
qì xiànɡ bào ɡào
  • Meteorological report;weather forecast;advisory
  1. 根据气象报告,这个风可能会接近沿岸。

    According to the weather forecast , the typhoon is likely to approach the coast .

  2. 气象报告说今晚的天气如何?

    What 's the weather forecast for tonight ?

  3. 这是一项关于U艇谜机的重要任务,德国11月以来使用的气象报告密码手册,在3月10日被更换了。

    It was another critical point for the U-boat Enigma , for on 10 March the codebook for the short weather report signals , on which the December breakthrough had been based , was withdrawn .

  4. 早晨的气象报告预测当天下午有雷阵雨。

    The morning forecast predicted thunder showers later in the day .

  5. 该报以详细刊登气象报告见长。

    The paper makes a feature of detailed weather reports .

  6. 气象报告明天天气如何?

    What 's the weather going to be like tomorrow ?

  7. 你知道明天的气象报告吗?

    Do you know the weather report for tomorrow ?

  8. 气象报告说有可能到摄氏二十六度。

    The weather report said it might get up to 26 degrees Celsius .

  9. 航海气象报告的语言特点及翻译

    Linguistic Features of Marine Weather Report and Its Translation

  10. 根据气象报告,今晚的风将会是凛冽的或是强烈的。

    The winds will be fresh or strong tonight , according to the weather report .

  11. 请不要在我收听气象报告时打扰我好吗?

    Do you mind not disturbing me while I am listening to the weather report ?

  12. 气象报告表明将有严重霜冻。

    Met reports indicate severe frosts .

  13. 送到这里的气象报告,都经过迈阿密国家飓风中心极仔细的分析。

    All incoming reports were given most careful analysis at the National Hurricane Center at Miami .

  14. 气象报告说明天会下雨。

    There 's rain forecast tomorrow .

  15. 气象报告说不会。

    The weather report says no.

  16. 航海气象报告对航行世界各地的船舶安全至关重要。

    Marine Weather Report is of vital importance to the safe navigation of vessels around the world .

  17. 查德:经过最近这么多误报后,你还相信气象报告啊?

    Chad : You still have faith in the weather reports , after all the recent mistakes ?

  18. ph.1.气象报告员只有气象工作人员才能提供大量有关过去的或未来的天气情报。

    It is the weathermen who can provide a great mass of weather information about the past or the future .

  19. 据说,前东德甚至修改气象报告以让人们感觉更好一些。

    The East German state , it is said , would even doctor the weather reports to make the population feel better .

  20. 本文利用国际船舶气象报告资料,统计分析了影响东海的37个台风。

    By use of the meteorological data from international ship 's report , 37 typhoons affecting the East China Sea are statistically analysed .

  21. 女:贾尔斯,首先,大多数人都知道中心为电视台和广播站提供气象报告,但是他们不是你们的唯一“顾客”。

    Woman : Giles , firstly , most people will know the Centre provides weather reports for TV and radio stations , but they 're not your only " customers " as they .

  22. 虽然这些民间方法很有趣,可并不总是准确,这说明最准确的气象报告只有当你朝外看时才能得到。

    Still , as interesting as these folk methods are , they are not always accurate & which means that the only sure weather report is the one you get looking out your window .

  23. 国家气象中心报告预测龙卷风将来袭

    And the national weather service reports several tornados touch down .

  24. 轿子山气象观测报告

    Report of the Meteorological Observation on the Jiaozi Mountain

  25. 第八次南极考察随船海洋气象考察报告

    Meteorological examination report of eighth Chinese Antarctic scientific expedition

  26. 第四次南极考察长城站越冬队极地海洋气象考察报告

    Marine meteorological investigation report of the china 's 4th Antarctic scientific expedition at Great Wall Station 1987-1988

  27. 午餐时分,收音机里气象员报告说,到下午就会变成浓雾。

    At lunchtime , the radio weatherman reported that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon .

  28. 而且每年的排放量都在增加。据世界气象组织报告,2011年又创下温室气体排放的记录。

    And we add still more each year . 2011 set another record for greenhouse gas emissions , according to the World Meteorological Organization .

  29. 国家气象中心报告,雾霾会从兵马俑之都西安蔓延开来,穿过中部一些地区,到达北京;北至沈阳和东北严寒之地哈尔滨。

    The National Meteorological Centre said the smog would stretch from Xian , home to the Terracotta Warriors , across part of central China , through Beijing and up into Shenyang and Harbin in China 's frigid northeast .

  30. 气象局每天报告天气状况。

    The weather bureau makes daily reports on weather conditions .