
  • 网络jianghuai region;jianghuai area;changjiang-huaihe basin
  1. 江淮地区过度的经济开发,是自然灾害频发的一个重要因素,而频繁的自然灾害又使安徽乡村环境不断恶化。

    Over economical development in Jianghuai Region contributes a lot to the natural disasters , which deteriorates the rural environment .

  2. 用统计方法和水量平衡法推导出江淮地区潜水蒸发经验计算模型。

    The calculating model of phreatic water evaporation in the Jianghuai region is given by means of statistic and water balance methods .

  3. 江淮地区特大洪涝灾害的灰色预测

    The grey prediction of the catastrophic flood in Jiang Huai areas

  4. 江淮地区蛋鸡舍设计的探讨

    Discussion on the design of laying house in the Yangtse-Huaihe region

  5. 江淮地区未来气候变化趋势的模型试验研究

    An Numerical Study on the Prediction of Climatic Change Trend in Jiang-huai Basin

  6. 综合利用蝗虫资源实现蝗灾可持续治理明清时期江淮地区的蝗灾探析

    Integrated Utilization on Locusts Resource Realizing the Sustainable Control for the Plague of Locusts

  7. 气象条件对江淮地区中稻产量构成影响及高温预警模型研究

    Effects of Meteorological Conditions on Middle-season Rice Yield Components and High-temperature Early Warning Model

  8. 1991年江苏省江淮地区异常洪涝环流特征分析

    A preliminary study on anomalistic heavy flood in 1991 over Jianshui resion of Jiangsu Province

  9. 江淮地区大气中平均水汽含量特征及变化趋势

    Characteristics of average water vapor content in the atmosphere in Yangtze-Huaihe region and its variation

  10. 江淮地区西瓜主要灾害性病害及其全程控制技术

    The Main Disastrous Plant Disease of Watermelon in Jiang-huai Region and Its Whole-course Control Technique

  11. 1994年江淮地区首次区域性春季暴雨诊断分析

    An diagnostic analysis in the first spring heavy rain over the Changjiang Huaihe District in 1994

  12. 江淮地区对流云人工增雨技术研究基地的可行性分析

    Feasibility assessment of convective cloud precipitation enhancement technique research base in Changjiang and Huaihe River Region

  13. 季风异常与江淮地区旱涝关系

    Relation between the summer monsoon anomaly and the drought / flood in the changjiang & huaihe Valley

  14. 较弱的西南季风与东南气流汇合成强西南气流伸向江淮地区;

    Strong southwester extending to eastern China , was formed by combining weaker southwest monsoon and southeast flow ;

  15. 江淮地区冬季一次罕见强对流风暴的数值模拟结果诊断分析

    Diagnostic analysis of numerical simulation result for area with exceptionally severe convective storm in Jiang-huai area during winter

  16. 而影响我国江淮地区的扰动场水汽输送主要来自于南海地区。

    The disturbance moisture transport which affects the Changjiang and Huaihe Valleys is mainly from the South China Sea .

  17. 结果表明3种增温处理对江淮地区冬小麦生长发育的影响均倾向有利于产量形成的方向,在预期的增温幅度下冬小麦生产力将可能进一步提高。

    These results showed that the effects of the three warming treatments on the winter wheat benefit its yield formation .

  18. 江淮地区不同稻型及生育期害虫-天敌群落的相似性研究

    Similarity of insect pest-natural enemy communities of different rice types and development stages in the Yangtze-Huaihe region of Anhui Province

  19. 江淮地区油菜涝渍灾害气候生态特征及其指标的研究

    Reserch on characters of climatic ecology and index for waterlogging of rape in Zone of Yangtse River and Huaihe River

  20. 江淮地区棚室小气候特征及其调控效应研究

    Studies on the Microclimate Characteristics Inside Greenhouse and the Effects When Regulated between the Area of Changjiang and Huaihe River

  21. 江淮地区夏季降水异常主要是由于大尺度环流持续异常所造成的。

    Rain anomaly of Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin ( Jianghuai ) in summer largely is because anomalies of macroscale circulation last .

  22. 我国江淮地区平均场水汽输送与扰动场水汽输送的不同特征

    Characteristics of water vapor transport in averaged field and its difference from that in disturbed field in Changjiang and Huaihe valleys

  23. 季风流管对江淮地区雨带的影响及预报

    Influence of summer monsoon stream tube on the rain belt over Changjiang ( yangtze ) - huaihe Valley and its prediction

  24. 汉代以后巢湖流域文化衰落是安徽江淮地区考古研究中一个非常引人注目的现象。

    The culture decline of Chaohu Lake Basin after the Han Dynasty is a remarkable archaeological phenomenon in Jianghuai region , Anhui Province .

  25. 对安徽江淮地区早稻田害虫和天敌群落动态进行了研究。

    The dynamics of insect pest and natural enemy communities in early paddy fields in the Yangtze-Huaihe area of Anhui Province was studied .

  26. 分析表明:暴雨与江淮地区对流层中低层中尺度低涡的发生发展有密切关系。

    The analysis suggests that the heavy rain event was close related to the generation and development of a mesoscale vortex in the mid-low troposphere .

  27. 为了研究江淮地区对流云发生发展规律,在“对流云人工增雨外场试验”中,开展了双多普勒雷达联合观测。

    For researching the rule of convection cloud in Jianghuai area , we used Dual-doppler Radar in the experiment of weather modification about convection cloud .

  28. 1991年夏季,中国江淮地区发生了大范围的特大暴雨及洪涝灾害,造成人民生命财产的巨大损失。

    In summer of 1991 heavy rainfall and flood took place over the wide regions of China and made much loss of life and property .

  29. 同时计算了江淮地区地面的降水量、蒸发量和地面余水量,分析了地面的水分收支和水分盈亏。

    The rainfall , evaporation and remaining water on the ground were also calculated , and its water budget and water excess ( deficit ) were analyzed .

  30. 江淮地区园艺设施小气候调控效应及其对高效栽培影响的研究

    Studies on the Effects of Controlling Microclimate and the Influence of Control on High-efficient Culture in the Greenhouses in the Area of Changjiang River and Huaihe River