
yǎng huà lǜ
  • Oxidation rate;oxygenation efficiency
氧化率[yǎng huà lǜ]
  1. 针对某银铜矿含铜低、氧化率高、含银高的性质,采取了提高该矿经济效益的几项措施。

    According to the properties of bearing low copper , high oxygenation efficiency and high silver in a copper-silver ore , match the ores properly , strengthen the force of reagents and reform process to improve economic performance of the ore.

  2. 研究表明,咖啡可以增加最大脂肪氧化率,上午平均增加10.7%,下午增加29%。最大脂肪氧化率用于衡量身体有效燃烧脂肪的效率。

    The coffee dose was shown to increase maximal fat oxidation rate ( a measure of how efficiently2 the body burns off fat ) by an average of 10.7 percent in the morning and 29 percent in the afternoon .

  3. 结果表明:铬铁矿中杂质铁对Cr(Ⅲ)的氧化率无明显影响。

    The results show that the impurity of ferrous oxide has almost no effect on the oxidation rate of the trivalent chromium .

  4. 同时,计算结果显示Cl含量对Hg的氧化率的影响很大。

    Meanwhile , the calculation results also indicate a remarkable effect of Cl content on Hg oxidation rate .

  5. 实验结果表明,脱硝率和SO2氧化率均随反应温度升高而增加。

    The experimental results showed that denitrification rate and oxidation rate of SO_2 increased with the increase in reaction temperature .

  6. 单体氟碳铈矿在600℃焙烧2h,铈的氧化率大于90%;

    The bastnaesite is burned at 600 ℃ for 2 hours . The rate of oxidation of cerium (ⅲ) is above 90 % .

  7. 但是由于覆盖在催化剂的表面的单质S对光催化反应的阻碍作用,致使TiO2对CuS的氧化率并不随着反应时间的延长而增加。

    But photocatalytic oxidation rate of CuS does not increase with the photocatalytic time for the effect of forming sulfur .

  8. 烟气中的NH3和NO与SO2在催化剂表面竞争吸附,降低了SO2氧化率。

    NH_3 and NO in flue gas competed with SO_2 for adsorption on the surface of catalyst , and decreased the oxidation rate of SO_2 .

  9. 重铬酸钾法测定COD时,一般存在着该法对苯及其芳烃类的有机物氧化率偏低的问题。

    There exists a problem of lower percentage of oxidization to the organic matters of benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons when we determine the COD by the method of potassium dichromate titration .

  10. 结果表明:与曝气法相比,采用内置法时亚硫酸铵的氧化率有明显提高;较高的施加电压有利于亚硫酸铵的转化;气量越大,初始pH越小越有利于氧化反应的进行。

    The results showed that the oxidation efficiency of ammonium sulfite by built-in DBD reactor had an obvious increase compared with traditional air aeration . Higher applied voltage , bigger gas flow rate and lower initial pH value would benefit the oxidation of ammonium sulfite .

  11. 固定化细胞达到80%以上的氧化率所需时间比游离细胞提前了4d,其平均氧化速率是游离细胞的2.5倍。

    The time needed for the immobilized cells to achieve an oxidation rate of over 80 % was four days ahead that for free cells , with the average oxidation rate 2.5 times that of the latter .

  12. 电解时间相同时,每一个电流密度电解时间越短,越有利于提高电流效率,电解后期适当延长低电流密度电解时间可以使Ce(Ⅲ)的氧化率达到99%;

    The more shorter electrolysis time for every current density , the more higher current efficiency and oxidation rate . The oxidation rate and current efficiency could reach up to 99 % and 80 % above respectively under the appropriate long electrolysis time of low current density .

  13. 较理想的工艺参数为:对8.69gCr(OH)3,当pH维持在13.5,反应时间为40分钟时,消耗29mLH2O2、14.6gNaOH,氧化率达92.1%。

    The optimum process parameters are as follows : for 8.69g Cr ( OH ) _3 maintaining the pH value at 13 . 5 , 29 mL H_2O_2 and 14 . 6 g NaOH were consumed . 40 minutes later , the oxidation rate was 92 . 1 % .

