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  1. 先有“五子”(太康的兄弟五人)争立,接着又有武观叛乱,百姓就借此展开了强烈的反抗斗争。

    Initially , it was the rebellion of the king ^ five brothers , then the insurgence of commoners .

  2. 启即位后,经过甘之战消灭了有扈氏,又在西河之战中取胜杀掉武观,从而巩固了自己的地位,成了一统天下的天子。

    After the succession , Qi wiped out You Hu Shi tribe at the battle of Gan , then won the battle of Xihe and killed Wuguan , which contributed to the consolidation of his reign . Qi finally became the king who had unified the country .

  3. 武林中流行的文以评心,武以观德,说明了武德在中国武术文化方面的重要地位。

    WuShu morality has an important place in traditional Chinese culture .