
  • 网络Omethoate
  1. SV1对氧化乐果杀虫剂的毒力影响与增效研究

    A Study on the Toxicity of Omethoate Mixed with the Synergist SV_1

  2. 采用GC-MS手段追踪研究氧化乐果曲霉降解的中间产物及其累积规律。

    Using GC-MS , the intermediate product of the Aspergillus-aided biodegradation of omethoate was traced and its accumulation was studied .

  3. 小鼠氧化乐果急性中毒后心肌组织ATP酶及自由基代谢的变化

    ATPase Activities and Metabolism of Free Radical of Cardiac Muscle Tissue in Mice with Acute Oxide Dimethoate Poisoning

  4. 结果表明,植物源杀蚜剂X具有和防治蚜虫常用的氧化乐果、苦参碱等农药相当的效果。

    The results indicated that botanical aphicide X had equal or even better effects on prevention of aphids to common pesticide such as flolimat and matrine .

  5. 氧乐果又叫氧化乐果(C5H(12)NO4PS),是在农业生产中使用较为广泛的一种农药。

    Omethoate ( C5H12NO4PS ), a kind of pesticide , is widely used in agriculture .

  6. 采用Fed-Batch培养方式研究氧化乐果曲霉降解过程动力学。

    Employing the Fed-Batch culture method , the kinetics of biodegradation of omethoate was studied .

  7. 药效试验结果表明,10%吡虫啉WP、40%氧化乐果EC、啶虫杀+增效剂、20%灭多威EC对其防效均在87%以上。

    The trail of pesticides showed the 10 % Imidacloprid WP , 40 % Omethoate EC or 20 % Methomyl EC etc had better control effect .

  8. 杀虫剂氧化乐果(O,O-二甲基-S-(N-甲氨基甲酰甲基)硫赶磷酸酯)的14C标记合成经4步完成。

    ~ ( 14 ) C-Omethoate [ O , O-dimethyl-S - ( N-methyl carbamoyl-methyl ) phosphorothioate ] was synthesized by four steps .

  9. ICP-AES法测定纺织品中的十种元素2.检测农药品种:敌敌畏、甲胺磷、甲拌磷、氧化乐果、久效磷、乐果、甲基对硫磷、毒死蜱、对硫磷、马拉硫磷,共十种。

    Determination of Ten Elements in Textiles with ICP AES Method 2 . Pesticedes : Dichlorvos , Methamidophos , Phorate , Omethoate , Monocrotophos , Dimethoate , Parathion-methyl , Chlorpyrifos , Parathion-ethyl , Malathion .

  10. 其中氯菊酯和倍硫磷、马拉硫磷、敌百虫、氧化乐果,可使DPH探剂与线粒体膜结合后的荧光相对强度增加;

    The presence of Permethrin or Fenthion , Malathion , Trichlorfon and Omethoate increased the fluorescence intensity of DPH in the mitochondrial membrane .

  11. L-1的氧化乐果中正常生长,固定化光合细菌对氧化乐果的降解较非固定化有明显的提高,24h降解率达63.02%,最终可达到90.79%。

    The degradation of omethoate by immobilized PSB was found to be very effective . It has been discovered that the degradation rate was 63.02 % after treatment with 24 h , then reached to 90.79 % finally .

  12. 方法胆碱酯酶抑制剂氧化乐果在30mg·kg-1po中毒剂量(1.2个致死剂量,1.2LD)下,可诱发全部的受试昆明种小鼠死亡。

    Methods After administered with cholinesterase inhibitor omethoate at the toxic dose of 30mg · kg - 1 po ( 1.2LD ), all the mice were dead .

  13. 氧化乐果和阿维菌素对大叶黄杨叶表蜡质层的影响

    Effects of Omethoate and Avermectin on Wax Layer of Euonymus japonica

  14. 氧化乐果的毒理学研究及车间卫生标准的探讨

    The Study on Toxicology and Health Standard of Omethoate in Workplace

  15. 气相色谱和气相色谱/质谱法检测生物样品中氧化乐果

    Detection of omethoate in biomaterial by GC and GC / MS

  16. 分批补料反应器中氧化乐果曲霉降解动力学的研究

    Kinetics of Biodegradation of Omethoate by Aspergillus in Fed-Batch Reactor

  17. 等离子体对苹果和大白菜中氧化乐果降解效果的影响

    Effect of plasma on omethoate residue degradation in apple and Chinese cabbage

  18. 研究表明,氧化乐果生物降解属底物抑制过程。

    It was shown that biodegradation of omethoate was a substrate-inhibited process .

  19. 氧化乐果对雄性大鼠生殖毒性及作用机制

    Reproductive toxicity of Omethoate to male rats and its mechanism

  20. 钛基修饰氧化物电极降解氧化乐果的研究

    Preparation of Oxide Electrode and Application of Degradation Omethoate

  21. 大豆氧化乐果残留分析方法的研究

    Study on analysis method of Omethoate residues in Soybean

  22. 花椰菜中乙酰甲胺磷、氧化乐果两种农药残留的分离测定

    Separation and Determination of Two Pesticides Residues of Acephate and Omethoate in Cauliflower

  23. 有机溶剂对氧化乐果抑制离体大鼠膈肌的影响

    The effects of organic solvent on isolated rat diaphragmatic muscle inhibited by omethoate

  24. 气相色谱法测定蔬菜中氧化乐果农药残留量的测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation of uncertainty in determination of omethoate residue in vegetables by gas chromatography

  25. 小鼠急性氧化乐果中毒致肌无力的生化指标变化

    The Changes of Biochemical Indexes in Myasthenia Induced by Omethoate Poisoning in Mice

  26. 催化湿式氧化乐果农药废水及催化剂的研究

    Study on catalysts of catalytic wet oxidation of pesticide wastewater from dimethoate production

  27. 在最大施药浓度下,籽粒和豆荚中均未检测出氧化乐果的残留。

    There were no residue in pods and seeds under the highest concentration .

  28. 氧化乐果对烟碱样乙酰胆碱受体离子通道的阻断作用

    Blocking effects of omethoate on acetylcholine receptor channels

  29. 一株毛霉(Mucor.sp.)对氧化乐果降解作用的初步研究

    Study on the Degradation of Omethoate by Mucor

  30. 氧化乐果废水处理方法的探索

    A Report on the Treatment of Omethoate Wastewater