- 名water monster

[water monster] 传说中的生活在水里的怪物,通常是体形大,性残忍
There is no real fact that a monster lives in Loch Ness , but there is also no fact that one doesn 't live .
DC 's Swamp Thing was botanist Alec Holland , who became an avatar of the Green following his death in a swamp .
The snap was taken on a camera-phone by terrified IT graduate Tom Pickles , 24 , who said an animal the size of three cars sped across the lake in front him last Friday . '
He never saw clearly enough to find Nessie - except on that one day in 1972 , when he had been too moved and excited to work the Super-8 camera that shook in his hand .
He had fought against evil water monsters for eight years .
We can not use that thing to seize Shuiguai !
Remarkable ! But how did you manage to slay the beast ?
Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster ?
So here alized this pond must be possessed by a water demon .
Robert Rines , scientist and Nessie-hunter , died on November 1st , aged 87
The revelations are made by author David Clarke in his book Britain 's X-traordinary Files .
I 'm kind of thirsty . I wonder if there 's a liter-sized soda glob anywhere ?
The Royal Scottish Museum wrote to Sir Godfrey staking Edinburgh 's claim to the carcass . '
Mr Rines thought the Latin moniker had clinched it . But his evidence was still too sparse .
Sir Peter , better known for geese , painted a picture of a pair of them plumply swimming .
The KML file has been updated , so you can see the location of all of the fresh imagery .
There was genuine outrage at the possibility that the corpse of the monster might be taken for display in London .
The Scottish Office opened a file on Nessie in December 1933 after being bombarded with inquiries following sightings that year .
The documents also reveal that many years later Prince Philip even suggested calling in the Royal Navy to search for the creature .
The campaign was led by Inverness MP Murdoch MacDonald , who assured the Scottish Secretary Sir Godfrey Collins the creature was no myth .
Emerging from the mist with oily black skin and three eerie humps , this picture reveals a mystical looking beast gliding through the lake .
Evidence of its presence can be taken as undoubted . Far too many people have seen something abnormal to question its existence , he wrote .
According to more documents found in Edinburgh , pressure was already growing for a special Act of Parliament to prevent Nessie being killed or captured .
In March 1934 an unnamed official at the National History Museum made no bones about how he thought bounty hunters should deal with the creature .
His favourite reading then was Constance Whyte 's " More than a Legend ", which argued for the creature 's existence with testimony from witnesses she knew .
He demanded a Bill be put before Parliament to protect the creature , but Sir Godfrey advised there was ' no law for the protection of monsters .
In the middle of the20th century , a big rumor arose and was transmitted far and wide that there existed " hairy men " and " water monsters " .
But while Scotland hoped that the bounty hunters could be kept at bay long enough to get new laws passed to protect her , London preferred her shot on sight .
But back in the 1930s the Scots feared that such a thing was all too possible , according to newly revealed papers , and fought to ensure she stayed north of the border .
Even close family members , taken reverently into the " Nessie room " in his Boston apartment or instructed never to be without cameras on Scottish holidays , could not quite understand his obsession .