
  • 网络national brand
  1. 夏洪波称,如果想把自己打造成全国品牌,央视仍然是最好的渠道。

    ' If you want to build a national brand , CCTV is still the best way to do it , 'he says .

  2. 但本文认为其还是区域性品牌,不是全国品牌。

    But WCF is still considered as a regional brand other than national brands in this paper .

  3. 他表示,当经济衰退来临时,wholefoods自有品牌的增幅曾攀升至全国性品牌的4倍,后来放缓到更为正常的2至2.5倍。

    As the recession hit , Whole Foods private brands growth rose to four times the rate of national brands , he said but had slowed to more normal rates of 2-2.5 times larger .

  4. 因此,通过Groupon,JiWire既能为全国性品牌投放广告,又能为家庭经营的小店进行宣传。

    So Jiwire can serve these ads to national brands as well as mom-and-pop stores through Groupon .

  5. JiWire同时还在为盖璞(Gap)这样的全国性品牌投放基于位置的广告,这样人们点击广告之后就能查看附近所有的盖璞门店。

    Jiwire is also using these geo-located ads for national brands such as the Gap so that people can click a Gap ad and see all the Gap stores nearby .

  6. 然而,在一份声明中,该公司表示打算在广州和北京这些大城市开设旗舰店,并通过在电子商务网站天猫(Tmall)上的网店在全国打造品牌。

    However , it intends to expand into large cities such as Guangzhou and Beijing with flagship stores , and build its brand nationally through its shop on the ecommerce site , Tmall , the group said in a statement .

  7. 提供全国性品牌广告宣传及有效的促销方案。

    Provide a national brand advertising and effective marketing programs .

  8. 它是第一批从地区走向全国的品牌:拥有4000家分店。

    It was one of the first to go national : 4000 shops .

  9. 志邦厨柜正在由地区强势品牌向全国性品牌稳步发展。

    Zhibang is now developing from the regional strong brand into the national brand .

  10. 中国几乎没有全国性品牌,供应链只能按地区运作。

    China has few national brands and the supply chains operate only on a regional level .

  11. 湖南的工程机械在全国的品牌影响力和竞争力迅速提升。

    The brand influence and competitiveness of the construction machinery in Hunan are enhanced largely domestically .

  12. 自有品牌和全国性品牌商品的关系将回归到更恰当的平衡。

    It is coming back towards a more appropriate balance between private label and branded goods .

  13. 迪隆指出,一些全国性品牌的销售增长,源自制造商更为积极的促销活动。

    Mr Dillon noted that some of the national brand growth resulted from more aggressive promotional spending by manufacturers .

  14. 这些弱点为连锁酒店提供了商机,使他们可以在一个幅员辽阔、地区差异巨大的国家,打造全国性品牌。

    Such failings create an opportunity for chains to build nationwide brands in a continent-sized country with huge regional differences .

  15. 贵州白酒以口碑和品质始终站在全国白酒品牌的前列。

    The liquor of GuiZhou is also known as quality and reputation and it is ranked as the top level in the world .

  16. 他在评论全国性品牌销售走强的表现时说:我真的觉得,开始有了一丝希望之光。

    I actually take it as one sign of some glimmer of hope of improvement , he said , of the stronger national brand performance .

  17. 一方面,国内经过长期的市场磨砺,形成了一批有一定知名度的全国性品牌及各具特色的区域品牌;另一方面,众多国际知名品牌纷纷涌入国内市场参与销售角逐。

    On one hand , after many years of development , there has been a group of well-noted national and regional brands in domestic kitchen cabinet market .

  18. 伯乐斯表示,对于安海斯把哈尔滨啤酒推成全国高档品牌,或者把它销售给海外的中餐馆,青岛啤酒管理层没有提出异议。

    Tsingtao management has expressed no objection to the push to make Harbin a nationwide premium brand or to sell it to Chinese restaurants overseas , Mr Burrows says .

  19. 目前,我国卷烟品牌绝大多数都是区域性品牌,只有少数全国性品牌,但几乎没有一个可称得上是国际品牌。

    Currently , the vast majority of our cigarette brands are regional , with very few national ones . But almost no one could claim to be an international brand .

  20. 一方面实行市场转移,开拓国内零售市场,实施“海宁中国皮革城”全国连锁品牌战略,实现皮革产业的纵深发展;

    While implemented market transfer , develop domestic retail market , implementation " Haining China leather , Tianyi " national chain brand strategy , implementation leather industry of depth development ;

  21. 我公司大量供应医药原料药,代理销售全国知名品牌原料药产品及配套的药用辅料,质优价廉。

    Large number of pharmaceutical raw materials supply company , the sales agent of the famous brand products and pharmaceutical raw materials supporting the medicinal materials , quality and cheap .

  22. 传统地方保护格局的逐步打破,使得国内烟草企业加快了在异地的扩张,全国性品牌种类不断丰富。

    The structure of local protectionism will be broken down gradually , which would push forward the off-site development of domestic tobacco corporations and enrich the variety of national brands .

  23. 其他行业中,拥有两面针、金嗓子、花红药业、鱼峰水泥、网山白糖等一批全国知名品牌。

    Regarding to other industries , Liuzhou owns a number of name-brand products , such as LMZ toothpaste , Golden Throat lozenge , Huahong Pharmacy , Yufeng cement , Wangshan sugar etc.

  24. 本厂以质量第一,信誉第一为原则在不断发展,不断壮大,争创全国第一品牌,真诚与各界朋友携手共创美好未来。

    Our quality first , reputation first principle in the continuous development and growth , and striving for the national brand , in good faith and all the friends together for a better future .

  25. 在经济衰退严重的时期,购物者更加关注省钱,因此克罗格的一些低价自有品牌产品比如克罗格小麦泡芙谷等销量大幅增长,远远超出老牌全国性品牌。

    During the depth of the recession , sales surged of Kroger 's lower cost own brand goods , such as Kroger Value Wheat Puffs Cereal , outstripping established national brands as shoppers focused on saving money .

  26. 在消费者报告调查中,几乎3/4的受访者说他们购买过商店的品牌产品,89%的受访者说商店品牌跟全国的品牌一样好,或者比全国的品牌更好。

    Almost 3 quarters of respondents to a consumer report survey said they bought store brand products , and 89 % of those respondents reported that the store brands were as good or better than the national brand .

  27. 但上述分析师也警告称,那些具有“中国特色”的固有难题将不会迎刃而解。在中国,饮食行业利润率较低,而且全国知名品牌的建立依旧颇有难度。

    But they caution that it will still be difficult for the restaurant chain to overcome inherent difficulties that come with operating in China , where dining profit margins tend to be low and it remains difficult to build a brand with nationwide appeal .

  28. 通过研究通用磨坊湾仔码头企业内部核心资源包括工厂、人力资源、销售渠道、研发能力、品牌营销,制定湾仔码头新战略:跨越冷冻点心多个大类的全国性品牌。

    By studying internal core resources of WCF including plants , human resources , sales channels , R & D capability and brand marketing , WCF can make a new strategy ' becoming a national widely known brand across all frozen food categories ' .

  29. 考虑到地理上的困难,中国基金销售市场的新加入者很难独立打造出一块具有全国影响力的品牌、并对该市场的现有参与者构成挑战。

    There is little hope for new entrants to independently develop a country-wide brand and challenge the incumbents given the geographical challenges .

  30. 创新务实求发展,公司有信心在三年内将“老爹烤肉”打造成全国知名烧烤品牌。

    Innovative and pragmatic development , the company is confident that within three years ," Dad BBQ " into a well-known barbecue brand .