
máo yī
  • sweater;cardigan;woolen sweater;woolly;woollen sweater;wooly
毛衣 [máo yī]
  • [woolen sweater;wolly;cardigan] 机器或手工编织的毛线上衣

毛衣[máo yī]
  1. 多穿件毛衣也还顶事。

    It does serve the purpose to put on another woollen sweater .

  2. 家庭用消毒剂的学问微电脑控制装置在家用毛衣编织机中的应用

    The Application of Microcomputer Control Device in Household Woollen Sweater Knitting Machine

  3. 她站起身掸掉了毛衣上的面包屑。

    She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her sweater .

  4. 即使里面穿一件毛衣,这件外套也太大了。

    This jacket 's too big , even with a sweater underneath .

  5. 我想把这件毛衣换成一件其他颜色的。

    I think I 'll swap this sweater for one in another colour .

  6. 这件新毛衣很贴身。

    The new sweater was a tight fit .

  7. 你穿着那件毛衣一定很热!

    You must be boiling in that sweater !

  8. 洗毛衣要选择凉水程序。

    Select a cool programme for woollen clothes .

  9. 他只停下来穿了件毛衣就冲出了屋外。

    Pausing only to pull on a sweater , he ran out of the house .

  10. 我的毛衣缩水了。

    My sweater shrank in the wash .

  11. 我自己织的这件开襟毛衣。

    I knitted this cardigan myself .

  12. 他套上了毛衣。

    He pulled on his sweater .

  13. 栅栏把我的毛衣挂住了。

    The fence snagged my sweater .

  14. 这件毛衣真刺痒。

    This sweater really itches .

  15. 这件毛衣给撑得变形了。

    This sweater has stretched .

  16. 老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。

    The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side

  17. 她穿着那件经常穿的毛衣,戴着那串惯常戴的珍珠项链。

    She was wearing the obligatory sweater and pearl necklace .

  18. 她身穿黑色便裤和白色毛衣。

    She was wearing black slacks and a white sweater .

  19. 她的衣物主要是宽大的开司米毛衣和小巧的意大利凉鞋。

    Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals .

  20. 我戴着假睫毛,穿着小了两号的毛衣。

    I was wearing false eyelashes and a sweater two sizes too small .

  21. 他穿着套头毛衣和粗花呢夹克,脚蹬一双飞行靴。

    He was garbed in sweater , tweed jacket , and flying boots .

  22. 索菲娅跳起身来,扔下正在织的毛衣。

    Sophia jumps up and throws down her knitting

  23. 手边备一件薄的套头毛衣或开襟毛衫。

    Keep handy a lightweight sweater or cardigan

  24. 如果你针线活做得好,可以在自己的毛衣上绣几朵雏菊做点缀。

    If you 're handy with a needle you could brighten up your sweater with daisies .

  25. 一件衬衫和毛衣,再加一条普通的裤子就很不错,谢谢你。

    A shirt and jersey and an ordinary pair of trousers will do nicely , thank you

  26. 我所有的套头毛衣都缩水了。

    All my jumpers have shrunk .

  27. 他脱下毛衣,将它卷成一个枕头,然后在草地上躺了下来。

    He took off his sweater , rolled it into a pillow and lay down on the grass

  28. 大部分时间里我都穿着厚厚的毛衣来保暖。

    I spent much of my time bundled up in sweaters in an effort to keep warm .

  29. 所以萨拉把她旧的毛衣和长裙打包寄给了简。

    So Sarah bagged up her old woollies and frocks and sent a parcel off to Jane .

  30. 钱德拉夫人已经收到了5个孩子每人一件的毛衣,她说这下冬天就不那么难挨了。

    Mrs Chandra has received one sweater for each of her five children and says that the winter will not be so hard now