
  • 网络Scale;scale factor;scaling factor;scalefactor;measurement scale
比例因子 [bǐ lì yīn zǐ]
  • [factor of proportionality] 若两个量 A 和 B 满足关系式 A=B 或 B=A, 则称为比例因子

  1. 本文提出将计算机自动计算比例因子系数的方法用于人脸表情识别中,并将改进后的HMM与不变矩等方法相结合,进行表情识别。

    In this paper , a method to calculate the scale factor by computer automatically is presented and derived , in order to solve the problem of overflow . The improved HMM and invariant moments and Fisher linear discriminant analysis are used to resolve facial expression recognition .

  2. 该方法通过同一对平行边缘在垂直和水平方向的两幅图像,计算水平比例因子;

    By means of two images of the same pair of parallel lines that are vertical and horizontal respectively , the scale factor can be calculated .

  3. 最小方差预报自调整比例因子FUZZY控制器

    A FUZZY Controller with Self-adjusting Scale Factor of Least-square Prediction

  4. Fuzzy控制器比例因子对其响应特性的影响

    The effect of propotional factors on response of fuzzy controller

  5. 自调整比例因子Fuzzy控制器控制工业锅炉燃烧过程

    An industrial boiler combustion control by using a fuzzy controller with auto-tuned scaling factors

  6. 估算薄层厚度的比例因子K的确定

    The determination of scale factor K in the evaluation of thin-bed thickness

  7. 本文提出自调整比例因子Fuzzy控制器对工业锅炉燃烧过程控制。

    In this paper , a fuzzy controller with auto-tuned scaling factors is presented for industrial boiler combustion process control .

  8. 首先计算X轴的比例因子。

    First , calculate the X-axis scaling factor .

  9. 用于反求工程的CCD摄像机图像中心、比例因子的标定

    Calibration of Camera Image Center and Scale Factor Used in Reverse Engineering

  10. 基于比例因子的TCP慢启动策略

    Ratio-based mechanism of TCP slow-start

  11. 矩阵的Lyapunov比例因子的唯一性

    The Uniqueness of Lyapunov Scaling Factors of Matrices

  12. 用比例因子改善Turbo码的译码性能

    Improvement of Turbo Decoding by Applying Scaling Factor

  13. 比例因子随机误的期望估计值E(e~η)基本上是无偏的,同时其相对偏差(RD)值均低于0.5%。

    E ( e ~ η) is estimated more accurate , and relative deviation was under 0.5 % .

  14. SVG动态缩放的关键就是比例因子。

    It is this scaling factor that is the key to SVG dynamic scaling .

  15. 本文以电弧电压为控制量,送丝速度为被控制量,采用MATLAB软件实现了双输入、单输出弧长模糊控制器的设计,并通过仿真对模糊控制中的比例因子和量化因子进行了优化。

    The fuzzy arc length controller is established with arc voltage as the input and wire speed as the output , based on the MATLAB software .

  16. 材料弹塑性非线性问题中,可以根据屈服函数(σ)或加权比例因子r判断单元应力状态,由此决定了合适的增量迭代方法。

    In elastic-plastic nonlinear problems , the element stress situation can be judged by the yield function or the scaling factor , which decides the proper incremental-iterative procedure .

  17. 当然,我们要得出一个方程,方程中的比例因子将取决于x和y或者是u和。

    So , of course , we 'll get a formula where v actually this scaling factor depends on x and y or on u and v.

  18. 本文提出了量化因子和比例因子的分形因数F,把分形规律应用到模糊控制中去。

    In this paper , the fractal factor was proposed for quantification factor and proportion factor so that the fractal law can be applied in fuzzy control .

  19. 由RBF神经网络和遗传算法在线寻优模糊控制器的比例因子、模糊推理规则和隶属函数,并由RBF网络辨识被控对象的动态特性,以评价模糊控制器控制性能。

    Dynamic identification model of controlling system is designed based on the RBF neural networks to appraise the controlling performance of fuzzy controller .

