
  • 网络Belgian;Belgium Beer
  1. Allagash建议,像Interlude这种带面包和单宁味的比利时啤酒可以搁三年左右再喝。

    Allagash recommends about three years for a Belgian brew like its Interlude , bready and tannic .

  2. 谷歌和啤酒制造商DogfishHead合作生产名为“Urkontinent”的比利时啤酒。

    Google has joined forces with brewer Dogfish Head to produce a Belgian Dubbel beer called Urkontinent .

  3. 甘甜的瓶中熟成比利时啤酒(Belgians)口味会变干;

    Sweet , bottle-conditioned Belgians dry out ;

  4. PaulFremantle,一家名为WSO2的开源SOA中间件公司的创始人之一,认为“开源ESB”有可能和比利时啤酒一样好。

    Paul Fremantle , Co-Founder of WSO2 an open source SOA middleware company , wonders if " Open Source ESBs " are as good as Belgian Beer .

  5. 啤酒赛(费用45美元)也美不胜收,其中就包括了SaisonCazeau(添加拉骨木花后酿制而成的辛辣味比利时啤酒)以及OffColorBrewing酿制的Scurry啤酒(用燕麦酿制的深色蜂蜜啤酒),然而酒水单上并无葡萄酒。

    Its beer matches ( $ 45 ) are extraordinary , too , including Saison Cazeau , a spicy , elderflower-infused Belgian ale and Off Color Brewing 's Scurry , a dark honey ale made using oats . Wine is not on the menu .

  6. 当地的商店已经开始出售法国棍式面包和比利时啤酒。

    The local store has started selling baguettes and Belgian beers .

  7. 第一次世界大战之前比利时啤酒酿造业还是高度分散的。

    Before the first World War Belgian brewing was still highly fragmented .

  8. 尝尝比利时啤酒,伙计味道真的很独特

    try that Belgian ale , man . It 's something special .

  9. 我就不喝比利时啤酒,改喝科罗娜

    and I 'll swap out my Belgian for a keg of Corona .

  10. 这些科学家们已经利用循环水制作出了少量的比利时啤酒。

    The scientists have since crafted small batches of Belgian ale from the recycled water .

  11. 用一位比利时啤酒专家,马可斯特本德的话来说,啤酒是“扎根于比利时文化之中的”。

    It is " ingrained in the culture " , says Marc stroobandt , an expert on Belgian beer .

  12. 这款酒力强劲的四重发酵比利时啤酒色泽金黄,新鲜时甘甜而辛辣,带有朗姆酒渍樱桃和焦糖无花果味。

    Young , this strong blonde Belgian quadruple is sweet and hot , rum soaked cherries and caramelized figs .

  13. 最大的一笔订单来自一家比利时啤酒商,他们在几个月前订购了超过400万面国旗。

    The largest order came from a Belgian beer merchant , who ordered more than 4 million flags months ago .

  14. 随时欢迎您光临我们的网站,更欢迎大家来树吧品尝真正的比利时啤酒!

    Come back to the website anytime , but get yourself down to The Tree to experience some real Belgian Beer !

  15. 比利时啤酒(严格说来,艾尔啤酒)过去是桶上发酵的,酿酒过程中产生的带有酵母的泡沫是位于酒液上方的。

    Belgian beers ( strictly speaking , ales ) were top fermented : the yeasty foam produced in the brewing process sat atop the liquid .

  16. 但里面还有奥迪车宣传册、进口牛奶及酸奶的纸箱、比利时啤酒罐、白兰地和葡萄酒酒箱等等。

    But there are also brochures for Audi cars , cartons for imported milk and yogurt , Belgian beer cans , brandy and wine crates and so on .

  17. 比利时的啤酒厂数目在20世纪开始的时候达到了顶峰。

    The number of breweries in Belgium peaked at the turn of the 20th century .

  18. 浅粉象啤酒是世界第一啤酒,是一种比利时淡啤酒。

    Delirium Tremens is No. one beer in the world , which is a Belgian lager beer .

  19. 从比利时斟啤酒和饮啤酒的仪式就可以看出这个国家对于啤酒有着其它国家无法比拟的热爱。

    The ceremony with which Belgian beer is poured and drunk betokens a love of beer that no other country can match .

  20. 此款啤酒是原自于11世纪的比利时典型的啤酒。

    This section is the original beer from the11th century , a typical Belgian beer .

  21. 比利时王国以啤酒、巧克力、松饼与哥德式大教堂享誉全球。

    The Kingdom of Belgium is world-renowned for its beers , chocolates , waffles and gothic cathedrals .

  22. 会场有各式各样从德国、比利时进口的啤酒,相对于青岛啤酒来说,它们稍带更多的苦味。

    There were different kinds of Beer imported from Germany and Belgium , they have a bit more bitter flavour than TSINGTAO Beer !

  23. 比利时地区对啤酒的热爱起源于10纪末左右,天主教会占领该地区的修道院开始酿造并销售啤酒使寺院能够自负盈亏。

    The region 's interest in beer began when the Catholic Church sanctioned the use of abbeys to brew and distribute beer to raise money for upkeep near the end of the 10th century .

  24. 正如中国人喜欢茶而比利时人喜爱啤酒一样,茶的含蓄内敛和酒的热烈奔放代表了品味生命、解读世界的两种不同方式。

    The Chinese people are fond of tea and Belgians love beer . To me , the moderate tea drinker and passionate beer lover represent two ways of understanding life and knowing the world , and I find them equally rewarding .

  25. 比利时所拥有的啤酒品类多于世界上任何一个国家。

    Belgium has more individual styles of beer per capita than any other country in the world .

  26. 很难一一列举分布在比利时各地的各种啤酒和酿酒厂。

    It is hard to count and to name all the beer sorts and breweries , dispersed all over Belgium .

  27. 把全世界所有国家来做比较,以每个国家的人口数来算比利时已经位列全球啤酒消费榜的第18位。

    Country by country , Belgium currently stands at No. 18 on the global list of beer consumption by country per capita .