
  • 网络Rural culture
  1. 由此,改变着乡村文化的生存环境。

    Therefore they are changing the survival environment of rural culture .

  2. 第二章从三个时间段对M村的乡村文化变迁过程做了介绍。

    The second part introduce the changes of the rural culture .

  3. 试论乡村文化景观的类型及其演化

    Study on the Types of Rural Cultural Landscape and Its Evolution

  4. 它对乡村文化传承也产生了一定影响。

    It is produced a certain effect on rural cultural heritage .

  5. 中国乡村文化在新世纪面临全新的发展机遇。

    Chinese village culture in new century faced with brand-new development opportunity .

  6. 乡村文化旅游资源的开发与整合研究

    Research on Rural Cultural Tourism Resources Development and Its Integration

  7. 社会转型期乡村文化传承与发展研究

    Rural Cultural Inheritance and Development Research in Social Transformation Period

  8. 在这样环境的影响下,逐渐形成了东北特有的乡村文化。

    In the influence of the environment , rural culture gradually formed .

  9. 面对着都市化的进逼,传统的乡村文化正在迅速消失。

    Traditional rural culture is fast disappearing before the onward march of urbanization .

  10. 乡村文化旅游资源是乡村旅游资源的“质”。

    The culture tourism resource is the core of the country tourism resources .

  11. 城市文化对于乡村文化的影响是客观上无法避免的。

    The influence over rural culture is objectively unavoidable .

  12. 李建华要求,要加快推进乡村文化建设。

    Li Jianhua required to accelerate the rural culture .

  13. 三是平等的乡村文化,与歧视性的城市亚文化的冲突。

    Third is the conflict between equal rural culture and biased urban sub - culture .

  14. 洪仁玕、严复、梁漱溟的乡村文化观

    The Concepts on Country Culture by Hong Ren-gan , . Yan Fu and Liang Shu-ming

  15. 以国家的名义重新书写乡村文化:以河北两庙会为例

    Rewrite the Rural Culture under the Name of Country Exemplified by Temple Fair in North China

  16. 论文着眼于乡村文化的角度来研究乡村旅游,具有一定的前瞻性和创新性。

    The paper places research focus on rural culture , accordingly having some prospect and innovation .

  17. 而随着农村现代化进程的推进,中国的乡村文化整体处于一种断裂的状态,出现多种文化元素并存,但又混乱无序的情景。

    With the advancement of modernization , the rural culture is in a state of anomie .

  18. 从某种意义来说,它是中国乡村文化的一面镜子。

    In view of a certain meaning , it is a noodles of Chinese country culture mirror .

  19. 现代人的文化以都市文化为其特征,它有别于乡村文化。

    The culture of the modern man is characteristically urban , as distinguished from the folk culture .

  20. 事实上,在乡土社会中,国家权力并非是一个完整的概念,而是弥散在乡村文化之中。

    In fact , nation power disperses in country culture but not a whole concept in country society .

  21. 新经济变动下的乡村文化挽歌&评贾平凹的《秦腔》

    A Coronach of Local Culture in New Economic Changes & Remark on JIA Ping-ao 's 《 Qin Qiang 》

  22. 另一方面是随着这一过程同时进行的传统社会与乡村文化中美好淳朴的丧失。

    On the other hand , in this process , the traditional society would have to lose its simplicity .

  23. 不仅存在于农场上,而是存在于乡村文化之中,就这一点而言,也可能是城市文化。

    Not just on their farm , but in the rural culture . Maybe urban culture , for that matter .

  24. 现有多功能群众文化艺术馆35座,乡村文化室380多个。

    There are 35 multi-purpose people 's art and cultural centers and more than 380 rural cultural centers and clubs .

  25. 如果不能最大限度地追寻广大农民群众对乡村文化的认同,乡村文化价值重建就失去了应有的理论外延。

    If the farmers can not maximally reach accreditation on rural culture , therural culture value reconstruction will lose its theoretical extension .

  26. 乡村文化与城市文化的交汇、矛盾和冲突,内在地决定了田润叶悲欢的命运,也使这个人物形象散发出独特的魅力。

    The conflict of rural and urban cultures brings out happiness and sorrow in her and gives the heroine her unique personal charm .

  27. 乡村文化的代表风景油画家有王克举和赵开坤等,这些艺术家表现的乡村文化还有着各自的特色。

    Wang Ke Ju and Zhao Kai kun are the representative painter of the rural culture . These artists village culture and its characteristics .

  28. 在思潮涌动、文化昂进之时代,乡村文化渐趋成为思想家关注之焦点。洪仁重视改造乡村农民文化观念;

    With the emergence of new ideas and cultures in such an era , the country culture gradually gained the focus of different thinkers .

  29. 在基茨比厄尔散步会使你一饱眼福&这里有着古老的乡村文化和国际旅游地的激情,两者生动地结合在一起。

    A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for the eyes & a lively mix old culture and the excitement of an international tourist area .

  30. 城市文化对乡村文化侵略性的排挤,将乡村学生带离了他们原有的生活母体而进入他者的世界,乡村文化的根基受到了动摇。

    The city culture excludes the rural culture and takes the students from the countryside off their origin , entering " others ' world " .