
  • 网络band spectrum;band spectra;bandspectrum
  1. 这也有利于图像分割成重要性不同的子带光谱。

    It also facilitates the separation of image into spectral sub-bands of differing importance .

  2. Na2B&X带偏振光谱观察

    Observation of B-X Band Polarization Spectrum in Na_2

  3. 甲基的光解动力学和氧分子S-R(0,0)带的光谱研究

    Photodissociation Dynamics of CH_3 Radical and High Resolution Spectroscopic Study of the S-R ( 0,0 ) Band in O_2

  4. 碱性角闪石石棉羟带红外光谱研究

    Studies of hydroxyl bands in the infrared spectra of alkali amphibole asbestoses

  5. n维固体带间光谱中的振子物理特征通过n/2次积分算符的作用表现出来。

    The physical characteristics of harmonic oscillator in the interband spectra of an n-dimensional solid are exhibited by the action of n / 2-fold integral operator .

  6. 分别论述了基于蚀变岩空间结构信息的图像检测方法和基于蚀变岩特征谱带的光谱信息提取方法。

    This paper respectively discusses the image detection methods based on alteration rock spatial structure , and the spectral information recognition methods based on the feature spectra of altered rock .

  7. 使用相干检测技术,我们还实现了带内ASE光谱和信号光谱的监测。

    With the coherent detection technique , we also realized an in-band ASE spectrum signal spectrum monitoring .

  8. 用脉冲染料激光,观察了Na2B-X带线偏振光谱,实验做到蜂-峰可分辨波长小于0.05(?)

    The B-X band linear polarization spectrum in Na_2 is observed with the pulsed dye laser whose line width is no more than 0.16A . The distinguishable peak-peak wavelength is less than 0.05A .

  9. 采用三维时域有限差分(finite-DifferenceTime-domain,FDTD)算法模拟了由十字叉形开口的金膜周期结构组成的红外带通滤波器光谱性能。

    Using a three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) algorithm modeled the spectral behavior of infrared bandpass filters consisting of the openings of cross-shaped period structures in a thin gold film .

  10. 海岸带地物反射光谱测量与分析

    Applications of reflected light spectra of terrains of coastal zone in remote sensing

  11. 本论文发展并把分数维空间方法用于半导体带间跃迁光谱的分析上。

    The fractional-dimensional space approach has been developed and applied to direct interband transition .

  12. 提出了一种新型太阳光谱望远镜的建议,这种望远镜能够同时记录太阳日面观测区域的两维空间的色散(三维光谱),即一系列同步狭窄带通的光谱图像。

    Such a telescope can be formed with an array of sub-telescopes in each of which an image of the observed area is recorded at the different .

  13. 在高光谱成像装置中,传感器探测到目标对上百个不同波长的反射或者辐射强度,从而形成上百个连续谱带组成的光谱图像。

    In hyper-spectral imaging devices , the sensors detect reflection or radiation intensity of hundreds of different wavelengths from the targets , creating hundreds of continuous spectral bands .

  14. 采用氧合血红蛋白吸收带的漫反射光谱比率R(540)/R(575)检测人胃癌

    Gastric Cancer Detection Using Diffuse Reflectance Spectral Ratio R_ ( 540 ) / R_ ( 575 ) of Oxygenated Hemoglobin Bands

  15. CF3I分子ν4带高分辨激光光谱研究

    Diode laser infrared spectroscopy of cf_3i v_4 band

  16. GaAs/AlGaASFibonacci准周期超晶格带间跃迁的光谱研究

    Study of the spectroscopy of interband Tran-sitions for gaas / algaas Fibonacci quasiperiodic superlattices

  17. 独居石具有十分特征的拉曼和红外光谱,特别是PO3-4在拉曼光谱中的υ1、υ3谱带和在红外光谱中的υ1、υ4谱带是独居石区别其它磷酸盐矿物的重要标志。

    The monazites have marked spectral characteristics , especially their υ 1 , υ 3 Raman bands and υ 1 , υ 4 infrared absorption bands . The characteristics can distinguish between monazite and other phosphate minerals .

  18. 我想强调一点,这条光带被暗光带中断,称作光谱线。

    I want to notice this spectrum is interrupted by dark lines , called spectrum lines .

  19. 结果:电泳后凝胶带呈蓝色,光谱检测结果可相互解释。

    RESULTS : The gel band after electrophoresis took blue color and the results of spectrum determination accountable for each other .

  20. 光学滤光片在连续的光谱中用于透过一定宽度的光谱带或在线状光谱中提取某些辐射。

    Filter is used to transmit spectrum of definitive broad band in the continuous spectrum or to extract certain radiation in the line-spectra .

  21. 从遥感地学的方向入手,研究海岸带主要地物的光谱特征、形状特征、纹理特征等因素。

    From the remote sensing geological direction of coastal zone research main features of the spectral features , shape features , texture features and other factors .

  22. C2O分子2.7μ带谱带模型参数和光谱发射率的计算

    The calculation of band model parameters and spectral emissivity for the co_2 2.7 μ band

  23. 用解谱的方法,分别从着色氯化钾和溴化钾晶体吸收光谱中合理地分解出K、F、R、M和一些其它吸收带,并精确确定这些吸收带的光谱参数。

    The K , F , R , M and some other absorption bands were reasonably resolved from the absorption spectra of the colored crystals , and their spectral parameters were accurately determined by using spectral decomposition .

  24. 区带Ⅳ在PAGE中只显示一条带,光谱中有Chlb吸收肩峰,含有66和56kDa两种多肽,是较小的PSⅠ复合物CPⅠa。

    Zone ⅳ showed only one band in PAGE , and there was shoulder peak of Chlb in absorption spectra , containing 66 and 56 kDa peptides , so it was small PS I complexes of CP I a.

  25. 我们对比了超晶格纳米带和没有形成超晶格结构的In掺杂ZnO纳米带的喇曼光谱。

    We compared the Raman spectra of In doped ZnO nanoribbons with and without superlattice structures .