
  • 网络bessarabia;bessarabian
  1. 1812年,它和土耳其比萨拉比亚或Bugeac都被俄国吞并,被叫做比萨拉比亚。

    It was annexed by Russia in1812 , together with Ottoman Bessarabia or Bugeac , and was called Bessarabia .

  2. 第一次世界大战末,比萨拉比亚宣布从俄国独立,并在1918年同罗马尼亚王国合并。

    At the end of World War I , Bessarabia proclaimed independence from Russia and united with the Kingdom of Romania in1918 .

  3. 在一战结束时,随着俄罗斯和奥匈帝国的瓦解,比萨拉比亚(今天摩尔多瓦的东部)和特兰西瓦尼在1918年与罗马尼亚王国结盟。

    At the end of the World War I , which brought the disintegration of the empires of Russia and Austria-Hungary , Bessarabia ( eastern part of today Moldova ) and Transylvania united with the Romanian kingdom in 1918 .