
  • 网络the edo period;Edo;edo era
  1. 但Nagashima明确表示,江户时代(1603-1868)在这座城市兴旺一时的武士根本就不像我们想象得那么残忍。

    Nagashima made it clear that the samuraiwho flourished in this city during the Edo Period ( 1603-1868 ) were almostnothing like the ferocious warriors I 'd imagined them to be .

  2. 江户时代的经济遗产与日本经济近代化

    Edo Period 's Economic Heritage and Modernization of the Japanese Economy

  3. 江户时代年贡米的商品化及其后果

    Commercialization of the Tax Rice and Its Consequence during the Edo Period

  4. 浅论日本江户时代的藩国货币

    A brief talk about the federal notes of Edo period in Japan

  5. 清盛期苏州版画与江户时代浮世绘之比较

    Comparison between Suzhou Graving of Prosperous Qing Dynasty & Ukiyoe in Edo Period

  6. 日本江户时代禁教与锁国体制的再探讨

    Further Exploration on Banning Christianism and Sakoku System in the Age of Eto Shogunate

  7. 江户时代日本教育研究

    A Study of Japanese Education in Edo Period

  8. 沐浴文化是江户时代平民文化的一朵奇葩,现代日本沐浴文化的许多特征也都可以追根溯源到江户时代。

    Many features of Japanese bathing culture can be traced back to the EDO Era .

  9. 日本江户时代的针灸医学成就与特色

    Achievements and Characteristics of Healing Art of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Edo Age of Japan

  10. 从江户时代以来的几百年间,人们一直沿袭这个传统。

    People have done this for the last few hundred years , since the Edo period .

  11. 元禄时代为城市文化树立了榜样,使其持续繁荣于整个江户时代。

    The Genroku period set the standards for an urban culture that continued throughout the Edo period .

  12. 在江户时代(1603-1868),茶道可让武士们得到暂时的休息。

    During the Edo period ( 1603-1868 ), the tea ceremony provided respite for the samurai warrior .

  13. 它行之于明治时期,但其思想源头却可上溯至江户时代。

    It started in Meiji Times , but the idea can be tracked back to Edo Times .

  14. 袖搦顾名思义,就是“把袖子缠住”。它是日本江户时代警察所使用的武器。

    The sodegarami , meaning " sleeve entangler , " was a weapon of the Edo-era Japanese police .

  15. 很明显他们并不享受城里江户时代的建筑和古老的历史风格。

    The entire town apparently does not share the old-timey Oedo architecture and charm of the historical district .

  16. 在江户时代,对道家思想的批判精神和思想的利用具有普遍性。

    In the Edo period , it was universal that using the ideas of critical spirit of Taoism .

  17. 江户时代以降,日本在儒教社会中通过儒教伦理的重建,形成了内生性的资本主义价值体系。

    From the Edo Era , the reconstruction of Confucian ethics provided Japanese society with indigenous capitalist value system .

  18. 在繁荣昌盛、和平安康的江户时代(在1603-1867年),便当文化获得了传播和改良。

    In the peaceful and prosperous Edo Period ( 1603 to1867 ), bento culture spread and became more refined .

  19. 江户时代:(1603~1867)日本历史上的文化期,相当于德川幕府统治的政治时期。

    Edo period : Cultural period of Japanese history corresponding to the Tokugawa period of governance ( 1603-1867 ) .

  20. 歌川丰春是日本江户时代著名的浮世绘画家,开启了浮世绘美女画倦怠忧郁的画风。

    Toyokuni is a famous Japanese painter of ukiyoe who initiated a painting style of tired and melancholy beautiful women .

  21. 它以其色彩斑斓的画面真是地展现出江户时代的现实社会和美好理想。

    It is its colorful pictures to show the reality of the Edo period and the beautiful ideal of society .

  22. 江户时代的商品流通,呈现着领国内流通和区域间流通双重结构态势,而大坂市场因其全国商品集散市场的功能,一直占据主导地位。

    The Merchandise distribution of the Edo Period showed dual structures which were the domestic distribution and the regional distribution .

  23. 首先是基于尊敬的无条件的接受古典典籍,这一时期到江户时代末期便结束了。

    In the First stage , they accepted ancient books and records , out of respect and they did this unconditionally .

  24. 自江户时代,春画的叙述开始脱离故事形式,成为一些无关联的性爱场面。

    During the Edo period , shunga depictions left the story format and began to be presented as unrelated erotic scenes .

  25. 在文学方面,江户时代见证了松尾芭蕉手中俳句的发展,还有匠心独具的喜剧式连环诗作及井原西鹤的幽默小说。

    In literature , Basho developed poetic forms later called haiku , and Ihara Saikaku composed virtuoso comic linked-verse and humorous novels .

  26. 日本在江户时代(1603~1867)开始采用,并传至今日。

    During the Edo Period ( 1603-1867 ), Japan began to adopt the Twenty-four Solar Terms , which have been used till now .

  27. 日本有着悠久的汉语教学历史,尤其是江户时代,已经出现了学者个人编写的教材。

    Japan has a long history of the Chinese language teaching . In Edo age , textbook written by individual scholar even appeared .

  28. 通过对这三个译本的考察,形成于江户时代汉籍译本的翻译风格将得于窥豹一斑。

    Through studies on these three translated works from Chinese , we shall have a limited view of the translation style forming during the Edo period .

  29. 这种传统在江户时代随着文化需求的增加及庶民教育机构的发展而在日本全体社会得到普及。

    This tradition in the Edo era with the development of educational institutions and the increasing cultural needs of the whole society to gain popularity in Japan .

  30. 江户时代,除抵制天主教之外,不但没有割断与世界的联系,而且吸收了大量的西方近代文化。

    In all the Edo period , Japan maintained the communications with the outside world and absorbed modern western culture extensively except the Catholicism which was banned .