
  1. 此外,对氧化锑矿难选的原因进行了探讨。

    The difficulties in antimony oxide ore flotation are also discussed .

  2. 难选氧化锑矿的真空热还原

    Vacuum thermal reduction of DIFFICULTY-DRESSED antimony oxide ore

  3. 伊朗某难选氧化锑矿选矿新工艺研究

    New process study on difficult dressing antimony oxidized ore in Iran some antimony ore

  4. 对难选氧化锑矿的真空热还原作了理论上的分析,并报道了试验的结果。

    Vacuum carbon thermal reduction of difficulty-dressed antimony oxide ore is theoretically discussed and the experimental results are shown in this peper .

  5. 本文通过浮选试验,ζ-电位测定,吸附试验等,初步研究了Mn~(2+)离子对细粒氧化锑矿浮选行为的影响。

    Based on flotation tests , Zeta potentiometric determination and adsorption tests , a preliminary investigation is made of the influence of Mn ~ ( 2 + ) on the flotation of fine antimony oxide ores .