
  • 网络Deep Water Bay;Deep bay;Deep Cove
  1. 三维水沙输移模型对深圳深水湾水沙输移的研究

    Study on 3D numerical modeling of suspended sediment transport in the deep bay , Shenzhen

  2. 他们在深水湾径(DeepWaterBayDrive)找到了一个理想之所,深水湾径是从深水湾道上蜿蜒分出的一条不起眼的支路,深水湾道是通向香港岛南区的主干道,每天上下班时间十分繁忙。

    Their search took them to Deep Water Bay Drive , an unassuming road that snakes off the main thoroughfare that carries busy commuter traffic down toward the south of the island .

  3. 李家决定搬到深水湾的房子。

    The Lis have decided to move to the flat in Deepwater Bay .

  4. 房子好极了。它靠近深水湾路。我喜欢住在乡下。

    Kitty : It 's great ! It 's near Deepwater Bay Road . I like living in the countryside .

  5. 这座城市里最贵的房产交易纪录由2011年位于深水湾道的一处住宅创造,成交价为每平方英尺8200英镑(出售时约合1.3万美元)。

    The record for the city 's most expensive deal is held by a house on Deep Water Bay Road that fetched £ 8 , 200 ( or about $ 13 , 000 at the time of sale ) per square foot in 2011 .

  6. 阿布朗佩利肯飞去的深水地平线在巴拉塔里亚湾,路易斯安那州,2010年5月25日溢油影响的一个岛屿。

    A brown pelican flies off an island impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Barataria Bay , Louisiana , May25,2010 .