
dài diàn lì zi
  • charged particle
  1. 在这种情况下,带电粒子有一个简单的回转。

    In this case , a charged particle has a simple gyration .

  2. 带电粒子的参数X射线辐射及弯晶系统的稳定性

    Parametric X-ray Radiation of Charged Particle and Stabilities in Bent Crystal

  3. 等离子体是带电粒子和中性粒子组成的表现出集体行为的一种准中性气体。

    A plasma is a quasineutral gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective behavior .

  4. 它包含了与两个相等带电粒子凝聚增强因子中所包含的同样参数。

    It involves the same parameter as that involved in the enhancement factor for coagulation of two equally charged particles .

  5. 同性带电粒子间的碰撞作用减少凝聚率。

    Encounters of like charges act to diminish the coagulation rate .

  6. 大面积平面工艺Si带电粒子探测器研制

    Development of Large Area Si Detectors Based on Planar Technology for Charged Particles

  7. 46.7MeV/u~(12)C引起的弹核碎裂及轻带电粒子关联

    Projectile Fragmentation and Light Charged Particle Correlation Induced by 46 . 7 MeV / u ~ ( 12 ) C Ion

  8. 带电粒子X射线荧光分析

    Charged particle X-ray fluorescence analysis

  9. 用Lie代数方法分析了带电粒子束在二极磁铁中的非线性传输,包含了空间电荷效应。

    Lie algebraic methods are used in the analysis of nonlinear transport of charged particle beams in dipole magnets .

  10. 氟化锂(LiF)热释光探测器对带电粒子的响应主要依赖于粒子的传能线密度(LET)。

    Response of LiF thermoluminescence ( TL ) detector to charged particle is dependent on particles ' LET .

  11. 通过改变Si(Au)探测器灵敏区厚度鉴别带电粒子的方法及应用研究

    The method and application of charged particles identification by adjusting the active thickness of Si ( Au ) detector

  12. 电流是RPC这种平板气体带电粒子探测器稳定运行的一个重要指标。

    The current of RPC ( Resistive Plate Chamber ) detector indicates the stable of the running .

  13. 本文用矢量分析方法,证明了带电粒子以初速度V0垂直进入匀强磁场中做匀速圆周运动。

    Through vector analysis , the article proves that electrified articles motion evenly in circles when vertically entering an equally intensified magnetic field with the initiate speed .

  14. 而在无机液晶中很多体系属于胶体体系范畴,如:锂皂石、蒙脱土、LDH等,并且多数为带电粒子。

    However , many kinds of mineral liquid crystals are colloidal suspensions and charged , such as laponite , montmorillonite and LDHs etc.

  15. 高能带电粒子Fokker-PLanck方程的数值解

    The numerical solution of the energetic charged particle Fokker-Planck equation

  16. 等离子体中带电粒子在电磁场中的运动用PIC方法模拟,而各粒子间的碰撞用MonteCarlo方法来模拟,碰撞类型主要考虑对目标同位素离子损失影响最大的电荷交换。

    The movements of the charged particles in the plasma were simulated by PIC and the collisions were simulated by the Monte Carlo method .

  17. 讨论了如何利用计算机来模拟带电粒子在各种磁场中的运动的轨迹和动态的运动过程,并给出了用C语言编写的程序及运行结果。

    This paper discusses how to simulate with computers the movement track and dynamic movement process of charged particles in various magnetic fields , and presents the routine programmed with C language and its operating results .

  18. 空间带电粒子探测以及空间X射线的探测是空间环境探测中最主要的内容。

    Space explorers for charge-particles detecting and those for solar X-ray detecting are kernels of space environment monitoring systems for space charge-particles monitoring and space soft 、 hard X-ray monitoring respectively .

  19. ACE探测到的是一股凶猛的太阳风,即不断从太阳中流出的带电粒子。

    What ACE detected was a violent gust of " solar wind ", the constant flow of charged particles from the sun .

  20. 磁单极子-带电粒子的Fokker-Planck方程

    Fokker-Planck Equations For Magneto-monopoles and Charged Particles

  21. Landau规范下均匀磁场中带电粒子圆心相干态计算

    Calculation on Center coherent states of charged particles in a uniform magnetic field under Landau gauge

  22. 用于带电粒子鉴别的BGO探测器

    BGO detector used to identify charged particles

  23. Maxwell电磁理论用于线度可趋近于零的粒子时,会出现发散困难和带电粒子自行加速困难。

    When the Maxwell 's electromagnetic theroy is used in the charged particle as its diameter approaches zero , there will arise two difficulties .

  24. 在此基础上,利用PIC方法计算了带电粒子束流在电磁场中的运动情况、空间分布以及空间电荷效应对电场分布的影响。

    Also , the movement , distributions of charged stream , and the space effect on the electric field are calculated with PIC method .

  25. 结果表明,在等离子体参量不稳定性的激发过程中,Langmuir波和离子声波得以增强以及带电粒子流由于泵波与Langmuir波(离子声波)的耦合而加速;

    The results show that Langmuir and ion-acoustic wave get enhanced and the charged particles can be accelerated by the coupling of wave-wave .

  26. Au-Si面垒探测器及其在鉴别带电粒子研究中的应用

    Si-Au detector development and its application for charged particle identification

  27. 报道了BGO晶体作为带电粒子探测器的制作、测试结果,并在核物理实验中与Si(Au)穿透型探测器一起组成ΔE-E探测器望远镜,对带电粒子进行了鉴别。

    A Δ E-E telescope detector composing of a BGO crystal and a penetrated Si ( Au ) detector has been used to identify the charged particles in heavy ion experiments .

  28. 前人的有关AB效应的研究明显地表明,在电磁场中运动的带电粒子或者带电偶极矩的中性粒子将会产生量子相位。

    The studies concerned about AB effect clearly show that charged particle or the particle with dipole moment moving in an electromagnetic field can produces the AB phase .

  29. 描述了一个5×5阵列带电粒子PHOSWICH闪烁探测器望远镜结构。

    This paper describes a 5 × 5 Phoswich telescope detectors array .

  30. 广延大气簇射(EAS)中次级带电粒子在地磁场中偏转,影响次级粒子的横向分布。

    The deflection of the secondary charged particle trajectories of EAS in the geomagnetic field distorts the lateral distribution of the secondaries .