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  1. 澜沧江湄公河次区域水电开发项目融资研究越南水电开发研究

    Research on financing for hydropower development in GMS : research on hydropower development of Vietnam

  2. 云南省有着特殊的区位条件,随着中国东盟自由贸易区合作进程的进一步深入以及澜沧江湄公河次区域经济合作的纵深发展,给民营企业发展带来了前所未有的契机。

    With the further collaboration and development of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and Lancang-Mekong River Sub-region Corporation , all of above can bring about unprecedented opportunities to our civilian industry .

  3. 进入21世纪,澜沧江湄公河次区域合作方兴未艾,犹如澜沧江湄公河之水滔滔向前。

    In the 21st century , the Lancang river and Mekong river sub-region cooperation is in the ascendant , which is just same as the great Mekong river surging forward .

  4. 昆明作为我国与东南亚国家交往最便捷的省会城市,在澜沧江湄公河次区域开发与中国东盟自由贸易区建设的进程中,她的优势是国内其他城市无法比拟的。

    Kunming , as a provincial capital city , has the most convenient connection on the land with Southeast Asia in our China , has great advantage that the other domestic cities have not in the process of construction of Sino - AFTA and Great - Mekong subregion .

  5. 缅甸钦敦江大桥为公铁两用的栓焊下承式钢桁梁桥,主跨112m。

    The Chindwin River Bridge is for the use of both highway and railway with superstructure of continuous steel trusses , and the main span is 112 m.