
  • 网络Crystal Jewelry
  1. 同时,作者拟通过对施华洛世奇水晶饰品的消费行为,对其今后的营销实践提出了相关的建议;也希望对中国企业水晶饰品营销策划有一定的借鉴作用。

    At the same time , the author tries to dig out SWAROVSKI crystal jewelry consumption behavior , the future marketing practice and puts forward related suggestions ; also hope to China enterprises crystal jewelry marketing planning has certain reference function .

  2. 她的前胸戴了一个水晶饰品。

    She wears a crystal ornament on her chest .

  3. 1880年莱俪先生在巴黎开始生产水晶饰品。

    In 1880 Mr Lalique began to make crystal works in Paris .

  4. 桌子一头放着玫瑰花、水晶饰品,燃着一支蜡烛。

    On an end table were roses , crystals and a lit candle .

  5. 我平常会戴一个水晶饰品,我喜欢浅色系的。

    I normally have a crystal with me , and I like light colors .

  6. 所以他的水晶饰品非常的华美。

    So his crystal works were very colourful .

  7. 各类水晶饰品,产品种类丰富,可根据客户要求量身定做。

    With various kinds of crystal decorations and numerous choices , it can be tailored according to customer requirements .

  8. 水晶饰品以其宝石般的光芒和清新雅俗的气质受到广大消费者的青睐,2005年以来年销售收入以18%①的比率持续增长。

    Crystal Ornaments with its jewel-like light and refreshing qualities Elegance by the majority of consumers , since 2005 , annual sales revenue to 18 % of the rate of growth .

  9. 雕刻的水晶饰品往往是在生意成交时赠送给客户的一件深受欢迎的礼品,但是要注意送这样的礼品时,不要让标识违背它的使用本意。

    Engraved crystal tends to be a popular gift for a client at the end of a business deal , although with a gift like this , take care not to let your logo impinge on its use .

  10. 她说:“我在这个房间中摆放了几件水晶饰品,而且这个房间从来不缺少鲜花。这是我用来欢迎客人的区域,这也正是我希望这个房间能够特别一些的原因。”

    I have a couple of crystals around and there 's always flowers , ' she said . ' It 's how you are welcomed into the home , and that 's why I wanted it to be special . '

  11. 这种镂花水晶工艺饰品,做工精细。

    This kind of ornamental crystal handiwork is of excellent workmanship .

  12. 水晶、钻石饰品,光亮剔透。

    Ornaments made of crystal and diamond are shining and gleaming .