
  • 网络miluo city
  1. 采用了BP神经网络对湖南省汨罗市大气环境质量进行了评价。

    In this paper , BP neural network to the assessment of gas environmental quality of Miluo city , Hunan province is given .

  2. 体育竞赛举行的蔚为壮观,令人印象深刻的龙舟竞赛在秭归县汨罗市以及许多其它地方举行。

    Sports competitions are held spectacular and impressive dragon boat races held in Zigui County and Miluo City as well as many other sites .

  3. 汨罗市再生资源产业现状及发展战略研究

    The present situation and developmental strategy research on miluo regeneration resources industry

  4. 湖南省汨罗市新型农村合作医疗运行现状&案例分析

    Operation of new rural cooperative medicine in Miluo , Hunan Province & A case study

  5. 下午,火炬将前往汨罗市,离岳阳市有110千里远。

    This afternoon , the torch will head to Miluo , 110 kilometers from Yueyang .

  6. 结果汨罗市政府组织和筹资成立新型农村合作医疗统筹基金;

    Results Government in Miluo took initatives to organize NRCM and financed it with the NRCM Funds ;

  7. 职业技术教育促进汨罗市农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究

    Study of the Problem That the Vocational Technical Education Can Promote the Shift of Village Surplus Labor in MiLuo

  8. 由此,出让砂石资源就成了洞庭湖所在的岳阳县、汨罗市的重要财政收入来源。

    Therefore , sand excavation has proven to be an important source of financial income for the local governments of Yueyang County and Miluo City , where Dongting Lake is located .

  9. 这些包括纪念中国历史人物的牺牲,诗人屈原主要是在湖北省秭归县被崇敬着,还有在湖南省的汨罗市。

    These include sacrifices made in memory of Chinese historical figures , the poet Qu Yuan is chiefly venerated around Zigui County in Hubei Province , and Miluo City in Hunan Province .

  10. 罗水发源于岳阳县芭蕉乡坳背里,西南流至汨罗市大丘湾入汨罗江,长88公里,流域面积595平方公里。

    Luo water originated from Yueyang County plantain Au Pui Township , southwest flow to Miluo City , Bay Hill into the Miluo River , 88 km long , the valley area of595 square kilometers .

  11. 本人通过对汨罗市业余篮球协会这个自下而上建立的民间体育社团的个案分析,特别是它的组织结构的分析。

    This paper discusses the following questions according to the study on Amateur Basketball Association in Miluo-the non-governmental sport association founded from below , especially the analyze of its organization structure : What organizations does it have ?

  12. 汨罗川山梅林镜片厂成立于1993年,厂部坐落于湖南省汨罗市川山坪镇,地处京珠高速西侧,交通十分便利。

    Miluo River Hill Merlin lens factory was established in1993 , located in Hunan Province Miluo Changbu Ichikawa Hill Township , located west of Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway , the traffic is very convenient .