
  • 网络Specific gravity method;in AFI;Method of specific gravity;proportion method
  1. 为了找到一种适合研究羊毛热转移印花前架桥机理的方法,分别探讨比重法、差热分析(DSC)技术和X光电子能谱法(XPS)的可行性。

    The bridge-linking mechanism was tried with the specific density ways , the DSC ways and the XPS ways in the paper separately .

  2. 使用比重法(SG)检测顶叶皮层和纹状体的组织含水量。

    MethodsBrain water content of parietal cortex and striatum tissues are measured with specific gravity ( SG ) .

  3. 采用自由落体方式制作大鼠脑损伤模型,分别采用放射免疫分析方法及干湿比重法测血浆IL-1、ET值及脑组织含水量。

    The brain injury model was induced by free-falling method , the brain water content was measured with drying wet method , the plasma IL-1 , ET were detected by radioimmunoassay .

  4. 本文详细给出了电解液比重法、开路电压法和闭路电压法等几种检测SOC的方法,确定了蓄电池端电压为系统的控制参数。

    This paper gives several methods to detect SOC , such as electrolyte specific gravity method , open circuit voltage method and closed-circuit voltage method , regard the terminal voltage of battery as the control parameters of the system .

  5. 本文用聚氨酯离聚体材料作X射线小角度散射实验,同时还作了正电子湮没及比重法测量材料密度的辅助实验,以研究聚氨酯离聚体微畴体积随金属离子价改变。

    A sample of polyurethane ionomer is studied by small angle X-ray scattering , positron annihilation and density measurement . The experimental results demonstrate that the counter-ion radius , domain volume and density of polyurethane ionomer increase and free volume decreases with valency of the metal ion increasing .

  6. 本文从实证角度出发,运用区域内贸易比重法、巴拉萨模型,RCA指数等工具,分析了CEPA自签署以来祖国内地和香港的静态经济效应,并在此基础上提出了相应的政策建议。

    Applying intra-regional trade proportion , the Balassa model and RCA , this paper makes an empirical study on the static economic effect of Mainland and Hongkong since CEPA was implemented . Then puts on forward some suggestion on policies based on the analysis .

  7. 微比重法,测量脑组织比重;

    ( 2 ) measurement of brain tissue specific gravity ;

  8. 用比重法测定混炼硅橡胶中橡胶的含量

    Measurement of the Rubber Content in the Silicone Rubber Compound Using Specific Gravity Method

  9. 实验结果表明,这种时空结合方法可以较好地避免以往的比重法过分依赖于空间域分割精度的问题。

    Experimental results show that the novel algorithm can avoid the overfull dependence on the accuracy of the spatial segmentation as the usual Ratio Method does .

  10. 彻底排除玉器内空气的影响,比重法分析可准确判定严重受沁古玉器的物相组成;

    If the influence from air within the samples could be thoroughly eliminated , the components of the ancient jades can be precisely distinguished by gravity test .

  11. 方法利用组织比重法测定创伤后大鼠顶叶皮层和纹状体含水量的变化。

    Methods Brain tissue water content ( BWC ) was measured by the gravimetric technique in the cortex and striatum following traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) .

  12. 该方法操作简便、快速,将其应用于白酒中乙醇含量的测定,所得结果与比重法相近。

    This method had superiorities of simple operation and rapid determination . Its application in the determination of alcohol content had almost the same results as hydrometer method .

  13. 方法采用比重法、容量替代法、容量加和法,分别对溃疡糊、水晶膏、氧化锌搽剂进行最低装量检查。

    METHODS : The minimum loading capacities of ulcer paste , crystal ointment and zinc oxide liniment were examined by specific gravity method , capacity substitution method and capacity addition method .

  14. 方法采用改良的大鼠加速性脑创伤模型,利用组织比重法测定创伤后不同时间局部脑组织含水量的变化。

    Method By use of the model improved by impact-acceleration in rats , the regional brain water content was measured by means of gravimetric technique at different time points after traumatic brain injury .

  15. 方法:以产业组织理论中的进入壁垒理论为指导,运用产业超额利润率法、企业数目法、企业规模比重法,对我国医药产业的进入壁垒进行排序、分析。

    METHODS : Directed by the theory of the barriers to entry of the industry organization theory , the barriers to entry into the international pharmaceutical industry was ordered by using the methods of the excess profit , the enterprise numbers , and the proportion of enterprise scale .

  16. 文章利用农业结构指数结合比重法,比较分析了广东与河北两省1981年到2002年在农业总产值结构、作物类型结构、粮食作物结构、经济作物结构多样性方面的变化情况。

    Diversified Changes in structure of total agricultural output value , crop type area , grain crop area and economic crop area from 1981 to 2002 in Guangdong province in the south China and Hebei province in the north China are compared and analyzed with agricultural structure index and proportion .

  17. 本文在用比重瓶法测定切片石蜡(PC)比重并导出其比重与温度关系的基础上,通过对RE~(3+)&HQ-PC体系的研究。

    In this paper , on the basis of the relationship between density of PC ( Paraffin with Ceiesin ) and temperature have been obtained by solid-liguid extraction method .

  18. 比重瓶法测定土粒比重的PC-1500计算机计算程序

    Computation programs used in the determination of soil specific gravity with volumetric flask

  19. 测量粉末密度的两种比重瓶法误差的分析和对比

    The analysis and comparison to the two methods of tines density measurement

  20. GB/T15223-1994液体树脂密度的测定方法比重瓶法

    Plastics Liquid resins Determination of density by the pyknometer method

  21. 土壤质地田间测定直读式比重计法

    A simplified hydrometer method for soil texture determination in field

  22. 化学产品比重测定法

    Test methods for density and relative density of chemical products

  23. 颜料和扩展剂颜料普通试验方法:密度的测定-比重瓶法

    General methods of test for pigments and extenders : determination of density-pyknometer method

  24. GB/T6523-1986氧化铝粉末有效密度的测定比重瓶法

    Aluminium oxide powders Determination of effective density pycnometer method

  25. 比重瓶法与密度仪法测定香精密度相关性的回归分析

    Regression Analysis of Correlation between Pycnometric and Densimetric Determination of Relative Density of Flavor

  26. 土壤机械分析比重计法的研究

    Hydrometer method of mechanical analysis of soils

  27. 日前测定香精密度的方法主要有标准传统法(上标[1])-比重瓶法和密度仪法。

    The relative densities of flavors were determined by pycnometer ( standard method ) and densimeter .

  28. 针头注汞比重瓶法测定大孔树脂的表观密度

    The Measurement of the Apparent Density of Porous Resin Pycnometric Method Filling Mercury through Hypodermic Needle

  29. 用真比重分离法研究一种飞灰残炭的生成途径和再燃特性

    True density separation method for investigation of formation and combustion characteristics of unburned carbon in fly ash

  30. 采用比重瓶法,测定了不同温度下抚顺西露天矿油页岩的容重、比重、孔隙率。

    Determine the density , proportion and porosity of the Fushun oil shale under different temperature using the specific gravity bottle .