
è yì chuàn tōnɡ
  • malicious collusion;malicious conspiracy
  1. 第四十一条竞买人之间恶意串通的,拍卖无效。

    Malicious collusion between bidders makes the auction invalid .

  2. 参与恶意串通的竞买人应当承担拍卖船舶费用并赔偿有关损失。

    Any bidder involved in malicious collusion shall pay expenses for auctioning the ship and compensate losses incurred .

  3. 诉讼调解中恶意串通行为的法律规制

    The Laws and Regulations of Malicious Collaboration in Litigation Mediation

  4. 串通拍卖行为的刑法规制及其立法完善&对一起恶意串通拍卖案件的实证分析论恶意串通损害他人利益的合同

    Discussion on Perfecting Criminal Law about Collusion of Auction Research on Collusive Contract

  5. 恶意串通合同为我国法律所独创的一类病态合同。

    Malicious collusive contract is a sort of original creative morbid contract in China .

  6. 我国法律用了最为严厉的字眼,否定了恶意串通合同的效力。

    We use the most severe words denied malicious acted in collusion with the effectiveness of the contract .

  7. (四)恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的;

    Those that performed through malicious collusion are detrimental to the interest of the state , a collective or a third party ;

  8. 恶意串通之规定溯源于前苏联民法,又与虚伪表示存在千丝万缕的联系。

    The provisions of malicious collusion take its source at civil law of the former Soviet Union , but also associate with simulation .

  9. 恶意串通损害第三人利益的合同立法涉及到了保护国家利益和保护个人利益问题。

    Malicious acted in collusion with the interests of third parties contract involving legislation to protect the interests of the state and protect personal interests .

  10. 恶意串通合同是指双方当事人非法串通在一起,以损害国家、集体或者第三者的利益为目的而订立的合同。

    Malicious collusive contract is the contract illegally concluded by both parties with the purpose of damaging the interests the country , the collectivity and the third party .

  11. 息访协议的签订主体错误的;当事双方恶意串通损害国家利益的;明显侵犯公共利益等三种情况,息访协议应认定为无效。

    The wrong subject of the interest and visit agreement , both parties collude maliciously to damage the interests of the state , and public interests are infringed obviously .

  12. 恶意串通是我国民事立法的特有术语,立法规定发端于《民法通则》。

    " Malicious collusion " is a term unique to the civil legislation of China , which is first regulated in the " general provisions of the civil law " .

  13. 以期能通过严苛法律,有效威慑和打击恶意串通拍卖行为,规范市场经济秩序,保护国有、集体资产免遭流失。

    Hoping to through the harsh legal , effectively awing and fighting against the malicious auction behavior , regulating the market economy order , protecting state-owned and collective assets from erosion .

  14. 从要约与承诺的不同合同订立阶段着手,结合案例中原告提出的恶意串通问题及被告提出的原告诉讼地位适格性问题,根据合同相对性的特点对不同主体之间的关系进行分析。

    From the different contract offer and acceptance stage begins , we combine with the case of the plaintiff and the defendant malicious collusion problem the plaintiffs lawsuit status , problems .

  15. 非良性博弈均衡的表现形态主要有恶意串通型博弈均衡、消极抵抗型博弈均衡和被动适应型博弈均衡,并且它们大量地存在于社会各领域。

    Manifestations of the non-benign equilibrium are mainly malicious collusion game equilibrium , passive resistance game equilibrium , and passive adaptation game equilibrium , and they exist in all areas of society .

  16. 摒弃恶意串通的立法方式,明确第三人利益是特定第三人利益,虚伪表示主观要件上不再强调故意,细化恶意串通损害第三人利益合同效力的规定。

    Abandon the legislative ways in malicious , False expression on the subjective factor no longer stressed intentionally , Refine the validity of a contract In the third person refined malicious damage benefit provisions .

  17. 如双方当事人恶意串通,虚假起诉,利用自认规则骗取法院确定判决,以逃避真正债务。

    For example , the two parties have malicious collusion , false prosecution , or use the rule of self-admission to defraud the court and obtain the determined adjudication in order to avoid the real debt .

  18. 在重新审视学者们对恶意串通合同的分类标准的基础上,提出将恶意串通合同的效力划分为绝对无效和相对无效。

    Based on the scholars ' new-examination of the classification standards of the malicious collusive contract , the author proposes that the validity of the malicious collusive contract is divided into absolute invalid and relative invalid .

  19. 毋庸置疑,这种立法方式惩罚了订立恶意串通合同当事人双方,使其期待的非法利益不能实现,切实地维护了正常的社会交易秩序和社会公共利益。

    No doubt , this legislation to punish the way a malicious acted in collusion with the parties to the contract , make the illegal profits cannot come true , maintain the normal order of social exchange , social and public interests .

  20. 第五十九条当事人恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的,因此取得的财产收归国家所有或者返还集体、第三人。

    Where the parties colluded in bad faith , thereby harming the interests of the state , the collective or a third person , any property acquired as a result shall be turned over to the state or be returned to the collective or the third person .

  21. 不动产在合法拍定的情况下,会产生移转不动产所有权等正效力,在因竞买人恶意串通等原因导致拍卖无效的情况下,会导致重新拍卖等负效力的产生。

    When lawfully auctioned , real estate will produce positive effects such as transferring the ownership of real estate . When the auction becomes null and void due to such reasons as malicious collaboration of bidders , real estate will produce negative effects such as auction over again .