
  • 网络oxygen supply
  1. ARDS病人吸痰前后不同氧供方法对SpO2的影响

    Effect of Different Oxygen Supply Methods before and after Sputum Aspiration on SpO_2 in ARDS Patients

  2. 提示:AⅡ、ET-1、肾上腺素、CGRP、LPS、流速和氧供可能是AM和AT释放的调节因素。

    These data suggest that A ⅱ, ET-1 , epinephrine , CGRP , LPS , oxygen supply and flow tale may be the factors participating in the regulation of AM and AT release from rat aorta .

  3. 肝脏缺血再灌注损伤(Hepaticischemiareperfusioninjury,HIR)是指肝脏缺血后重获血流灌注或氧供后,肝脏损伤会在缺血缺氧损伤的基础上进一步加重。

    Background : Hepatic ischemia reperfusion ( HIR ) injury is a common acute disease of surgery .

  4. 方法以目标氧供600-1000ml/min为指标对40例肝移植患者实施术中管理。

    Methods Forty LTx patients were managed to ensure that intraoperative DO2 were maintained between 600 - 1000 ml / min.

  5. 结果:硬膜外阻滞后HR、MAP、SVR、门静脉血流和氧供下降;

    Results : HR , MAP , SVR , portal vein blood flow and oxygen delivery decreased significantly after epidural block .

  6. 结论:ASP时肠粘膜氧供减少,氧代谢障碍,肠粘膜内pH值降低,是肠粘膜屏障功能障碍的主要机制之一。

    Conclusions : Disorder of gut oxygen metabolism and decrease in gut intramucosal pH might be involved in the pathogenesis of gut mucosal barrier dysfunction associated with ASP .

  7. 结论对AMI急性期和恢复期患者进行康复治疗可增强其心脏功能,改善心肌氧供,提高生活质量。

    Conclusion Rehabilitation treatment can increase the heart function of patients with AMI , improve the supply of oxygen to myocardium and quality of life .

  8. 结论对ALI不同时期选择不同的机械通气策略,可更好的增加氧供,减少对呼吸、血液动力学的影响。

    Conclusions It can better increase DO 2 and decrease the bad effects of pneumodynamics and hemodynamic , when different ventilation tactics are chosen for the patients with ALI .

  9. 目的观察前列腺素E1(PGE1)对呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)病人氧供和氧耗及预后的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of prostaglandin E 1 ( PGE 1 ) on oxygen delivery and consumption in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) .

  10. IACP方法的脑氧供效果较为理想。

    A better oxygen supply can be achieved by IACP .

  11. 并根据公式计算出肠道氧供(DO2)、氧耗(VO2)及氧摄取率(O2ER);

    Calculated the oxygen supply ( DO_2 ), the oxygen consumption ( VO_2 ) and oxygen absorbing rate ( O_2ER ) by formula ;

  12. 结论TIPSS手术加重心脏负担,增加氧供,但机体通过代偿机制能够维持正常氧耗。

    Conclusion TIPSS may increase the preload of the heart , and elevate oxygen delivery . Oxygen consumption is maintained in normal range by the compensatory mechanisms of the body .

  13. 作者复制了家兔病理性氧供依赖性(POSD)模型。

    The present work successfully reproduced the pathological oxygen supply dependence ( POSD ) experimental model in rabbits .

  14. 以小剂量大肠杆菌内毒素分次注射复制了家兔病理性氧供依赖性(POSD)模型。

    The animal model of the pathological oxygen supply dependence ( POSD ) was made in rabbits by i.v.

  15. 结论:CABG术后1~4h时组织处于缺氧状态,应加强氧供。术后存在病理性氧供依赖现象,氧供临界值为362.7~395.8mL/(min·m2)。

    Conclusion After CABG , hypoxia keeps on existing , showing a pathologic oxygen supply dependency , its critical level of oxygen delivery is between 362.7 mL / ( min · m2 ) and 395.8 mL / ( min · m2 ) .

  16. 结论:G1组患者以肺循环高阻力和氧供不足为特征;而G2组患者以高排低阻,高代谢及氧利用障碍为特点。

    Conclusion : Patients in group 1 show a high pulmonary vascular resistance with insufficient oxygen delivery and those in group 2 have a high cardiac output with low systemic vascular resistance , high metabolism and obstacle of oxygen usage .

