
  • 网络total biomass;gross biomass
  1. 结果表明生物量随CO2浓度的升高而增加;总生物量分别增加40.0%和45.0%。

    The results showed that the biomass increased with CO_2 concentration enrichment , and their total biomass increased by 40.0 % and 45.0 % .

  2. 沙地群落总生物量随封育年限的增加而增大。

    The total biomass of sand community increased with exclosure lasting .

  3. O3与CO2浓度倍增对大豆叶片及其总生物量的影响研究

    Impact of O_3 and CO_2 concentration doubling on the soybean leaf development and biomass

  4. 施N肥显著降低细根总生物量及各级根序细根生物量,而施P、N+P肥则增加细根总生物量;

    N fertilization significantly decreased the total fine root biomass and the biomass of each root order , but P and N + P treatment increased the total fine root biomass .

  5. 收获期总生物量PGg型包膜肥料处理的最高。

    The crop has the biggest biomass production treated with PGg coated fertilizer .

  6. 结果表明,施用抑制剂尿素能提高芹菜的地上部干重及其占总生物量的比例,降低芹菜叶、茎中的硝酸盐含量,提高芹菜叶、茎中的维生素C、氨基酸和粗蛋白的含量。

    The results showed that applying test urea fertilizers could enhance the aboveground biomass and its proportion to total biomass , decrease the nitrate content of leaf and stem , while increase their vitamin C , amino acid , and crude protein contents .

  7. UVB辐射增加使所有品种的总生物量和产量分别平均下降24.2%和23.3%,10个品种的收获指数平均提高1.39%,其中6个品种的收获指数增加,4个减少。

    UV_B radiation reduced biomass and yield in all soybean cultivars by 24.2 % and 23.3 % , respectively . However , the harvest index increased in 6 of ten soybean cultivars but reduced in 4 cultivars , the average increment was 1.39 % .

  8. AMF强化使水稻的株高、总生物量、根系总表面积、产量分别提高了20.6%、30%、36.6%、45.3%。

    The stem length , total biomass , total surface area of root and yield of rice were increased by 20.6 % , 30 % , 36.6 % and 45.3 % respectively .

  9. 凋落物层现存量为11.23t/(hm2·a),占总生物量的7.95%,年凋落物量3.37t/(hm2·a),占总净生产力的45.60%。

    The litter was 11.23t/hm 2 , which was 7.95 % of the total biomass ; the yearly litter was 3.37t / ( hm 2 · a ), which was 45.60 % of the total net production .

  10. 本实验的两个UV-B辐射剂量(2.88J/m2和5.76J/m2)使三种藻的总生物量都大幅降低,竞争平衡也发生了变化。

    The total biomass of three species of microalgae under the UV-B dosage of 2.88 J / m2 , 5.76 J / m2 was greatly reduced , and the competitive balance changed also .

  11. 两种模式内活细根和死细根之比约为4:1。黑麦草林地1~2mm细根全年总生物量平均为0.254t·hm~(-2),上、中、下三层生物量之比为40:41:19。

    And the ratio of live root and died root was about 4 : 1.In the ryegrass woodland , the average total biomass of fine root 1 ~ 2mm in diameter was 0.254 t.

  12. AGR与RGR的比较可进一步证明一茬草后期的管理对草群总生物量的形成具有重要的作用。

    Through comparative study of AGR and RGR , it was further testified that later management of the first crop had an important effect on formation of total aboveground biomass .

  13. a-1。区域森林生物量主要分布在珠江三角洲的外围,其中,马尾松林和常绿阔叶林的生物量占区域森林总生物量的52.18%;

    A-1 . Regional forest biomass mainly distributes on the verge of Pearl River Delta , among which the biomass of Pinus massoniana and evergreen broadleaved forests is 52.18 % of the gross amount .

  14. 但在1月份的营养生长期,根长、根粗、根体积、叶生物量、根生物量、总生物量、RMR和SLA均以中度水分条件最大。

    But the parameters of root length , diameter of root , volume of root , leaf biomass , root biomass , total biomass , root mass ratio ( RMR ) and SLA had the maximal value in moderate treatment in vegetative period in January .

  15. 利用OTC-1型开顶式气室研究CO2和O3浓度倍增对大豆叶片及其总生物量的影响结果表明,CO2和O3浓度倍增均可致使大豆黄叶率增加,绿叶率下降;

    The impacts of O_3 and CO_2 concentration doubling on the soybean leaf development and biomass are studied by using OTC-1 open top chambers . The results show that O_3 and CO_2 concentration doubling can lead to the yellow leaf ratio increase and the green leaf ratio decrease .

  16. 长期土壤水分中度胁迫可造成根系减产5.31%,茎叶生物量减少14.75%,总生物量减少10.37%,但中度干旱处理具有较高的根冠比和经济系数,其产量水平WUE增大,蒸腾系数减小。

    During long period moderate drought , roots yield , stems and leaves yield and biological yield descended 5.31 % , 14.75 % and 10.37 % respectively , but ratio of root to shoot , economic index and WUE of yield level increased , transpiration coefficient declined .

  17. 摄食和生殖习性。其平均月生物量为222.1kg/km2,占游泳生物月总生物量的27.22%,成为优势种;

    It was found to have a monthly mean biomass of 222 . 21 kg / km2 , representing 27 . 22 % of the monthly total biomass of necton in that area and making it become a dominant species .

  18. 不同播种期的试验表明:冬播伞花木比春播伞花木提早21d萌发,苗高、地径生长量和总生物量分别比春播提高14.5%、25.5%和45.8%。

    The tests of different sowing period indicated that the seed germination date sowing in winter were ahead of 21d in spring . The height , diameter and gross biomass of seedlings increased 14.5 % , 25.5 % and 45.8 % respectively compared to that in spring .

  19. 12~22cm径级的立木生物量占总生物量的709%,而8m以下的树干生物量占其总生物量的80%以上。

    Regarding the production structure , the biomass of trunk under the heights of 8 meters accounted for 80 % of the total and which of the stumpage with the diameter class between 12 cm and 22 cm accounted for 70 % of the total .

  20. 总生物量沿海拔增加呈现波浪式变化。

    Total biomass along an altitudinal increase in a wave-like changes .

  21. 将损失降低到最小。总生物量增量减小;

    Loss can be minimized . the biomass increment was lower ;

  22. 油松林的总生物量为11.812吨/公顷。

    The total biomass of the pine plantation was 11.812t/ha .

  23. 15号材料总生物量最高。

    15 has the greatest capacity of forage production .

  24. 林分蓄积量、总生物量、乔木生产力最高;

    The stand volume , total biomass and the tree productivity are highest ;

  25. 冬闲田单混播草地地上、地下生物量和总生物量动态及其相关性分析

    Correlated analysis and dynamic study on biomass of artificial grassland in winter paddy field

  26. 最高与最低硅藻总生物量相差可达38倍。

    It was 38 times higher of the highest biomass with the lowest one .

  27. 随着放牧强度的增加,冷蒿种群营养构件及总生物量增加。

    With the increase of grazing intensity , a.

  28. 属于富营养型藻类较少,有5个属,占总生物量的19.40%。

    The eutrophic type phytoplankton has 5 genera and the biomass accounts for 19.40 % .

  29. 总生物量、籽粒数量、籽粒产量和百粒重明显增加;

    The total biomass , grain numbers , grain yield and 100-grain weight increase remarkably .

  30. 在坡面,总生物量沿着海拔的增加呈现出波浪式的变化。

    In the slope , total biomass increased along the elevation showing a wave-like changes .