
è liè tiān qì
  • bad weather;severe weather
  1. GlobalInsight美国首席金融经济学家布莱恩贝休恩(BrianBethune)表示,恶劣天气削弱了消费者情绪。

    Brian Bethune , chief US financial economist at Global Insight , said that the severe weather had undermined consumer sentiment .

  2. 据NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特报道,恶劣天气不断向南移动,目前已致37人死亡。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliot reports 37 people have now been killed in the severe weather moving through the south .

  3. 探险队深受恶劣天气的困扰。

    The expedition was bedevilled by bad weather .

  4. 登山者突然遭遇了恶劣天气。

    The climbers were overtaken by bad weather .

  5. 这些补助金用于减轻农民因难以预测的恶劣天气而遭受的损失。

    The subsidies are designed to cushion farmers against unpredictable weather .

  6. 恶劣天气使今年的收成受到了损失。

    Unfavourable weather has had damaging effects on this year 's harvest

  7. 五角大楼称恶劣天气妨碍联合空袭。

    The Pentagon says bad weather is hampering the allied air raids

  8. 除非受恶劣天气干扰,南非邮船一般在星期五上午抵达。

    The South African mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened

  9. 恶劣天气使得油轮溢油的处理工作更为复杂。

    Bad weather continues to complicate efforts to deal with oil spilling from the tanker .

  10. 恶劣天气仍然可能使油轮船体遭受更多破损。

    It remains possible that bad weather could tear more holes in the tanker 's hull .

  11. 滑坡和恶劣天气仍在阻碍救援物资运送到该地区。

    Landslides and bad weather are continuing to hinder the arrival of relief supplies to the area .

  12. 为了补回恶劣天气耽误的时间,半决赛选手不得不一日双赛。

    The semi-finalists had to play twice in the day to make up for time lost to bad weather .

  13. 在恶劣天气的条件下着陆对于任何飞行员都是一项危险的工作,甚至极小的差错都可能酿成一场灾难。

    Landing in bad weather is a tricky task for any pilot , even the smallest error can lead to disaster .

  14. 洛阳机场TB飞行在恶劣天气下的气象保障

    The Meteorological Support Under atrocious weather on TB Flight in Luoyang Airport

  15. 为了保护用户免受恶劣天气(和狗仔队)的侵袭,VIP伞(69欧元)的特色是一张深深的钟形伞盖。

    For protection from the elements ( and paparazzi ), the VIP ( 690 euros ) features a deep bell-shaped canopy .

  16. 目测法和光学式手段不能满足恶劣天气及夜间观测的要求,重力、声学和水压式测波设备价格一般较贵,且若想得到位置信息还需另外加装GPS定位设备。

    Visual method and optical method can not meet the bad weather and night observation of the requirements . Gravity , acoustic and pressure-type wave measurement equipments generally are more expensive , and an additional GPS receiver is needed to offer its position .

  17. 正如去年我在专栏中写道的那样,经济学家艾米丽奥斯特(emilyoster)和泰德米格尔(tedmiguel)调查了恶劣天气和“女巫”被杀之间的关联。

    As I reported in a column last year , the economists Emily Oster and Ted Miguel have investigated the link between bad weather and " witch " killings .

  18. 但他警告说,中国提高利率不会对粮食价格造成影响,粮食价格上涨是受恶劣天气推动的,是CPI上涨的主要贡献者。

    But he warned that in China higher interest rates will have no impact on food prices , which are the primary contributor to consumer price inflation and have been exacerbated by bad weather .

  19. 在最近几周,中国拒绝了一系列美国战舰停靠访问香港的要求,其中包括美航空母舰“小鹰号”(kittyhawk),以及其它两艘躲避恶劣天气的较小舰只。

    Beijing has in the last few weeks refused permission for port visits to Hong Kong by a string of US warships including the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk , as well as two smaller vessels seeking refuge from bad weather .

  20. 而在两年前,这所坐落在塔巴斯科州州府Villahermosa西部平原的学校还以四座“帕拉帕”作为教室,持续遭到恶劣天气的极大影响。

    Up until two years ago , the school located in the savannah , west of the Tabasco state capital of Villahermosa , consisted of four palapas , which were continuously hit by bad weather .

  21. 针对洛阳机场主要训练机型TB-20的特点,结合实际业务,对洛阳机场明显的和隐含的恶劣天气下的气象保障方法进行总结。

    In accordance with the characteristics about the main training aeroplane type TB-20 in Luoyang airport , the author presented the meteorological support methods under the obvious and embedded atrocious weather in Luoyang airport according to the practical services .

  22. 恶劣天气已给农作物带来重大损害。

    The bad weather has done great damage to the crops .

  23. 冬季的恶劣天气带来了一些疯狂的事情。

    The winter weather is causing some crazy events out there .

  24. 他们忍受着恶劣天气的煎熬,表现了英国人典型的坚忍不拔的精神。

    They reacted to the appalling weather with typical British stoicism .

  25. 我做了一个很结实的风筝,等待着恶劣天气的到来。

    I built a strong kite and waited for bad weather .

  26. 一种恶劣天气下高速公路车流稳健控制方式

    A moderate expressway vehicle flow control under atrocious weather condition

  27. 再次,本文针对恶劣天气下自适应控制方法进行了分析。

    Thirdly , the inclement weather adaptive traffic signal control is analyzed .

  28. 恶劣天气继续给中国大部分地区带来诸多不便。

    Bad weather is continuing to affect much of China .

  29. 联合国粮农组织将预期的成本提升主要归因于恶劣天气的影响。

    The FAO attributed the anticipated cost hikes largely to bad weather .

  30. 恶劣天气过后机场又重新运行了。

    The airport is operative again after the bad weather .