
  • 网络climatic optimum;climate optimum
  1. 在4870~2350aBP期间,气候从暖湿到温暖湿润,又从全新世气候适宜期转变为较湿润期。

    During 4870-2350 a BP the climate changed from warm-moist to warmer-moister and then changed from the Holocene climatic optimum to relatively moist .

  2. 中国全新世气候适宜期东亚夏季风时空变迁

    The temporal and spatial variation of EastAsian summer monsoon in Holocene Optimum in China

  3. 城市举办大型活动的气候适宜期及其确定方法

    The Climatic Suitable Period of Great Social Activities in Henan Cities and It 's Determination

  4. 全新世气候适宜期黄土高原及黄土/沙漠过渡区年降水量的初步恢复

    Preliminary reconstruction of annual rainfall in Loess Plateau and loess - desert transitional regions in suitable climatic period of Holocene

  5. 距今8500~3000年是全新世以来气候最佳适宜期,在我国称之为中国全新世大暖期或仰韶温暖期。

    The Holocene Climatic Optimum is equal to the Holocene Megathermal in China , or the Yangshao Warm Period in China , it is about 8500 ~ 3000 years ago .

  6. 气候适宜冬小麦播种期逐渐推迟;

    The suitable seedtime for winter wheat is gradually postponed .

  7. 根据湖北各产烟县市1961-2000年的气象资料,应用系统聚类方法,将全省烤烟种植区划分为5类气候区,并对其气候特点及适宜移栽期进行了分析。

    The flue-cured tobacco planting zone in Hubei Province could be classified as five regions with clustering method , based on the meteorological data from 1961 to 2000.The climatic characteristics and adequate transplanting time in these five regions were analyzed .

  8. 当时气候总体上是以干冷为背景,但也有干冷与暖湿的交替,在气候适宜期出现了比较暖湿的森林环境。

    With this background climate there were alterations of warm-wet and cool-dry climate .