoculation on the mainland with their residence permits or medical insurance certificates .

  7. 《北京市工作居住证》有效期限为两年。

    The Certificate of Work and Residence in Beijing shall be valid for two years .

  8. 深圳还将帮助外籍人才获得中国永久居住证,并且安排职业资格考试。

    Shenzhen will also help foreign talents obtain Chinese permanent residence permits and attend professional qualification examinations .

  9. 中国的资料系统的焦点就是户口,或称为家庭居住证。

    The focus point of China 's document system is the hukou , or household residence permit .

  10. 申请的居住证年份条件就是看你的工作合同是几年。

    Year residence permit for the conditions is to look at your work contract is a few years .

  11. 城市实行外来人口居住证制度的公共政策分析&以苏州市为例

    Public-Policy Analysis on the Implementation of Urban Residence Permit for the Floating Population & Suzhou City as an Example

  12. 监督派遣公司办理外地员工就业证、暂住证、居住证、人才引进等相关人力资源手续。

    Monitor the HR agency transact the procedures of applying work permit , temporary resident permit , resident permit .

  13. 上海、深圳和广州等大城市已经向高收入外地人授予长期居住证。

    Cities such as Shanghai , Shenzhen and Guangzhou already have given more permanent resident permits to higher-income migrants .

  14. 而能够为深圳经济发展作出贡献的人将会因为居住证的得到政府更多关注。

    Those who contribute to the economic development of the city will get Residence Permits and more attention from the government .

  15. 如果不具备申办居住证的条件,将在租房、出行等方面付出更多的代价。

    Those who are not qualified to apply for Residence Permits will pay higher prices for renting houses and traffic fees .

  16. 若选择北京市海外高层人才工作居住证号或外国人永久居留证的,此项为空。

    Leave it empty if the type of Foreign Document is Beijing High-level Overseas Talents Residence Permit or Foreigner Permanent Residence Certificate .

  17. 报告中指出,2亿多城镇人口没有城镇永久居住证,即户口。

    The report also finds out that 200-million new urbanites do not have urban permanent resident permits , also known as hukou .

  18. “但是对于中国其他地方毕业的学生而言,仍然很难获得居住证。”肖警示到。

    " But for graduates from other parts of the country , the permit would still be hard to get ," Xiao warned .

  19. 文章重点阐述了居住证制度立法的基本原则、总体框架设计和具体实施路径。

    This paper also emphasis on basic principles , an overall framework designing , as well as method of reforming and enforcement in details .

  20. 甚至一个耶路撒冷蓝色身份持有者和一个约旦河西岸居民结婚将不予其配偶颁发居住证居住在约旦河西岸。

    Even a Jerusalem blue ID holder marrying a West Banker will not be permitted to have her spouse live with her in Jerusalem .

  21. 一位专家说到外出者和技工有望从北京的居住证制度改革中获益。

    Migrant workers and skilled workers are expected to benefit from a change in the resident permit system in Beijing , an expert said .

  22. 按照《引进人才实行〈上海市居住证〉制度暂行规定》引进的人员。

    The talents introduced according to the " Interim Provisions on the Implementation of the System of'Residence Permit of Shanghai Municipality'to Introduced Talented Personnel " .

  23. 申请落户者必须持有上海市居住证满7年。

    To qualify for permanent residency , applicants must hold a Shanghai Residency Card and have lived in the city for at least seven years .

  24. 去年12月,中国政府宣布,将向最近几十年里从农村迁移来的部分务工人员提供居住证。

    In December the Chinese government announced it would offer residency status to some of the migrant workers who have moved from rural areas in recent decades .

  25. 拥有上海居住证的有经验和高素质的专家将能够将他们的临时的许可证转成上海永久居住证。

    EXPERIENCED and highly qualified professionals holding a Shanghai Residence Card face the prospect of being able to convert their temporary permit to permanent Shanghai residency this year .

  26. 随着新居住证制度的实施,外来工可以从权利的增多和优惠政策中受益,例如社保,医疗和住房,肖说到。

    With new residence permits , migrants should benefit from more rights and favorable policies , such as social security , medical care , and housing , Xiao said .

  27. 居住证承载的信息包含姓名、性别、从业状况、社会保险、婚姻状况、计划生育、诚信和违法行为记录等。

    The information listed on residence permits includes name , gender , occupation , social security number , marital status , family planning information , credit record and criminal record .

  28. 积极稳妥推进户籍管理制度改革,推动实行居住证制度,为流动人口提供更好服务。

    We will actively yet prudently carry forward the reform of the household registration system , implement the residence permit system , and provide better services to the floating population .

  29. 《北京市(留学人员)工作居住证》制度的建立,为留学人员来京创业工作提供了便利。

    The formation of Beijing Work & Residence Certificate for Returned Overseas Students provides a favorable condition for the overseas Chinese talents to work or start up their business in Beijing .

  30. 当然,总有可能出现这些中国孩子没有在所购房产的附近上大学或签证和居住证未获批准的情况。

    Of course , there is always the chance that these Chinese children won 't go to a university nearby , or that visas and residence permits won 't come through .