
  • 网络Boots;snow boots;snowshoe;UGG
  1. 舒适的感觉对你来说是顶重要的,花些时间让你的雪靴在舒适度和柔韧度上与你的滑行风格相匹配。

    Take the time to ensure your boots offer you the right fit and flex for your riding style .

  2. 虽然自己的确带了几双古姿(Gucci)雪靴,但未带滑雪装(学滑雪都是很久之前的事了)。

    No ski wear ( my snow bunny days are long past ), although I did allow for some Gucci snow boots .

  3. 他们都穿着流砂的鞋子,有点象拉伯兰人的雪靴;

    that they wear quicksand shoes , something like Laplander snow-shoes ;

  4. 我会与穿着雪靴的你站在一起。

    I could stand with you with your snow boots on .

  5. 必需具有慎密像穿了雪靴的足部,很好的足垫。

    Must have a tight , deep snowshoe foot with well-cushioned pads .

  6. 在明尼苏达一块寒冷的雪地中,雪靴的痕迹和脚印各行其道。

    Snowshoe tracks and footprints diverge in the middle of a wintry central Minnesota field .

  7. 他穿着一双黑色的橡胶雪靴,厚厚的羊毛衫和褪色的灯芯绒裤外面,罩着绿色的长袍。

    He wore black rubber snow boots and a bright green chapan over a thick sweater and faded corduroy pants .

  8. 他去哪儿都带着它,就像能给他安全感的小毯子,这个却穿着雪靴和时髦的法国帽。

    He carries it everywhere , it 's like a security blanket , but with ski boots and a kicky beret .

  9. 对身着西装、脚穿雪靴的男士们来说,达沃斯实际上是全球化的节日&他们现在担心全球化可能在西方失去了市场。

    Davos is effectively a festival of globalisation for men in suits and snow boots – who now fear that the argument for globalisation may be lost in the west .

  10. 第二天,装备齐全了雪靴和登山杆,我们开始了三小时的脱门诺远足之旅。小路在桦树橡树丛林中蜿蜒攀升。

    The next day we hiked with snowshoes and trekking poles for three hours on Temenos trails & up steep rises and along ridges and through thickets of oak and birch trees .