
  • 网络snow road;Snow Way
  1. 其中许多是多雪路或者多冰路上交通事故造成的。

    Traffic accidents on snowy or icy roads cause many of them .

  2. 但是除非找到两全其美的方法减少雪路的安全隐患,否则不过是以命犯险,顾此失彼。

    But unless unlikely ways are found to make icy roads less treacherous , the risk will be that one lethal hazard is replaced by another .

  3. 这就让尾流有点像在冬天里刚刚开通的雪路一样,路两旁是成堆的雪。

    This leaves the wake something like a winter road that has just been snow-plowed , with piles of snow on both sides of the road .