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  1. 标准银行首席执行官杰克马理(jackomaree)将这笔交易誉为“对南非乃至非洲的信心投票”。

    Jacko Maree , standard bank chief executive , hailed the deal as a " vote of confidence in South Africa and Africa " .

  2. 马理说,这笔贷款并没有指定用途,不过它将有助于标准银行为中国和南非公司在非洲其它地区日益活跃的经济活动提供资金。

    Mr Maree said the money had not been earmarked for a specific purpose , although it will help standard fund the growing activities of Chinese and South African corporates elsewhere in Africa .

  3. 又对马先生的理学观加以论述,深刻分析他是如何接续和发扬理学传统的。

    Then discussion of Mr. Ma Neo view to the profound analysis of how he is to continue and carry forward the Neo-traditional .