
  • 网络Alabaster;snow white;Statuario Altissimo
  1. 抛光垫对硬度较小的石材(如雪花白)具有较好的抛光效果,效率也比较高,而对硬度比较大的石材(如山西黑和枫叶红)的抛光效果并不理想。

    There is a better polishing effect and a higher efficiency to polish low-hardness stone , but the effect is worse and the efficiency is lower to polish high-hardness stone .

  2. 冬天雪花是白的。

    So the winter is white .

  3. 葡萄状-雪花状白云岩是白云岩形成之后经淡水淋滤作用而成,葡萄内或雪花周围的有机物质不是原生藻,而是蓝绿藻经细菌腐解后形成的细菌集合体。

    Grape and snowflake shaped dolostone was generated from the leaching action after the formation of original dolostone . Organic material in the ″ grape ″ or around ″ snowflake ″ is not original alga but bacteria assemblage which come from decayed blue green alga .

  4. 她披着最细的、像无数颗星星一样的雪花织成的白纱。

    and at last it was like a young lady , dressed in the finest white gauze , made of a million little flakes like stars .