
shuǐ ɡuài
  • water monster
水怪 [shuǐ guài]
  • [water monster] 传说中的生活在水里的怪物,通常是体形大,性残忍

  1. 没有事实能够证明尼斯湖里住着一只水怪,但也没有事实能够证明尼斯湖里没有水怪。

    There is no real fact that a monster lives in Loch Ness , but there is also no fact that one doesn 't live .

  2. 在DC漫画里沼泽怪是一个叫亚力克荷兰的植物学家,他死在沼泽里之后就成了绿色的水怪。

    DC 's Swamp Thing was botanist Alec Holland , who became an avatar of the Green following his death in a swamp .

  3. 据悉,照片是24岁的小伙子TomPickles用视频手机拍摄的。据这位小伙子称,这只“鞠躬的尼斯”水怪身形有3辆车那么大,在他的勉强快速穿过,耗时整整20秒。

    The snap was taken on a camera-phone by terrified IT graduate Tom Pickles , 24 , who said an animal the size of three cars sped across the lake in front him last Friday . '

  4. 在寻找尼斯水怪的过程中,他却从没看清楚过——除了1972年的那一天,他由于过分的激动和兴奋,都用不好他那台Super-8型号的照相机了,手不停地抖动。

    He never saw clearly enough to find Nessie - except on that one day in 1972 , when he had been too moved and excited to work the Super-8 camera that shook in his hand .

  5. 他与这些邪恶的水怪斗法整整八年。

    He had fought against evil water monsters for eight years .

  6. 我们不可能用那种东西抓住水怪!

    We can not use that thing to seize Shuiguai !

  7. 不可思议你是如何战胜水怪的

    Remarkable ! But how did you manage to slay the beast ?

  8. 你相信内斯湖有水怪吗?

    Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster ?

  9. 所以这个池塘肯定是已经被水怪控制了。

    So here alized this pond must be possessed by a water demon .

  10. 罗伯特·莱恩斯——科学家、尼斯水怪追寻者——于11月1日逝世,享年87岁

    Robert Rines , scientist and Nessie-hunter , died on November 1st , aged 87

  11. 大卫•克拉克在其新书《英国特别档案》中记录了苏格兰人对水怪所有权的重视。

    The revelations are made by author David Clarke in his book Britain 's X-traordinary Files .

  12. 我真渴,我在想有没一个巨型苏打水怪在附近呢?

    I 'm kind of thirsty . I wonder if there 's a liter-sized soda glob anywhere ?

  13. 苏格兰皇家博物馆还特地给柯林斯爵士写了信强调苏格兰对水怪遗骸的所有权。

    The Royal Scottish Museum wrote to Sir Godfrey staking Edinburgh 's claim to the carcass . '

  14. 莱恩斯认为这个拉丁文学名已经抓住了水怪的特点,但是他能够拿出的证据还是太少。

    Mr Rines thought the Latin moniker had clinched it . But his evidence was still too sparse .

  15. 彼得爵士还画了一幅两只水怪拖着胖墩墩的身子、在水里游泳的画(和博物学比起来,彼得爵士更有名的是他画鹅的画)。

    Sir Peter , better known for geese , painted a picture of a pair of them plumply swimming .

  16. 新疆的喀纳斯湖部分终于更新了,可以找找有没有水怪了!

    The KML file has been updated , so you can see the location of all of the fresh imagery .

  17. 人们对可能在伦敦展出水怪尸体表示极大的愤慨。

    There was genuine outrage at the possibility that the corpse of the monster might be taken for display in London .

  18. 苏格兰当局公布了一份1933年12月的尼斯湖水怪文件。同年发现水怪后,人们不断要求进行调查。

    The Scottish Office opened a file on Nessie in December 1933 after being bombarded with inquiries following sightings that year .

  19. 文件还披露多年后有人建议菲利浦亲王召集皇家海军寻找水怪。

    The documents also reveal that many years later Prince Philip even suggested calling in the Royal Navy to search for the creature .

  20. 该项倡议活动由因弗内斯议员默多克•麦克唐纳领导,他曾向苏格兰事务大臣柯林斯爵士保证水怪并非是传言中伤人的怪物。

    The campaign was led by Inverness MP Murdoch MacDonald , who assured the Scottish Secretary Sir Godfrey Collins the creature was no myth .

  21. 在视频中,这个被誉为“鞠躬的尼斯”的水怪似乎有着黑糊糊的油状皮肤、还有3个“山丘样子”的背部肌肉,视频显示,这个水怪正在蒙蒙薄雾中在湖中畅游。

    Emerging from the mist with oily black skin and three eerie humps , this picture reveals a mystical looking beast gliding through the lake .

  22. 水怪存在的证据毋庸置疑,有太多的人目睹了证明水怪存在的异常现象,默多克这样写道。

    Evidence of its presence can be taken as undoubted . Far too many people have seen something abnormal to question its existence , he wrote .

  23. 随后人们在爱丁堡发现了大量的相关文献报道,文献显示当时越来越多的媒体开始呼吁议会推出特别法案保护水怪免于捉捕和射杀。

    According to more documents found in Edinburgh , pressure was already growing for a special Act of Parliament to prevent Nessie being killed or captured .

  24. 1934年3月一位不愿透露姓名的国家历史博物馆官员大谈特谈了他对猎人们应该如何处置水怪的想法。

    In March 1934 an unnamed official at the National History Museum made no bones about how he thought bounty hunters should deal with the creature .

  25. 他那时最喜欢读的书是康斯坦斯·怀特的《不只是传说》,该书用她从目击者那里得来的证词来肯定水怪的存在。

    His favourite reading then was Constance Whyte 's " More than a Legend ", which argued for the creature 's existence with testimony from witnesses she knew .

  26. 默多克要求在议会明确保护水怪前应先推出相关法案,但柯林斯爵士却表示至今为止还没有为保护怪物制定过相关法律。

    He demanded a Bill be put before Parliament to protect the creature , but Sir Godfrey advised there was ' no law for the protection of monsters .

  27. “毛人水怪”(也称为“水鬼毛人”)谣言是20世纪中国最大的谣言之一,其传播时间之长、范围之大,在人类历史上也不多见。

    In the middle of the20th century , a big rumor arose and was transmitted far and wide that there existed " hairy men " and " water monsters " .

  28. 虽然苏格兰方面希望在保护水怪的相关法律通过之前赏金猎人们不要找到水怪,但伦敦方面却想尽快亲眼看到水怪被射杀的场面。

    But while Scotland hoped that the bounty hunters could be kept at bay long enough to get new laws passed to protect her , London preferred her shot on sight .

  29. 但据最新公布的资料显示,在20世纪30年代,苏格兰人对此深信不疑,并努力争取水怪继续留在苏格兰。

    But back in the 1930s the Scots feared that such a thing was all too possible , according to newly revealed papers , and fought to ensure she stayed north of the border .

  30. 他很近的亲属甚至也不大能理解他对此的痴迷,要知道莱恩斯曾经很郑重地带他们参观过自己在波士顿公寓的“尼斯水怪展览室”,在苏格兰度假时也告诉过他们千万要记得带照相机。

    Even close family members , taken reverently into the " Nessie room " in his Boston apartment or instructed never to be without cameras on Scottish holidays , could not quite understand his obsession .