
  • 网络Total output;aggregate output;total product;gross products
  1. 文章构造了一个由IPLM曲线和总产出曲线构成的汇率&产出模型,揭示了三代货币危机模型的内在关联性。

    In the paper , an exchange rate-output model consisting of IPLM curve and aggregate output curve is built , indicating the inner relevance of the three-generation currency crises and models .

  2. 放缓的技术进步必须超过总产出的增长,以降低污染和改善环境。

    Technological progress in abatement must exceed growth in aggregate output inorder for pollution to fall and the environment to improve .

  3. 其次,运用这一期间信息技术产业的实际产值和实际GDP数据进行格兰杰因果关系检验,发现信息技术对总产出的影响具有滞后性,滞后期为4年。

    Second , By the Granger Causality Tests using the actual data , we also found the contribution of the information technology to economic growth have hysteresis , the lag is 4 years .

  4. 研究结果显示,出口导向率对总产出有促进作用,进口渗透率对总产出有一定的负面影响,净出口额增量占GDP比值对就业人数增长率有积极的拉动作用。

    The studied result indicates , the guidance proportion in export plays a positive role in the total product , the infiltration proportion in import gives a negative influence in the total product .

  5. 面板数据协整检验实证分析结果表明RD和RD溢出与资本积累之间、RD和RD溢出与总产出增长之间分别存在显著的正面长期协整关联。

    Empirical results from panel cointegration tests indicate that there is a strong positive long-run cointegrating relationship both between capital accumulation and R D R D spillovers and between output growth and R D R D spillovers .

  6. 最新ppp估计数据显示,中国人的财富减少了40%,占世界总产出的近10%。

    The new PPP estimates show a 40 per cent drop in the wealth of the Chinese people , accounting for nearly 10 per cent of world output .

  7. 另外,VAR模型结果显示,在山西省能源开发与产业的耦合系统中,产业系统与能源消费量、能源总产出和一次能源转化比例均存在格兰杰因果关系。

    In addition , VAR model results show that besides the sum of energy consumption , the energy product output and the rate of further process of coal also have Granger causality with industry development .

  8. 例如,G5国家2010年的赤字与总产出的比例正逼近10%。

    As a percentage of aggregate 2010 output , for example , G5 deficits are approaching 10 per cent .

  9. 而事实上,外资企业所得税率的调整对FDI的影响将在一定程度上使货币供给内生化,进而通过货币市场与外汇市场影响国民经济总产出。

    In fact , the impact to FDI from the adjustment in the tax rate in FDI enterprises in some degree would make the money supply become endogenous , and then affects the domestic production level through both monetary market and exchange market .

  10. 效益分析结果表明,与规划水平相比,多目标模型优化结果中,总产出增加745.91亿元,总用水量减少了10.463亿m3,总污染水平降低了6.15%,GDP增加了182亿元。

    The benefits analysis show that , compared with the forecast level , total product increased 745.91 hundred million yuan , and GDP increased 182 hundred million yuan , while total consumed water reduce 10 . 463 hundred million m3 and total pollution level reduced in 6.15 % .

  11. 但是,如果考虑到实现内部、外部共同平衡,则根据现实M-F模型,汇率取决于政府支出、实际货币供给量、本国总产出和主要贸易伙伴国总产出,利率为中间变量。

    This paper also conclude that the exchange rate depends on government expenditure , real monetary supply , home GDP and main trade partners ' GDPs , and interest rate is a medium variable .

  12. 将水资源作为生产要素之一,通过基于面向输出的C2GS2模型与C2R模型DEA相对有效性评价,建立工业用水及总产出值的有效前沿,分析产出的技术效率和规模效率。

    Regarding water resources as one of the elements of production , the efficient production frontier is built based on the DEA relative efficiency evaluation with C ~ 2GS ~ 2 model and C ~ 2R model of output oriented . Technical efficiency and managerial efficiency of production are analyzed .

  13. 据全球最大的石油和金属贸易商之一托克集团(Trafigura)的首席经济学家萨阿德·拉希姆(SaadRahim)估计,中国在今年第一季度新增了大约1万亿美元的流动性——该数额基本相当于德国当季的经济总产出。

    Saad Rahim , the chief economist at Trafigura , one of the world 's biggest traders of metals and oil , calculates that China added about $ 1 trillion in new liquidity in the first quarter of the year - an amount that would be roughly equal to the entire quarterly economic output of Germany during the same period .

  14. 其次,人口城市化水平显著影响经济总产出量。

    Secondly , population-urbanized ratio has remarkable influence on the output .

  15. 中国证券业总产出和增加值测算研究

    Measurement of the Securities Industry 's Output and Value-Added in China

  16. 关于总产出核算方法及其理论规范的探讨

    The Methodological Discussion on Accounting Gross Output and Its Theoretic Criterion

  17. 各产业的经济效益比总产出更易波动。

    Industrial economic benefit fluctuates more markedly than gross output .

  18. 我国总产出的动态特征研究&基于最小拉格朗日乘数单位根检验的实证分析

    The Stationarity of Chinese Outputs : Evidence from Minimum LM Unit-root Testing

  19. 改变两部门总产出的产业结构合理化调整

    Rationalizing Adjustment of Industrial Structure by Changing Two Departments ' Total Output

  20. 去年,该集团24%的总产出销往中国。

    Last year 24 per cent of all its output went to China .

  21. 本文在建筑业投入要素和产出分析以及中国建筑业总产出增长因素分析的基础上,着重讨论了建筑施工企业技术进步的评价方法。

    Technical progress evaluation methods for construction enterprises are emphasized in this paper .

  22. 基础设施投资对经济总产出有持续的正影响,而且时滞较短。

    Infrastructure investment to economic output has continued the positive impact and shorter time-delay .

  23. 进口大于出口的贸易逆差导致日本国内总产出下降0.1百分点。

    A surplus of imports over exports trimmed 0.1 percentage points from overall output .

  24. 颂蓬说,出口仍然占泰国总产出的60%以上。

    Somphob says exports still account for over 60 percent of Thailand 's total output .

  25. 我国国民经济总产出动态模型及其仿真

    Simulation of Chinese Dynamic Output Model

  26. 从经济规模来看,欧盟占有世界国民总产出的30%左右。

    From economies of scale , the EU share of world gross national output by about 30 % .

  27. 农业基本建设投资对农业总产出、农业全要素生产率的关键影响促成了本文的研究。

    The indispensable influence of agriculture infrastructure investment in agriculture total output and TFP make this graduate thesis .

  28. 全要素生产率是总产出与总投入的比率。

    Total Factor Productivity is the ratio of total outputs to a bundle of all the factor inputs .

  29. 第三产业在投资比重大幅度上升的同时,总产出比重却无太大变化,甚至有所下降。

    The total output proportion of the third industrial remain unchanged as while as the increasing of investment proportion .

  30. 根据比较优势原则,当每个人专职从事某种商品生产或服务时,总产出将会最大。返回辅导页。

    Total production of every good or service will be greatest when individuals specialize according to their comparative advantage .