
The Folk Belief and Luxury Trend in South of Yangtze Towns
Development of Industry and Occupational Groups in Early Industrialization in Jiangnan
The Early Industrialization of Jiangnan Towns in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
The Introduction of the Researches on the Township-village Relationship in Ming-Qing Jiangnan
A Summary of the International Conference on South China Towns
Market Towns and the Urbanization in the Countryside of South of the Yangtze River in the South Song Dynasty
From Tradition to Modernity : A Case Study of the Social Structure Change of a Small-town in Modern China
The connotation and development of the towns in Jiangnan since Ming Dynasty & a case study of the four towns in the South of Tai Lake
Therefore , the study on the inheritance of the cultures of old towns by resorting to the town chronicles that record historical information assumes tremendous significance in the further preservation and tourism exploitation of old towns .
The research on Jiangnan townships is always the focus of the socioeconomic history of the Ming and Qing period , but only little attention was put to the local societies of Jiangnan from the perspective of township-village relationship .
Ming and Qing Dynasties were a period when the folk education was in development and improvement . Especially , in the towns of Jiang Nan , developed economy , prosperous culture , folk education was more active , has gone through three stages .
As an important feature of economic development , a lot of towns emerged in regions south of the Yangtze River . They were in connection with the central state , and other jurisdictional mansions and counties , gradually forming different regional market circles .