
jiǔ chǎng
  • winery;distillery;brewery
酒厂[jiǔ chǎng]
  1. 根据卫生标准操作程序(SSOP)的内容,制定苹果酒厂卫生标准操作程序,提高苹果酒生产的安全性和产品质量。

    In accordance with the protocols of sanitary standard operation procedure ( SSOP ), a series of standardized sanitation control were worked out for cider brewery .

  2. 他本应该也这样照料酒厂才对。

    He must 've taken care of the brewery too .

  3. 类似的是,英国赫里福德郡马铃薯农场主威廉蔡斯(williamchase)也在自己的农场专门建造了一个酒厂,酿制优质伏特加。

    Similarly , Herefordshire potato farmer William Chase has launched his own premium vodka , produced in a purpose-built distillery on his farm .

  4. 这些酒口感各异,既有俄勒冈州酒厂TeutonicWineCompany酿制的那种轻盈、散发果香的半干西万尼,也有一些比较紧涩的上阿迪杰产西万尼。

    The wines ranged from a light and fruity , off-dry Silvaner by the Teutonic Wine Company in Oregon to some more austere Sylvaners from Alto Adige .

  5. 试验研究了厌氧膜生物反应器(MCAB)在处理酒厂高浓度有机废水时的膜污染特性。

    The fouling characteristics were investigated in membrane coupled anaerobic bioreactor ( MCAB ) designed for the treatment of alcohol-distillery wastewater .

  6. 我们重新启动了刚从船上下来的于尔根,向集市城镇、奥克尼群岛首府柯克沃尔的“高原骑士”酒厂(HighlandPark)进发。

    Rebooting Jurgen after his stay in the ship 's hold , we drove to Highland Park distillery in the market town of Kirkwall , the Orcadian capital .

  7. 简茨在20世纪80年代由LouisRoedererChampagne香槟酒厂联合开发,它开辟了一种被戏称为“MethodeTasmanoise”(塔斯马尼亚法)工艺的香槟酒式酿造方法。

    Co-founded in the 1980s by the Louis Roederer Champagne house , Jansz pioneered a Champagne-like process wryly known as Methode Tasmanoise .

  8. 合并后的ABI在全国拥有超过45个酒厂,30多个品牌,在全国10多个省设有分公司或办事处。

    After the merger , ABI has more than 45 breweries , including over 30 brand , having branches and offices in more than 10 provinces .

  9. 这种泥煤味黑啤酒由BrasserieduMontSalève酒厂酿制。

    or a smoked goat 's cheese with La Tourb é e , a peated dark ale made by Brasserie du Mont Sal è ve .

  10. 而包括贵州茅台(KweichowMoutai)和青岛啤酒(TsingtaoBrewery)在内的中国酒厂不得不出面否认互联网上关于它们的产品含有致癌物质的报告。

    And China liquor makers , from Kweichow Moutai to Tsingtao Brewery , were forced to deny internet reports that their products contained carcinogens .

  11. 在洛基山公园的门户城镇伊斯泰斯公园(EstesPark),一年前,本地官员发布了对开放啤酒厂和烈酒厂的规定,现在这些酒厂已经有很多活动了。

    Just a year after local officials eased regulations on opening breweries and distilleries in Rocky Mountain 's gateway town , Estes Park , a number of operations are in the works .

  12. 啤酒爱好者应该去“更多啤酒”(BirraPiù),它既是酒吧也卖酒,供应Brewfist酿酒厂和埃米利亚诺酿酒厂(BirrificioEmiliano)的精酿桶装啤酒。

    Beer-drinkers should head to Birra Pi ù , a bottle shop and pub with craft beers from Brewfist and Birrificio Emiliano on tap .

  13. 酒单精选了数家门多萨(Mendoza)的酒厂新秀——在你的特选菜单中加上配餐葡萄酒,用心享受一顿长达三个小时的午餐吧。

    The wine list includes selections from up-and-coming Mendoza wineries - add the wine pairing to your tasting menu and plan on a three-hour lunch .

  14. 朗皮峰啤酒公司(LumpyRidgeBrewingCompany)是一个15桶小型啤酒厂,有室内品尝室和天井,将于今年夏天成为首家开张的酒厂,其后还有两个烈酒厂和三家啤酒厂将于今年年底之前开张。

    Lumpy Ridge Brewing Company , a 15-barrel microbrewery with an indoor tasting room and outdoor patio , is the first scheduled to open this summer , with two distilleries and three more breweries to follow before the end of the year .

