
  1. 因此,他们需要除掉这位江户官员Kira的保镖,为此,他们需要让Kira相信他们没有威胁。

    Therefore , they needed the Edo official to get rid of his bodyguards and , for that , they needed to convince him that there was no threat .

  2. 虽然Kira罪有应得,但他仍是幕府将军的一个有权有势的官员,更不用说江户城禁止任何形式的暴力。

    Although he deserved it , Kira was still a powerful official of the shogun , not to mention that any kind of violence was forbidden at Edo Castle .

  3. 就在ōishi还在继续他那“奥斯卡水平”的表演时,其他一些浪人也做好了准备,他们在江户找到了工作,随时准备袭击。

    While ō ishi was giving his Oscar-worthy performance , some of the other ronin did their part by getting jobs in Edo in anticipation of the attack .

  4. 但Nagashima明确表示,江户时代(1603-1868)在这座城市兴旺一时的武士根本就不像我们想象得那么残忍。

    Nagashima made it clear that the samuraiwho flourished in this city during the Edo Period ( 1603-1868 ) were almostnothing like the ferocious warriors I 'd imagined them to be .

  5. 他还将首都从京都搬到了当时的江户(Edo,即现在的东京),将毫无实权的天皇抛在身后。他在江户设立朝廷,并迅速将它从小渔村建成一个大都市。

    He also moved the capital from Kyoto , leaving the powerless emperor behind , to the coastal town that he called Edo and that is now Tokyo , setting up a court there that quickly transformed the town from a tiny fishing village into a metropolis .

  6. 他知道自己身后有Kira的眼线,监视着他所做的一切并向江户汇报,所以他必须全身心地投入到这个新角色中,不管这会给他带来什么耻辱。

    He knew he had Kira 's spies on his tail , watching everything he did and reporting back to Edo so he had to dedicate himself completely to this new role , regardless of the shame it brought upon him .

  7. 1701年,他和另一位名叫“KameiKorechika”的贵族负责为到访江户城的天皇使节组织一场招待会,这是日本“参觐交代”的一部分。

    In 1701 , he and another noble named Kamei Korechika were tasked with organizing a reception for some of the emperor 's ambassadors visiting Edo Castle as part of their service known as sankin k ō tai .

  8. 明代三大古典名著江户版译本简论

    On the Edo Versions of Three Classical Novels during Ming Dynasty

  9. 由东京市江户川区的灭火器工厂开始。

    Begins at a fire extinguisher plant in edogawa , tokyo .

  10. 江户时代的经济遗产与日本经济近代化

    Edo Period 's Economic Heritage and Modernization of the Japanese Economy

  11. 至江户时期,已进入这一创作形式发展的成熟时期。

    Then it reached the peak during the Edo period .

  12. 日本江户时期传入的中国医书及其和刻

    Imported Chinese Medical Books and Their Japanese Reprints in the Edo Period

  13. 《诗经》之于日本江户文艺

    The Book of Odes and the Japanese Literature and Art of Edo

  14. 江户时代年贡米的商品化及其后果

    Commercialization of the Tax Rice and Its Consequence during the Edo Period

  15. 在这楼我做了这个特别的日本江户女孩人偶来带出感觉来。

    And I created one special Japanese girl minifig in this floor .

  16. 浅论日本江户时代的藩国货币

    A brief talk about the federal notes of Edo period in Japan

  17. 清盛期苏州版画与江户时代浮世绘之比较

    Comparison between Suzhou Graving of Prosperous Qing Dynasty & Ukiyoe in Edo Period

  18. 江户后期大坂的市场及其商人

    Osaka Market and Its Merchants in the Late of the Edo Period in Japan

  19. 日本江户时代禁教与锁国体制的再探讨

    Further Exploration on Banning Christianism and Sakoku System in the Age of Eto Shogunate

  20. 假设目前形式的和服在江户时期(1603至1867年)。

    The kimono assumed its present form during the Edo period ( 1603-1867 ) .

  21. 江户时期日本民间金融组织的发展及其影响

    The Development of Japanese Non-governmental Financial Institutions and Their Influences during the Edo Period

  22. 我和多美要去江户。

    Tomi and I are going to edo .

  23. 江户时代日本教育研究

    A Study of Japanese Education in Edo Period

  24. 20年后,江户幕府暴虐的封建专制面临着愈来愈大的压力。

    Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain .

  25. 如今的“东京”就是古时的“江户”。

    Edo is better known today as Tokyo .

  26. 带着多美去江户吧。

    Take Tomi with you to edo .

  27. 沐浴文化是江户时代平民文化的一朵奇葩,现代日本沐浴文化的许多特征也都可以追根溯源到江户时代。

    Many features of Japanese bathing culture can be traced back to the EDO Era .

  28. 日本江户时代的针灸医学成就与特色

    Achievements and Characteristics of Healing Art of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Edo Age of Japan

  29. 朱子学在日本江户时期急速兴起的原因及其特色

    The Reasons and Features of Zhu Xi 's Philosophy Booming during the Edo Period in Japan

  30. 你何时离开江户的?

    When did you Ieave edo ?