  14. 在2W的输入功率下,当烟气在反应器内的滞留时间从85s增加到34.2s时,NO的氧化率只从54.5%提高到57.6%。

    The NO oxidation rate increased only from 54.5 % to 57.6 % at 2W input power when the reside time of flue gas in the reactor increased from 8.5s to 34.2s .

  15. 单质汞氧化率较高的温度窗口集中在950~1150K。脉冲电晕低温等离子可以有效地脱除烟气中NO和S02,并促进单质汞的氧化。

    The temperature window for the higher oxidizing rate of the elemental mercury focused on the 950-1150K . The pulse corona discharge removes NO and SO2 effectively , and prompt the oxidation of elemental mercury .

  16. 结果小型猪烧伤后蛋白质氧化率缓慢升高,NPRQ明显降低,生长激素治疗组NPRQ的降低幅度明显高于非生长激素治疗组,但两组蛋白质氧化率比较差异无显著性。

    Results After burns the oxygenation rate of protein increased slowly , with NPRQ reduced significantly . The extent of reduction was higher in GH group compared to the control group , but there was no significant difference in oxidation rate between the two groups .

  17. 钒回收率80.9%,钒氧化率90.4%,半钢收得率93.94%。

    Vanadium oxidizing rate 90.4 % ; semi-steel yield rate 93.94 % .

  18. 柴油机中碳微粒氧化率的测量

    Measurements of Carbon Oxidation Rates in a Diesel Engine

  19. 提高褐锰矿氧化率的试验研究

    Research on raise braunite oxidation ratio

  20. 生长激素对烧伤猪蛋白质氧化率及非蛋白呼吸商的影响

    Effect of growth hormone on non-protein respiratory quotient and oxidation rate of protein after burn injury

  21. 铈的氧化率大于98%,铈的收率大于99%。

    The oxidation percentage of cerium is over 98 % , and the recovery over 99 % .

  22. 论述了采用摇床重选一重选尾矿浸出的选冶联合工艺是处理某高氧化率铅矿的有效方法;

    It is effective way to use beneficiation-metallurgy process that istabling-tailings leaching to treat high oxidation lead ores .

  23. 最近获得的资料表明,氧化率可能是一个比以前想象的更为重要的可变因素。

    The recent findings indicate that rate of oxidation may be a more important variable than previously assumed .

  24. 根据实验结果,建立了以氧化率为目标的数学模型。

    On the basis of the experimental results the mathematical model of oxidization for W powder has been established .

  25. 应用正交试验法确定了密封恒温法消解试样的最佳条件,此方法有机物的氧化率为98.33%~99.50%。

    The optimum determination conditions were established . The proportion of oxidation for organic compounds is ≥ 98.33 % .

  26. 厂坝铅锌矿矿石性质复杂、氧化率高,闪锌矿、方铅矿与脉石嵌布关系密切;

    Changba the complex nature of lead-zinc ores , oxidation rate , sphalerite , galena and gangue fabric embedded close ;

  27. 硫化矿氧化率测定问题的研究Ⅰ.硫化锌矿中氧化锌的分离测定

    Investigation on the Determination Problems for the Oxidized Ratio of Sulfide Ores I. Separation and Determination of Zinc Oxides in Sphalerite

  28. 造成金属损失的主要原因是矿石氧化率偏高,部分硫化矿物嵌布极细,磨矿不够细。

    The mian reason of metal losing is high oxidation ratio , part - fine dissemination copper sulphide ore and no fine grinded ore.

  29. 铜物相分析表明该铜矿石氧化率为44.82%,结合率为12.18%。

    Mineralogy studies show that , the oxidation rate of copper ore is 44.82 % and the combined rate of copper is 12.18 % .

  30. 在离体心脏灌注工作试验中,测定葡萄糖和脂肪酸的氧化率及其在胰岛素刺激下的变化情况。

    Glucose ( GO ) and fatty acid ( FAO ) oxidation rates aswell as insulin response were measured in the isolated working heart .