
sǐ jì
  • deathly stillness;dead
死寂 [sǐ jì]
  • (1) [dead]∶没有一丝生气

  • 原始生命的诞生,像一声春雷,打破了地球的死寂,开辟了地球历史的新纪元。--《海洋与生命》

  • (2) [deathly stillness]∶形容极其安静,死沉沉的

  • 茫茫的荒原里不见人烟,一片死寂

死寂[sǐ jì]
  1. 房子死寂。

    The house was deathly still .

  2. 当我们向大家寻求建议时,得到的只是一片死寂的沉默。

    When we ask people for suggestions we get a deafening silence .

  3. 夜深人静,一片死寂。

    Night was deep and dead silence reigned everywhere .

  4. 夜深了,山谷里一片死寂。

    As night wore on , a deathly silence filled the valley .

  5. 房子里一片死寂。

    There was a dead silence in the house .

  6. 在周末的发布会上并没有任何多愁善感或者死寂气氛。

    There was nothing mawkish or funereal about the atmosphere at the weekend shows .

  7. 这片沿着Louisana州和Texas州的海岸线延伸的大面积无氧区域,人们称之为“死寂之区”。

    Known as a " dead zone ", this vast oxygen-depleted area extends along the coast between Louisiana and Texas .

  8. 死寂的春天&口蹄疫重返欧洲。

    A very silent spring & foot-and-mouth disease returns to europe .

  9. 而这空旷旧街的死寂,又叫人入梦不能。

    And the ancient empty street 's too dead for dreaming .

  10. 幽暗的世界仿佛一个紧锁的天牢,一片死寂。

    Gloomy world , like a locked prison , flooded silence .

  11. 走进窗户紧闭、一片死寂的房间。

    Walking into the heavy silence of a shuttered room .

  12. 四周渐成死寂,所有能听到的声音就是那警棍闷声地发出嘭嘭嘭的重击。

    All we hear now is the dull THWACK-THWACK-THWACK of the baton .

  13. 我们独一的太阳系似乎要被死寂的世界给淹没了。

    Our own solar system appears to be chocked with dead worlds .

  14. 谁能拯救这荒凉死寂的戈壁?

    Who can save the desolate silence of the desert ?

  15. 死寂充满我的耳际,如同黑暗充满天空。

    My ears are filled with dead silence as darkness fills the sky ;

  16. 不,还是白色,那死寂的颜色。

    No , white , that deathly still color .

  17. 除了这些单调的声音外,大地一片死寂。

    Beyond these lifeless sounds the world was silent .

  18. 那是冰冷与死寂的,对我毫无用处!

    It is cold and dead , and can do nothing for me !

  19. 一潭死水和死寂的宗教冰冻得最快。

    Still water and still religion freeze the quickest .

  20. 电话另一头刹那静如死寂!

    At that moment , the other end of the phone was silent .

  21. 她讲完话后房间里一片死寂。

    She finished speaking , and there was dead silence in the room .

  22. 我们四周全是一片死寂和泥泞。

    All about us was stagnation and mud .

  23. 尽情想象吧,死寂的小楼,可以充满鸟语人声

    Enjoy your imagination , the dead of xiaolou , can full of bird voices

  24. 夜晚变得死寂,他脸上失去了一切表情。

    And the night got deathly quiet , and his faced lost all expression .

  25. 沿椭圆轨迹进入轨道那条单轨的铁路跨过死寂的盐滩,蜿蜒着进入了死寂的群山。

    The single-track railway crossed dead salt flats and twisted up toward dead mountains .

  26. 各条街上一片死寂。

    A deathly hash lay in the streets .

  27. 我从他们身边和温暖的炉火旁离开的时候,身后一片死寂。

    A chilling silence ensued as I slowly stepped away from them and the fireplace .

  28. 她宣布之后一片死寂。

    A deadly silence followed her announcement .

  29. 那是一片死寂的荒原布满烈焰、灰烬和尘埃。

    It is a barren wasteland , riddled with fire , and ash and dust .

  30. 迎接范德卢顿先生非同寻常的滔滔话语的是一阵死寂。

    A dead silence greeted this unusual flow of words from Mr. van der Luyden .