
  • 网络share price
  1. 市盈率是一间公司股票的每股市价与每股盈利的比率。

    City is filled with the rate that leads the price of every stock market that is stock of a company and every gain .

  2. 优先股鼓动最关心其投资报酬。优先股股东投资报酬率为每股息除以每股市价。

    Preferred stockholders are interested in the yield on their in - vestment . The yield is computed by dividing the dividend per share by the market value per share .

  3. 最终选定六个相关指标作为因变量,以股市收益为自变量作回归分析,从而分析比较EVA、MVA、每股盈余和盈余市价比等指标对股票收益的解释能力。

    At last , six relevant indexes are chosen as variables and stock market return as variable to make linear regression as so as to compare them the power of explanation to stock market return .

  4. 股利率表达的是普通股每股股利与每股市价之间的关系。

    The dividends yield expresses the relationship of dividends per common share and the market price per common share .