
qì xiànɡ qì qiú
  • weather balloon;pibal
  1. 这项任务是把一个HD高清摄像机系在一个太空探测气象气球上,放飞到同温层上面,拍摄地球外面的黑暗。

    The mission was to attach a HD video camera to a weather balloon and send it up into the upper stratosphere to film the blackness beyond our earth .

  2. 可能不是气象气球。

    It may not be a weather balloon .

  3. 仅仅是天上掉下来的一个气象气球,

    merely a downed weather balloon

  4. 根据气象气球收集的数据,下周一东海岸将有一场暴风雨。

    According to the weather balloon data , a big storm will reach the East coast next Monday .

  5. 目前气象气球充氢设备主要有浮力天平和平衡器两种。

    At present , there are two kinds of weather balloons hydrogen charging instruments-one is buoyancy balance , and the other equalizer .

  6. 1982年,拉里•沃尔特斯在庭院椅上绑上了许多气象气球,乘着他的“飞椅”升到了几千米高的空中,并横跨了整个洛杉矶。

    In 1982 , Larry Walters flew across Los Angeles in a lawn chair lifted by weather balloons , eventually reaching several miles in altitude .

  7. 从外星来的飞船吗?一颗卫星吗?一个气象气球?说不准?这就是被称为不明飞行物的原因!

    A spaceship from another planet ? A satellite ? A weather balloon ? Can 't tell ? That 's why it is called a UFO !

  8. 测量船也装备多种天气预报装置包括天气雷达、探测装置和气象气球,气象卫星图像接收终端机。

    The ships are also equipped with a range of weather forecasting equipments including weather radar , sonde , and weather balloon , meteorological satellite image receiving terminal .

  9. 本文针对自动经纬仪对气象气球的跟踪,实现了自动经纬仪自动跟踪系统中的图像处理算法。

    In this paper , aim to automatic theodolite used to track weather balloon , design and experiment the image processing algorithms of automatic tracking system in automatic theodolite .

  10. 你放心好了,本周末一定下雨.根据气象气球收集的数据,下周一东海岸将有一场暴风雨。

    You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend . According to the weather balloon data , a big storm will reach the East coast next Monday .

  11. 本文得出的分析结果可以预测气象气球的飞行特征,为充气凝胶体的生产提供理论参考依据。在一气象观测场对空气中含有的微生物量进行了观测。

    The results in present paper may be used to predict the performance of a meteorological balloon during flight and they are also helpful in the production of inflatable gels as a theoretical reference .

  12. 他把自己的手机和一部极限运动专用相机绑在充满氦气的气象气球上,气象气球升到了9万英尺的高空,相机在空中翻录下了手机上播放的一段他提前录制的视频。

    He sent a helium-filled weather balloon with his phone and and a GoPro camera attached to it 90000 feet in the air , and the camera captured his phone playing a pre-recorded message from space 。

  13. 所有的装载物大部分采用的是装在乒乓球里(称为乒乓卫星),这个方法是来自世界各地的学生们创造的将在这月的晚些时候由气象气球带入空中。

    All manner of payloads , a majority of them contained in ping pong balls ( dubbed pongsats ) created by students from all over the globe , will be carried by a series of weather balloons later this month .

  14. 我说,这可能是气象探测气球的一部份。

    I mean , it could be a piece of weather balloon .

  15. 几个星期后,拉里买了42个直径为1米的气象探测气球。

    A few weeks later , Larry bought 42 one-meter diameter weather balloons .

  16. 他看到喷气机从头顶飞过,就想到可以用气象探测气球来飞行。

    As he watched jets fly overhead , an idea came to him to use weather balloons to fly .

  17. 赖特把婚戒绑在一木制铲上,然后把木制铲栓在一个高空气象探测气球上。

    The ring was strapped to a wooden spatula , which was then tied to a high-altitude weather balloon .

  18. 于是,他把婚戒绑在一个气象探测气球上,并使气球升到3万米高空处。

    So , he strapped the engagement ring to a weather balloon and launched it 30 kilometres into the sky .

  19. 除了高性能的计算机,我们也有高频率的接收器,气象卫星和气象气球。

    In addition to high-performance computers , we also have high-frequency receivers , meteorological satellites , weather balloons , etc.

  20. 高精度大气压力传感器在地面气象站及探空气球与探空火箭中有着广泛的应用,该传感器的精度直接影响了气象预报的准确度。

    The high precision barometers have been applied widely in weather station , sounding balloon and sounding rocket , its precision directly works on the accuracy of weather forecast .

  21. 因气象业务从事施放气球活动,按照国务院气象主管机构的有关规定执行。

    Those who carry out balloon flying activities due to meteorological work shall be governed by the relevant legal provisions of the State Council 's institution in charge of meteorology .

  22. 气象卫星、观测气球、轮船、飞机和装备有灵敏监测设备的气象中心将数据传输给计算机,随后进行数据处理和天气预测。

    Satellites , balloons , ships , aircraft and weather centres with sensitive monitoring equipment , send data to computers . The data is then processed , and the weather predicted .