  17. 方法14例门脉高压患者行TIPSS治疗,分别于术前、术后30分钟和术后2周经右颈内静脉置入Swan-Ganz导管监测血流动力学和氧供、氧耗、氧摄取率。

    Methods Swan-Ganz catheters were inserted in 14 patients with portal hypertension and undergoing TIPSS . Hemodynamics and oxygen dynamics were monitored preoperation , 30 minutes and 2 weeks after operation .

  18. 采用文献资料法和实验法,研究了运用高强性间歇训练法运动时,机体的能源供给主要来源ATP-CP和有氧供能的能量;

    Through consulting documentation and experiential method , this paper makes a research on organic energy , which is mainly from ATP-CP and oxygen providing energy .

  19. 利用骨骼肌充分氧供离体孵育系统,采用氨基酸全谱分析仪测定脓毒症大鼠伸趾长肌(EDL)和比目鱼肌(SOL)蛋白降解率。

    We use the in vitro muscle incubation system with sufficient oxygen supply as well as amino acid automatic analyzer for detection of the proteolytic rate of extensor digitorium longus ( EDL ) and soleus ( SOL ) muscle .

  20. 目的:对急性肺损伤(ALI)病人进行呼吸机辅助呼吸比较不同值的呼气末正压(PEEP)对ALI氧供及氧耗的影响及其副作用。

    Objective : To compare effect of variant positive end-expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) on oxygen delivery ( DO 2 ) and oxygen consumption ( VO 2 ) and their side effects by placing patient of acute lung injury ( ALI ) on ventilation .

  21. 分别于用药后5、10、30、60min及停药30min测定血流动力学和缺血区心肌氧供、氧耗变化。

    The systemic hemodynamics , CBF , myocardial oxygen delivery and consumption of ischemic area were measured at 5,10,30,60 min respectively after inotropics administration and 30 min after the drug was stopped .

  22. 根据大脑Willis环解剖特点设计的经右锁骨下动脉持续脑灌注可以增加脑组织氧供,减轻缺氧缺血引起的脑损伤,减少术后神经系统并发症。

    According to the anatomy of Willis circle of cerebrum , continuous cerebral perfusion via right subclavian artery ( RSA ) can increase brain oxygen supply , lessen hypoxia-ischemia induced brain injury , and reduce nervous system complication after operation .

  23. 结论:羟乙基淀粉130/0.4术前AHHD可以明显改善血液流变学状态,有利于微循环灌注,改善局部氧供,提高术中断指再植的成活。

    CONCLUSION : AHHD with HES ( 130 / 0.4 ) can effectively maintain a stable hemodynamic status , improve the perfusion of microcirculation and local oxygen supply and promote the success rate of finger replantation .

  24. 目的:观察异丙酚在心脏瓣膜置换术中对氧供(DO2)、氧耗(VO2)、氧摄取率(ERO2)及氧合状态的影响。

    Objective : The effects of propofol on oxygen dilivery ( DO 2 ), consumption ( O 2 ), extraction rate ( ERO 2 ) and oxygenation state in patients undergoing valve replacement were studied .

  25. 各组药物预处理30min,进行冲洗15min后,观察缺氧无糖14min、复氧供糖1h各组海马脑片顺向群峰电位的变化。

    Slices were exposed to each group for 30 minutes and set with a 15-minute washout period , then slices were exposed to 14-minute oxygen and glucose deprivation period followed by 1-hour reoxygenation . The changes of orthodromic population spike after exposure to each group were observed .

  26. 体外循环期间氧供/氧耗平衡的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Balance Between Oxygen Delivery and Oxygen Consumption During Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  27. 实验性急性胰腺炎早期胰组织氧供及微循环

    Experimental Research on Pancreatic Oxygen Supply and Microcirculation in Early Stage of Acute Pancreatitis

  28. 重症先天性心脏病手术期间氧供量和氧耗量的变化

    Changes of perioperative oxygen supply and consumption in 32 patients with severe congenital cardiac disease

  29. 结论重症先天性心脏病手术期间存在病理性氧供依赖。

    Conclusions There is pathological oxygen supply dependance in the patients with several congenital cardiac disease .

  30. 犬失血性休克过程氧供不足与用氧障碍

    Deficient supply and inability in utilizing of oxygen in the process of hemorrhagic shock in dogs