
  • 网络Rural Tourism;village tourism;agritourism
  1. 基于GIS的福州郊区乡村旅游开发研究

    Study on Development of Rural Tourism in Fuzhou Suburbs Based on GIS

  2. 乡村旅游发展PPT战略思考

    The PPT Strategic Thought on the Development of Rural Tourism

  3. 我国乡村旅游高级化的产品设计导向

    Guiding of the Advanced Design of Country Tourism Production in China

  4. 进入21世纪,乡村旅游在我国已经悄然兴起。

    Country tourism has been rising quietly since the 21st century .

  5. 第二部分为乡村旅游基础理论部分。

    The second part is rural tourism 's basic theoretical part .

  6. 国外乡村旅游始于19世纪中叶的法国。

    The agritourism abroad began in France in middle 19th century .

  7. 湖南乡村旅游资源整合与竞争力提升探析

    Conformity and competency improvement of rural tourist resource , Hunan Province

  8. 1997年-2003年国内乡村旅游研究文献分析

    An Analysis on the Domestic Documents of Rural Tourism in 1997-2003

  9. 浅析乡村旅游的区域品牌之路

    Analysis on the Road of Regional Brand of the Rural Tourism

  10. 福建省乡村旅游景观中乡土建筑景观营造研究

    Study on Vernacular Architecture Landscape Construction in Fujian Provincial Rural Tourism

  11. 乡村旅游发展中的主客关系研究

    An Analysis on Host - guest Relationship in Rural Tourism Development

  12. 近年来,乡村旅游迅速发展,并成为中国农村反贫困战略的重要实践。

    Country tour is developing very quickly in the recent years .

  13. 消费者对乡村旅游的认知和态度调查

    Investigation on the Consumer 's Cognition and Attitude to Rural Tourism

  14. 乡村旅游;旅游者偏好;发展对策;

    Rural Tourism ; Tourist 's Preferences ; Countermeasures of Development ;

  15. 关于广西乡村旅游人才建设的战略思考

    Strategies thought on the talent construction of rural tourism in Guangxi

  16. 乡村旅游中的公地悲剧研究

    Study of " The Tragedy of Commos " in Rural Tourism

  17. 土地流转方式下的乡村旅游开发博弈分析

    The game analysis of rural tourism development under land transfer mode

  18. 乡村旅游可持续发展的运行体系研究

    Study on Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism in the Operation System

  19. 温点旅游城市乡村旅游发展策略研究

    Development Strategies of Rural Tourism in the Warm Spot Tour Cities

  20. 喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展研究

    The Research on Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism in Karst Areas

  21. 我国乡村旅游产品体系及其影响研究

    Our National Rural Tourism Products System and its Impacts Research

  22. 昆明城郊乡村旅游目的地开发模式研究

    Study on the Developing-Mode in Rural Tourism Sites in Kunming

  23. 苏南乡村旅游发展论纲

    On the Outline of Country Tourism Development in South of Jiangsu Province

  24. 第五章,金华乡村旅游可持续性发展建议。

    Chapter V , Jinhua sustainable rural tourism development proposals .

  25. 乡村旅游是近年来旅游发展的一大亮点。

    Rural tourism is a highlight of tourism development in recent years .

  26. 民居旅游是乡村旅游的一种形式。

    Dwelling tourism is one part of the village tourism .

  27. 国内乡村旅游发展的理论模式及实践经验

    Theoretical mode and practical experiences of the development of domestic rural tourism

  28. 乡村旅游中外对比研究等。

    Comparative study between rural tourisms at home and abroad .

  29. 重庆乡村旅游发展的可行性研究

    Study of Feasibility of the Rural Tourism Development in Chongqing

  30. 文化旅游资源开发与乡村旅游可持续发展

    Exploitation of the Culture Tourism Resources and Sustainable Development of Country Tour