
shuǐ shēng yǎn tì
  • hydroarch succession
水生演替[shuǐ shēng yǎn tì]
  1. 武汉东湖水生植物群落演替的研究

    Succession and species replacement of aquatic plant community in East Lake

  2. 人工重建的水生植物群落演替动态研究

    On dynamics in the succession of artificial aquatic macrophyte community reconstruction

  3. 中国北方中生代晚期水生昆虫群落演替与环境变迁

    Aquatic community succession and environmental changes of Late Mesozoic in northern China

  4. 中国中生代晚期蜉蝣目化石研究及水生昆虫群落演替分析

    Taxonomy of Fossil Ephemeroptera from Late Mesozoic in China , with Comments on Succession of Aquatic Insect Community