
  1. 汲黯还是在朝廷里当个小官。

    But he is still a coutling in the imperial court .

  2. 从此以后,汲黯的官职再也没有提升。

    For this reason , Ji An was never promoted again .

  3. 一天,汲黯忍不住对皇帝说。

    One day , Ji'An said to the emperor with unbearableness felling .

  4. 汉朝时,有一个叫汲黯的人。

    In Han Dynasty , there was a person who named Ji'An .

  5. 汲黯是西汉武帝时代人,以刚直正义、敢讲真话而受人尊重。

    He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth .

  6. 武帝回到宫里以后,对身边的人说,汲黯这个人也未免太粗太直了。

    After returning , Emperor Wudi said to the people around him that Ji An was a little too rude and too straightforward .

  7. 有一天,汲黯对武帝说,陛下使用群臣,跟码劈柴一样,是“后来者居上”啊!

    One day , Ji An said to Emperor Wudi that the way the emperor used his ministers was just like piling up firewood , which meant that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers .

  8. 汲黯作为西汉重臣,尽管未留著作于后世,但从他的“行”进行史料考察和分析,可以发现他的“无为而治”、“重民”、“社稷为重”等法律思想,具有重要的价值。

    However , we can find many of his legal thoughts through investigation and analysis of his action , such as letting nature take its own course , attaching importance to the people and country first .

  9. 于是,转脸对臣下们说:“人真是不能不学习啊!你们听汲黯说话,越来越离谱了!”

    So , turning to his ministers , Emperor Wudi said , " It is true that no one can stop learning . You see , Ji An is making more and more indiscreet remarks . "

  10. 汉武帝登时脸色大变,宣布罢朝,满朝文武都为汲黯捏着一把汗,担心他会因此招来大祸。

    The emperor suddenly changed his countenance and declared the meeting over . All the civilian and military officers at court were breathless with anxiety for fear that Ji An might bring disaster upon himself because of this .

  11. 没等皇帝把话说完,汲黯就说:“陛下内心里那么贪婪多欲,表面上却要装得实行仁政,这是何苦呢?”一句话把皇帝噎了回去。

    Emperor Wudi Had hardly finished his remands when Ji An said that there was no need for the emperor to say so . Why should the emperor bother , Ji An said , about pretending to implement the policy of benevolence and justice since he was so greedy and avaricious within himself ? This choked the emperor off .