
  1. 北京湿地沉水植物群落及其水环境研究

    Research on the Relationship between Macrophyte Community and Hydro-environment in Beijing 's Wetland

  2. 研究表明,恢复沉水植物群落的最基本的要求之一就是提高水体的透明度。

    The primary requirement of submerged plant community restoration is to improving the water transparency .

  3. 洪湖主要沉水植物群落的定量分析Ⅱ.微齿眼子菜+穗花狐尾藻+轮藻群落

    Quantitative analysis on the main submerged communities in Honghu lake . ⅱ . Potamogeton maackianus + myriophyllum spicatum + Chara community

  4. 报道了滇池15个监测断面透明度和不同水深的光照强度,以及借助于沉水植物群落昼夜光补偿点所得到的沉水植物光补偿深度。

    Studies were made on the transparency , the vertical distribution of light intensities and the light compensation depth of submerged macrophyte at the 15 monitoring sections in Lake Dianchi .

  5. 有16种植物群落,分属于挺水植物群落、浮叶植物群落、沉水植物群落、漂浮植物群落四大类;

    There are 16 types of colonies in this area , which belong to emerged plant community , floating leaved anchored hydrophytes community , immersed aquatic plant community , floating-plant community , respectively .

  6. 会仙喀斯特湿地的植物群落以挺水植物群落和沉水植物群落为主;多为单优群落,多样性水平不高;群落的结构简单。

    Most of the plant communities were single excellent communities ; the diversity level was not high , taking emerged plant communities and submerged plant communities as main , the community structure was simple .

  7. 这些结论可以用来解释沉水植物群落在治理富营养化水体时如何发挥作用,并用于提出沉水植物重建和恢复的相关建议和对策。

    These conclusions can be used to explain how submerged macrophytes come into play during controlling eutrophication . We also come up with some suggestions and strategies when restoration of submerged macrophytes is implemented and used to control eutrophication .

  8. 在自然条件下建成了永久性挺水植物群落和浮叶植物群落,在人工控制的围隔环境中改善了水底光照条件,建成了沉水植物群落。

    Permanent e-merged plant community and floating-leaved plant community was built under natural conditions of Wuli Lake , and some submerged plant communities were set up in the enclosures where the water quality was improved and the underwater light intensity increased .

  9. 云南抚仙湖沉水植物分布及群落结构特征

    Distribution and Community Structure Characteristics of Submerged Macrophytes in Lake Fuxian , Yunnan Province