
  • 网络Poison Spider;Venom;Tarantula;Reclusa
  1. 毒蜘蛛和毒蛇成百上千。

    There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes .

  2. 人们都叫我毒蜘蛛和幽灵。

    Shadya I have been called the spider , and the shadow .

  3. 目的讨论毒蜘蛛咬伤后的误诊误治。

    Objective Discuss misdiagnosis mistreatment after poisonous spider bite .

  4. 毒蜘蛛咬伤23例误诊误治分析

    The misdiagnosis mistake that poisonous spider bite cure

  5. 和她那毒蜘蛛般的女儿一起住

    her blonde tarantula of a daughter .

  6. 方法对23例毒蜘蛛咬伤后的病人误诊及治疗经过进行分析。

    Methods To analyze 23 patients bitten by poisonous spiders , who were misdiagnosis and mistreatment .

  7. 因为有好多毒蜘蛛和毒蛇,所以他们不能吃草。

    There are many poisonous spiders and venomous snakes , so they can 't eat grass .

  8. 结论对毒蜘蛛咬伤的病人应尽早确诊及对症治疗。

    Conclusion We should make a definite diagnosis as soon as possible and give the patients by symptomatic treatment .

  9. 首次被列入名单的印度毒蜘蛛,因其很高的收藏价值而受到国际宠物交易的威胁。

    Making the list for the first time were Indian tarantulas , highly prized by collectors and threatened by the international pet trade .

  10. 拥有额外装甲的力量来增强耐力,以及改进的液压装置以提高速度,“毒蜘蛛”可谓当今科技专家的必然选择!

    With added armor strength for durability and improved hydraulics for increased speed , the Poison Arachnid is a must for today 's technologist !

  11. 继前苏联的一个空间站在纽约市的地铁隧道崩溃,毒蜘蛛一新种被发现。

    Following a crash of an old Soviet space station in New York City 's subway tunnel , a new species of poisonous spiders is discovered .

  12. 很多年轻人缴尽脑汁搜集一些很少见的宠物比如蜥蜴,青蛇,蟒蛇,海龟甚至是毒蜘蛛。

    Many youngsters rack their brains to collect some rarely seen pets such as lizard , green snake , python , sea turtle or even poisonous spider .

  13. 不论是对毒蜘蛛取液,还是公路上捡动物死尸,获得职业成就感的秘密并不在于追随你的激情,而是追逐你的机会。

    Whether it 's milking venomous spiders or picking up roadkill , the secret to career fulfillment is not to follow your passions , but to chase your opportunities .

  14. 如果我们能够做到这些,那么一个被毒蜘蛛咬伤的中国农村少年将不会忍受“火疗”,而会得到医生的专业治疗。

    And if we do that , then perhaps a teenager in rural China who is bitten by a poisonous spider will no longer have to burn his hand , but will know to seek a doctor instead .