
xuě huā pí jiǔ
  • Snow Beer;Snowflake Beer
雪花啤酒[xuě huā pí jiǔ]
  1. 商务部还禁止英博收购国内其它两家主要啤酒公司中国雪花啤酒(chinaresourcessnow)和北京燕京啤酒(beijingyanjing)的股份。

    MOFCOM also banned InBev from acquiring shares in two other major domestic breweries , China Resources Snow and Beijing Yanjing .

  2. 当然,在关键的国内市场,安海斯和青岛啤酒面对的最紧迫挑战并非来自彼此,而是来自华润雪花啤酒(中国)有限公司(chinaresourcessnowbreweries)。

    Certainly , in the crucial domestic market , the most pressing challenge to both Anheuser and Tsingtao comes not from each other but from China Resources Snow Breweries .

  3. 中国华润啤酒(ChinaResourcesBeer)同意全盘收购英国上市集团SABMiller在中国华润雪花啤酒(ChinaResourcesSnowBreweries)所持的股份,此举使得百威英博(ABInBev)朝着完成以710亿英镑收购SABMiller的交易又迈进了一步。

    AB InBev moved a step closer to completing its £ 71bn takeover of SABMiller , after China Resources Beer agreed to buy out the London-listed group 's stake in their Chinese brewery joint venture .

  4. 欧睿(Euromonitor)的数据显示,雪花啤酒已是中国最大的啤酒品牌,占有21%的国内市场份额。

    Snow beer is already the largest beer brand in China , with 21 per cent of the market , according to Euromonitor .

  5. 2008年英博集团(InBev)收购安海斯-布希(Anheuser-Busch)时,中国商务部依据新颁布的反垄断法作出了首例公开裁决,禁止英博入股华润雪花啤酒。

    When InBev acquired Anheuser-Busch in 2008 , in the first published ruling of the new antitrust regime , Mofcom banned InBev from taking a stake in CR Snow .

  6. 目前,全国共有58个雪花啤酒厂。

    Currently , there are58 breweries producing Snow Beer across the country .

  7. 老龙口白酒,雪花啤酒是沈阳的特产。

    Laolongkou liquor and Snow Beer are Shenyang specialties .

  8. 持有华润雪花啤酒的少数股权,意味着它很难掌握自己的命运。

    Its minority status in crsb means it is hardly Masterof its own fate .

  9. 反思雪花啤酒案:商业贿赂本质的误读

    A Reflection of the Case of Snow Beer : Misunderstanding the Essence of Commercial Bribery

  10. 而隔壁小卖部的雪花啤酒每瓶才卖1.9元。

    A bottle of Snow from the grocery store next door cost just 1.9 renminbi , or about 30 cents .

  11. 随着啤酒行业竞争的加剧,雪花啤酒虽然具备了较强的资本实力,但品牌影响力比较薄弱。

    With the competition intensifying in beer industry , Snow Beer brand influence is weak though it has a strong capital strength .

  12. 雪花啤酒是目前中国销量最大的啤酒品牌,南非米勒持有这家合资公司49%的股份。

    SABMiller took a 49 percent stake in a joint venture that makes Snow , which is now China 's best-selling beer brand .

  13. 但雪花啤酒定位于较低端市场、利润空间微薄,而且其销量也受到中国内地经济增长放缓和消费者口味变化的冲击。

    But Snow is pitched at the lower end of the market , where margins are slim and sales have been hit by the mainland economic slowdown and consumers " changing tastes .

  14. 在“雪花”啤酒案中,工商行政机关将啤酒公司向销售商提供现金、进场费等以销售产品的行为认定为商业贿赂。

    As to the case of Snow Beer , administrations for industry and commerce regard the beer company 's behaviors of providing cash and slotting allowances for its dealers as commercial bribery .

  15. 首先,介绍中国啤酒发展格局,以及三大啤酒厂商:青岛啤酒,华润雪花,燕京啤酒。

    To begin with , the overview of Chinese beer market is introduced , with emphasis on the three major brewers in China : Tsingtao Beer Brewery , China Resources Snow ( CR Snow ) Brewery , and Yanjing Beer Group .