
mín shì xínɡ wéi
  • civil act;civil disposition
  1. 民事行为无效规则在票据法中的适用

    Applying the rules of invalid civil act to negotiable instruments

  2. 内容违法民事行为的效力研究

    Research on the Validity of Illegal Current Civil Act

  3. 第十七条无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的精神病人,由下列人员担任监护人:

    Article 17 A person from the following categories shall act as guardian for a mentally ill person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct :

  4. 第十二条十周岁以上的未成年人是限制民事行为能力人,可以进行与他的年龄、智力相适应的民事活动;

    Article 12 A minor aged 10 or over shall be a person with limited capacity for civil conduct and may engage in civil activities appropriate to his age and intellect ;

  5. 合伙人应当为具有完全民事行为能力的人。

    Partners must be persons with full capacity for civil acts .

  6. (一)无民事行为能力人实施的;

    Those performed by a person without capacity for civil conduct ;

  7. 成年人民事行为能力&从行为主义到意思主义

    Adults ' Civil Capacity & From Behavior Capacity to Mental Capacity

  8. 民事行为能力制度的功能发展和价值分析

    Functional Development and Reference Significance in the Civil Behavior Ability System

  9. 因而,当事人主义诉讼模式必然肯定证据契约这一民事行为方式。

    Therefore , adversary system is bound to contain evidential agreements .

  10. (一)被代理人取得或者恢复民事行为能力;

    When the principal gains or recovers capacity for civil conduct ;

  11. 你是不是说每个成年人都具有完全民事行为能力?

    Do you mean every adult has full capacity for civil conduct ?

  12. 双方均具有完全民事行为能力。

    Both the man and the women shall have completely civil capacity .

  13. 论公司经营范围与民事行为能力

    On Company ′ s " Management Restriction " and Civil Action Capacity

  14. 关于与非完全民事行为能力患者进行医患沟通的几点思考

    Reflections on the doctor-patient communication with non-full civil capacity patients

  15. 民事行为与行政行为的构成要件比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Constituting Elements of Civil and Administrative Actions

  16. 识别民事行为主体的基本方法因识别的内容不同而有所区别。

    There are several methods to recogniziaze the subject in civil disposition .

  17. 该规定旨在更好的保护无民事行为能力学生的合法权益。

    The rule is intended to protect youngstudents ' legal rights better .

  18. (三)代理人丧失民事行为能力;

    When the agent loses capacity for civil conduct ;

  19. 81例民事行为能力司法精神医学鉴定分析

    Analysis of forensic civil liability assessment in 81 cases

  20. (一)行为人具有相应的民事行为能力;

    The actor has relevant capacity for civil conduct ;

  21. 人身损害赔偿中精神障碍者民事行为能力评定

    Civil Competence Assessment of the Mental Disorders Involved in Compensation of Personal Injury

  22. 精神障碍者民事行为能力标准化评定初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Civil Competence Standard Assessment of the Mentally Disordered

  23. 不动产登记是民事行为还是行政行为。

    Second , whether the real estate registration is civil or administrative action .

  24. 但对于因此类无效民事行为而引发的法律后果,各国规定却不尽一致。

    The legal effects resulted from these kinds of invalid acts are different .

  25. 论法人的民事行为能力

    On the Civil Action Ability of the Artificial Person

  26. (二)无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人订立的仲裁协议;

    An arbitration agreement concluded by persons without or with limited capacity for civil acts ;

  27. 论无效民事行为的法律后果

    On Legal Consequences of Void Civil Conducts

  28. 第四节认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件

    Section 4 Cases Concerning the Adjudgment of Legal Incapacity or Restricted Legal Capacity of Citizens

  29. 不动产登记行为本质上是民事行为,而非行政行为。

    The real estate registration behavior essentially is a kind of civil behavior and non-administrative behavior .

  30. 论民事行为主体识别

    On subject recognition in civil disposition