  15. 法国香槟制造者酩悦(&Chandon)公司在这里生产起泡酒,烈性酒巨头保乐力加(PernodRicard)也投下巨额资金,为公司在当地的酒厂打造现代化设施。

    The French Champagne maker & Chandon makes sparkling wines there , while the spirits giant Pernod Ricard is spending heavily to modernize its local winery .

  16. 这家葡萄酒厂的商业主管费南多·库拉(FernandoCura)说,酒厂听说这则新闻之后几小时内就行动起来,想获得这幅画像的使用权。

    The winery moved within hours after the news of the failed restoration broke to secure rights to the image , according to Fernando Cura , commercial director for Aragonesas winery .

  17. 结果表明:在相同的条件下,味精厂废液培养的酵母生长量明显高于酒厂废液和对照培养基B.酵母的油脂含量在4%~7%之间。

    The results showed : the waste water from the monosodium glutamate factory was the best medium for the 4 kinds of yeast . And the yeast fat yield was different in the kind of yeast and the medium , which was 4 % ~ 7 % .

  18. 通过对剑光酒厂采购物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流四个方面的具体分析,提出实施5S持续改善、定量订货、共同配送等优化策略,合理改善剑光酒厂的企业物流。

    Analyzing the procurement logistics , production logistics , marketing logistics and recycling logistics , the paper puts forward the optimized strategy as implementing five S , quantitative order and joint delivery etc. in order to improve the business logistics of the Brewery .

  19. 幸运的是,今年的葡萄最远只需运至阿东村(Adong),它在4座村庄中海拔最高,如今这儿正在兴建酒厂与客栈。

    This year , with luck , they will travel only as far as Adong , the highest village , where the winery and lodge are being built .

  20. fanagoria酒厂承认,它在酒瓶上用英语标注了“出口”字样,因为这能提升其在俄罗斯人眼中的价值。

    Fanagoria admits that it puts the word " export " in English on its wine labels because this adds value in Russian eyes .

  21. 白木繁里(ShigeriShiraki,音)是岐阜市山区一座家族清酒厂的老板。这家酒厂创立于1835年。她正在探索如何让自己酿造了20年的清酒——达摩正宗(DarumaMasamune)——适合西方人的口味。

    Shigeri Shiraki , whose family brewery in the mountainous region of Gifu was founded in 1835 , is exploring how to make her 20-year-old aged sake , Daruma Masamune , palatable to Westerners .

  22. 试验选择的酒厂废水具有良好的可生化性,经过3.6h厌氧和5h好氧处理之后,能将COD去除95%以上,氨氮去除90%以上。

    The tested waste water was from a certain wine plant and had good biochemical nature . After 3.6 hours ' anaerobic treatment and 5 hours ' aerobic treatment , more than 95 % of COD and 90 % of ammonia nitrogen were removed .

  23. 苏格兰的酒厂Arran计划今年晚些时候,商业化生产英国的第一款国产清酒。它是继挪威的纳酷欧(NogneO)之后,第二家采取这种做法的欧洲酒厂。

    A Scottish brewer , Arran , plans to start producing Britain 's first sake on a commercial scale later this year , the second European brewer to do so after Nogne O of Norway .

  24. 在我去Myskhako葡萄酒厂的路上,经过精心维护、据说是有斯洛伐克关系的500公顷新葡萄园。Myskhako酒厂位于新罗西斯克港的外围。

    I passed a beautifully maintained new 500-hectare vineyard said to have Slovakian connections on my way to Myskhako winery on the outskirts of the port of Novorossiysk .

  25. 那是不列颠最北的威士忌酒厂(我们此行会经过很多号称“最北”的地方),出品顶级的苏格兰威士忌,皆以真实或虚构的维京人物为名:Eibar、Thor、Loki。

    The northernmost whiskey distillery in Britain ( there would be many claims to the northernmost on this trip ) , Highland Park makes a line of high-end Scotch whiskies named after Vikings real and imagined : Eibar , Thor , Loki .

  26. 四川中小酒厂生存与发展的思考

    Thought of Survival and Development of Small Distilleries in Sichuan Province

  27. 苏格兰威士忌酒厂花费重金扩大客户群体。

    Scotch distillers have invested heavily to expand their consumer base .

  28. 地方财政运行与城镇化机理探讨旧酒厂区的改造和利用

    Discussion on the Interaction between the Urbanization and the District Finance

  29. 这里的酒厂很少做正规的卡本内弗朗

    Very few wineries around here do a straight cab franc .

  30. 现代住区意象及规划对策研究旧酒厂区的改造和利用

    Research on the Image of the Modern Residential District and Planning Countermeasures