
  • 网络Snow Country;Niigata
  1. 《雪国》主题:拯救与净化

    Rescue and Purification : The Themes of The Snow Country

  2. 川端的女性意识&《雪国》之我见

    KAWABATA 'S Women Consciousness-Personal Understanding of Snow Country

  3. 画一般的雪国,飘溢着浓郁的日本风情,给人以美的享受

    The picture-like XueGuo , wafting dense flavor of Japan , gives us a kind of artistic enjoyment .

  4. 奉俊昊和凯利·马斯特森(KellyMasterson),《雪国列车》

    Bong Joon-ho and Kelly Masterson , " Snowpiercer "

  5. 2014年,演员蒂尔达·斯文顿(TildaSwinton)在四部电影中戴着假牙:《零点定理》(TheZeroTheorem)、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《唯爱永生》(OnlyLoversLeftAlive),以及奉俊昊导演的《雪国列车》(Snowpiercer)。

    In 2014 , the actress Tilda Swinton wore false teeth in four movies : " The Zero Theorem , " " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " " Only Lovers Left Alive " and " Snowpiercer , " a film directed by Bong Joon-ho .

  6. 论《雪国》中雪的意象的多重意蕴

    On Multiple Meanings of " Snow " Image in Snow Country

  7. 川端康成与《雪乡》试论《雪国》的虚无主义思想

    Tries discusses " Snow Country " nihilism thought

  8. 川端康成研究的地域性差异&以《雪国》为中心

    The Regional Difference in the Research of Kawasaki

  9. 川端康成因《雪国》等作品而成为“诺贝尔文学奖”的获得者。

    Kawabata Yasunari was awarded Nobel Prize for his great literary creations such as Snow Country .

  10. 《日出》、《雪国》都是诞生于二十世纪三十年代的文艺作品,虽然分别出自中日两位大家之手,其结构却都以悲剧而告终。

    Sunrise and A Country of Snow are written by Chinese and Japanese writers respectively during the1930s but both are ended in tragedy .

  11. 文学大师川端康成将东方传统美于西方现代派手法相结合,创作了传世之作《雪国》。

    The literary master Kawabata Yasunari completed his great work Snow Country , combining the traditional oriental beauty and the western modern writing skills .

  12. 《雪国》人物岛村的禅学文化心理分析川端的女性意识&《雪国》之我见

    A Psychoanalysis of the Buddhist Culture as Reflected in Shimamura , the Protagonist in Snow Country KAWABATA 'S Women Consciousness-Personal Understanding of Snow Country

  13. 今年早些时候,反乌托邦动作大片《雪国列车》(Snowpiercer)颇受好评,前两个月通过点播获得的收入喜人,甚至超过了在局部地区影院上映时的票房收入。

    Earlier this year , the critically-acclaimed dystopian action flick Snowpiercer made more through on-demand in its first two months than it did in a limited theater-run .

  14. 《雪国》在表现日本传统美的同时,也蕴含了深刻的佛禅思想。

    His novel , Snow Country , not only manifests the beauty of national tradition of Japan , but also implies profound thought and meanings of Buddhism and Zen .

  15. 日本的《雪国》研究特征是:“川端热”中的褒贬评价不均衡;

    The research features of " The Snowy Country " in Japan are as follows : firstly , there are different comments on this novel during the " Kawasaki Craze ";

  16. 该片是奉俊昊第一次和宋康昊合作,后来宋康昊又主演了奉俊昊的《汉江怪物》、《雪国列车》和《寄生虫》。

    The movie was also Bong 's first time working with Song Kang-ho , who later starred in " The Host , " " Snowpiercer , " and " Parasite . "

  17. 曾导演过反乌托邦主题的气候变化科幻片《雪国列车》(2013年)的奉俊昊表示,电影《寄生虫》本土气息浓厚,可能无法被外国观众完全理解。

    Bong Joon-ho , director of dystopian climate-change sci-fi Snowpiercer ( 2013 ) , has said he thinks Parasite may be too localized to be " 100 % understood " by foreign audiences .

  18. 律动之水与消殒之雪&《边城》与《雪国》意象比较青:德国一名滑雪爱好者在滑雪。

    The Rhythmical " Water " and the Perishing " Snow " & A Comparison of Image between The Bordering Town and The Snow Country ; Cyan : A skier is skiing in Germany .

  19. 川端康成曾以《雪国》、《古都》、《千只鹤》等作品成为继泰戈尔之后,第二位获得诺贝尔文学奖的亚洲作家。

    Yasunari Kawabata ( 1899-1972 ), the second Asian writer winning the Nobel prize for literature after Tagore , is famous for such works as Snow Country , Thousand Cranes , The Old Capital , etc.

  20. 奉俊昊的科幻杰作《雪国列车》拥有他在《寄生虫》中体现的所有阶级斗争的思想,但这部由克里斯·埃文斯、宋康昊和蒂尔达·斯文顿主演的大片更契合当前社会的实际。

    Bong 's sci-fi masterpiece has all of the class-warfare ideas he refined in " Parasite . " But here , they 're scaled up to the level of a blockbuster . Starring Chris Evans , Song Kang-ho , and Tilda Swinton , " Snowpiercer " has only gotten more socially relevant with time .