  20. 利用改进粒子群优化算法对该模糊自适应PID控制器的量化因子和比例因子进行优化,从而实现模糊PID控制器控制规则的自动调整和完善,最后对所设计的模糊自适应PID控制器进行了仿真研究。

    Quantizing factor and proportional factor of fuzzy self-regulating PID excitation controller are optimized by improved PSO algorithm , accordingly , the fuzzy control rules are self-adjusted and become perfect .

  21. 然后设计了基于改进PSO算法的模糊PI控制器,用改进后的PSO算法优化PI参数和模糊控制器的量化因子比例因子和模糊规则。

    Following this , fuzzy PI controllers with the improved PSO algorithm that optimize PI parameters and qualification factors , scale factor and fuzzy rules are designed .

  22. 顾及像素比例因子的DLT进行普通数字相机的标定

    The Calibration of Ordinary Digital Camera Using DLT Method Considering the Pixel Scale Factor

  23. 该算法采用模糊自整定的方案,它是定义在被控制量的误差e和误差的变化Δe基础上的,可以在线实时调整输出比例因子Gu。

    This scheme is fuzzy auto tuning algorithm , based on error and change of error of controlled variable e. and Δ e. The output scaling factor ( Gu ) is adjusted on-line in STFC .

  24. 根据二维CAD工程图形的数据特点,在实体顶点数据的比例因子中嵌入水印信息,较传统差值扩展技术具有更大的水印容量。

    According to the characteristics of the data on two-dimensional CAD engineering graphics , watermark is embedded in the scale factor of vertex data , and the watermark capacity is greater than traditional difference expansion method . 4 .

  25. 其次,本文介绍了包含学习率、动量因子和比例因子的三项BP算法,详细推导出网络学习参数的最优估计公式。

    Secondly , a three-term back-propagation algorithm consisting of a learning rate , a momentum factor and a proportional factor is presented , and the learning parameters of optimal estimated formula are obtained by deducing in detail .

  26. 在研究这2种信息关系的基础上,引入了共用的比例因子,发现比例因子与暗示译码性能的交叉熵(crossentropy)有着密切的联系;

    On the basis of studying the channel and source information , the paper introduces a common scaling factor and finds that the scaling factor has deep relationship with the cross-entropy which implies the performance of Turbo decoding .

  27. 方法提出了描述该模型广义M集的路径序列、路径的比例因子序列及嵌套层次的概念.构建了充满J集的PBranch-Tree。

    The conceptions of Route Sequence ( Rp ), Proportional Divisor Route Sequence ( PDRp ), Embeded Layer and Period-point Branch-Tree are constructed to describe M sets and filled-in J sets easily .

  28. 对于控制参数自调整的模糊控制方案,采用比例因子Ku模糊自整定和全论域范围带自调整因子的模糊控制规则相结合的方法来实现控制参数的自调整。

    The parameter self-regulation comprises the fuzzy self-regulation of proportion factor Ku and the dynamic adaptation of fuzzy control rules by self-regulation factor in entire domain .

  29. 本文中设置一个特异性比例因子r,首先计算所有属性值的特异性因子(PeculiarityFactor),特异性因子列于前100r%的属性值被认为是特异性数据。

    This article defines a peculiarity rate factor r , first to calculate the peculiar factor of all property values , property values whose peculiarity factors are listed in the former 100r % are considered to be peculiar data .

  30. 建立了蒸发器&电子膨胀阀过热度模糊控制仿真系统,通过仿真分析了量化因子、比例因子及不同的采样时间,对控制效果及参数设置的影响、模糊控制与PID的控制效果比较;

    A dynamic simulation model for the control of superheat by the electrical expansion valve has been established . Base on this model , parameter setting , sampling time and Comparison of Fuzzy control with PID control are discussed .