
xiānɡ tǔ jiào cái
  • Local textbooks;teaching material reflecting local conditions and suited to local needs
  1. 乡土教材在体育史教学中的作用

    The Role of Local Teaching Material in The Teaching of Sports History

  2. 简论乡土教材文化功能的运行与个体适应

    The Operation and Individual Adaptation on Cultural Function of Local Teaching Materials

  3. 可以通过研究性学习,情景式教学法、乡土教材和校本课程的编写来增强民族认同感的培养。

    We can strengthen national identity through research-study , scene-style teaching methods , local teaching materials and compiling school courses .

  4. 研究乡土教材发展史是研究教育现象的空间与时间组合发展的问题。

    Studying the history of local teaching material is a research into educational phenomena in both spatial and temporal dimensions .

  5. 由爱乡而爱国:清末广东乡土教材的国家话语

    Love Your Hometown , Love Your Nation : The Nationalist Discourse of Local Textbooks and Gazetteers Compiled in Late Qing Guangdong

  6. 乡土教材既是教育领域的问题,同时也是本土文化和传统文化的有机组成部分。

    Local teaching material is not only belonging to educational region , but also an organic part of local and traditional culture .

  7. 历史上的乡土教材是我国传统文化宝库中的珍贵财富,应该得到很好的重视。

    The historical local teaching material is the treasure of Chinese traditional culture , and we should attach great importance to it .

  8. 乡土教材是区别于国家统编教材,以地方的地理、历史、文化和民族状况等为主要内容的地方性教材。

    Distinguished from the nationally compiled materials , local education materials mainly introduce the local geography 、 history 、 culture and ethical conditions .

  9. 要按10&30%的课时比例补充乡土教材,以反映当地社会与经济发展的实际。

    10-20 % of the class in accordance with the proportion of native supplementary teaching materials to reflect the local social and economic development of the practical .

  10. 乡土教材在我国已有百余年的发展历程,它与学校教育的其他教育内容一同担负着向下一代传授科学知识和优秀传统文化的重任。

    Local teaching material has a history of more than 100 years in China . As other educational contents in school education , it takes on the significant task which imparts science knowledge and excellent traditional culture to the next generation .

  11. 对此,文章从政府扶持,保护资金的筹备,乡土教材和校本教的开发利用,以及教育传承机构的建立,教师素质水平的提高等方面,提出解决对策。

    This paper , from the government support , protect the preparation of funds , rural teaching materials and the teaching of development and utilization , and education inheritance establishment , teachers ' quality to raise the level of and so on , proposes the solution countermeasure .

  12. 乡土教材在发挥这些文化功能的过程中通过文化涵化和文化濡化的原理,培养学生对乡土的认知、情感和行为,促进学生形成乡土认同的社会化过程,从而实现乡土教材的文化功能。

    During the exertion of cultural functions , through the principles of acculturation and enculturation , it cultivates students ' cognition , emotion and action towards local region ; promotes students ' socialization of the identification with local region to realize the cultural functions of local teaching material .

  13. 我国从二十世纪80年代开始对教育进行了几次重大改革,随着我国整体教育发展的不断深入,乡土教材再一次开始受到重视,各地区纷纷从本地区实际出发建设了大量的乡土教材。

    Chinese educational system has experienced several significant reforms since 1980s . With the further development of entire education system , local teaching material is paid great attention again , and different regions begin to exploit great amount of local teaching materials with regard to the local practices .

  14. 第三部分阐述了乡土地理教材的建设。主要从教材建设的重要意义、乡土建设的基本原则、基本内容和基本模式等四个方面加以论述。

    The third part is about the building of the teaching material , including its importance , basic principles , chief contents , and the main patterns .

  15. 地理课程资源的开发利用途径应注重乡土地理教材的开发,情景要素信息库的构建,实习基地的建设等。

    During exploring of the curriculum resources of geography , we should also explore the countryside geography text , the set up of information area of scene factor , and the base for practice .

  16. 编写《拉萨市乡土地理》教材的几点建议

    Some Proposals for Compiling the Textbook of Home Geography of Lhasa

  17. 第五部分提出凉山州乡土彝语文教材的编译改进策略。

    In section five , the author puts forward some strategies for the improvement of Liangshan Yi language textbook compilation .

  18. 论文前四部分着重对凉山州乡土彝语文教材编译的现状进行调查研究,对乡土彝语文教材的编译中存在的问题和出现问题的原因进行分析总结。

    In the first four parts , the author did an investigation research on the existing Liangshan Yi language teaching materials compilation , analyzed and summarized the problems when compiling .

  19. 最后是结语,回顾全文,呼吁加强对乡土彝语文教材的研究,并对此次研究的不足与今后研究的方向做出交代。

    Finally , the conclusion section reviews the full text , called for the strengthening of the local Yi language study materials ; at the same time , the author points out some limitations and gives a direction of future research .

  20. 凉山州乡土彝语文教材作为凉山地区地方课程的代表,以彝族文化知识为主要编译的内容,在学校教育活动里起着桥梁的作用。

    As a representative of the local curriculum , Local language materials in Liangshan Yi in Liangshan region , with the main content of education in the school of Yi and cultural knowledge , build a bridge in the school activity .

  21. 书面语言和乡土语言揭示了教材以城市生活为基础的倾向。

    Teaching materials reveal the tendency of basis of urban life with written language and native language .

  22. 但是近年来,中国大陆地区对于乡土教育和乡土教材的研究相对较少。

    Even so , the research of the local teaching materials and the local education is relatively little in the mainland area during the recent years .

  23. 我们在进行了充分的实地调研的基础上,明确了学生知识需求的方向,掌握了丰富的乡土史课程资源,建立了乡土史课程资源电子存储库,开发出了具有地方特色的乡土史教材。

    We had a full field investigation on the basis of identified needs of students ' knowledge , access to a wealth of local history resources , establish electronic repositories of native history curriculum resources , developed with local characteristics of local history materials .