
  • 网络girdle bone
  1. 他在她胸肢带骨的变形周线间漫步。

    He walked among the displaced contours of her pectoral girdle .

  2. 带骨兔肉脯的加工与贮藏

    The processing and storage of dried hare meat with bone meal

  3. 你可以带骨、无骨或整个购买。

    You can buy them bone-in , boneless , or whole .

  4. 牛属动物肉,带骨,鲜的或冷藏的

    Meat of bovine animals with bones in fresh or chilled

  5. 胸带骨许多脊椎动物的胸带骨中的一块。

    One of the bones of the pectoral girdle in many vertebrates .

  6. 牛属动物肉,不带骨,加盐包装作为运输期间的暂时保存措施

    Boneless meat of bovine packed with salts a temporary preservative during transport

  7. 多针张力带骨外固定治疗跟骨开放性骨折

    Treatment of Calcaneal Open Comminuted Fracture with Multi Pin Tension Band External Fixation

  8. 关节镜下带骨软骨镶嵌移植修复软骨病损

    Mosaicplasty osteochondral grafting to repair cartilaginous defects under arthroscopy

  9. 不,我要带骨牛排。

    No , I 'd like a T-bone steak .

  10. 扭转伤引起的病例常伴有带骨块撕脱应正确处理。

    The accompanied fracture should be properly treated in cases of torsion injuries .

  11. 盐渍处理过的带骨腰肉。

    From a boned strip of cured loin .

  12. 您有把握把带骨牛排烧得很嫩吗?

    Do you guarantee it 'll be tender ?

  13. 将兔骨制成食用骨粉,兔肉斩成肉糜,制成带骨兔肉脯。

    The dried hare meat was made of bone meal and minced meat of hare .

  14. 带骨栓逆行交锁钉治疗股骨髁间骨折疗效分析

    The management of the femoral intercondylar fracture with the retrograde locked intramedullary nail and bone stopper

  15. 好吧,我建议您点一份带骨牛排,味道可好呢。

    Yes , I suggest you have our good broiled t-bone , please . it 's delicious .

  16. 骨盆带骨由骼骨、坐骨和趾骨组成;

    The pelvic girdle is called the coxae which is formed by the ilium , ischium and pubis .

  17. 后肢骨骼也分为骨盆带骨和游离部骨。

    The bones of the pelvic limb are also divided into the pelvic girdle bones and the mobility part bones .

  18. 星期二抵达韩国的美国带骨牛肉的一部分有可能仅三天之内就会在商店上架出售。

    A portion of Tuesday 's US beef shipment may be ready for store shelves in as few as three days .

  19. 自从韩国大约在5年前禁止美国牛肉进口以来,首批美国带骨牛肉运抵韩国。

    The first cuts of US beef with bones have arrived in South Korea since they were banned nearly five years ago .

  20. 带骨间前动脉蒂的桡骨瓣移植治疗腕舟骨骨不连骨坏死

    Transplantation of Reverse Radial Bone Graft with Pedicle of Dorsal Branch of Anterior Interosseous Artery for Treatment of Scaphoid Nonunion and Its Necrosis

  21. 对厦门3头中华白海豚成体标本S6、S7、S10的脊柱、肋骨、胸骨及肢带骨进行了系统研究。

    The systematic study was conducted on the vertebrae , ribs , sternum and limbs of S_6 、 S_7 and S_10 from Xiamen Harbour .

  22. 韩国检疫人员星期二开始检疫程序,以批准美国带骨牛排在韩国市场销售。

    South Korean quarantine inspectors began the process Tuesday of admitting beef ribs from the United States for sale in the country 's markets .

  23. 早些时候空运抵达韩国的这批牛肉,结束了近5年来在韩国根本无法买到美国带骨牛肉的局面。

    The beef arrived earlier by airplane , ending a total absence of bone-in US beef in South Korea that lasted nearly five years .

  24. 这对肉类的处理程度来说也是一样的&带骨带皮的鸡要比脱骨脱皮的鸡胸脯便宜很多。

    This is true of cuts of meat as well-chicken with the skin and bones intact costs a lot less than skinned boned chicken breasts .

  25. 他一天要接多达40个电话,问他是否卖美国带骨牛肉。

    He says he has been getting up to forty telephone calls a day requesting so-called " LA Kalbi , " or U.S. beef with bones .

  26. 韩国去年同意有限度地恢复进口不带骨美国牛肉,但是在一些交货牛肉上发现带有骨头碎片之后,韩国重新禁止进口美国牛肉。

    South Korea agreed to a limited resumption of boneless beef last year , then re-imposed the ban after some shipments were found to contain bone fragments .

  27. 大山:我要一个汉堡包。不行,我要烤牛肉。不,我要带骨牛排。

    Dashan : Hmm. I 'd like a hamburger . No , I 'd like some roast beef . No , I 'd like a T-bone steak .

  28. 目的:研究带骨块的肌腱和肌腱结移植物嵌压固定法重建前交叉韧带的初始固定效果及组织学转归。

    Purpose : To investigate the initial fixation effect and histological outcome of anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL ) reconstruction with tendon knots and bone-tendon autograft implant fixation .

  29. 选择一端带骨块的自体股四头肌腱并制备Y形双束移植物,股骨侧双隧道,胫骨侧单隧道。

    Quadriceps tendon with patellar bone block was used for preparation of Y-shaped autograft . Double femoral tunnels and single tibial tunnel were precisely drilled respectively at their anatomical footprint .

  30. 1572年,英女王伊丽莎白一世的枢密院以创新性太小而拒绝了带骨把的刀子的专利权申请。

    In1572 the Privy Council of Elizabeth I , the queen of england , refused to grant patent protection to new knives with bone handles because the improvement was marginal .