
  • 网络settling velocity;Fall Velocity;Stokes
  1. 含离子浓度参数的粘性泥沙沉速公式研究

    Study on the fine sediment settling velocity formula with the parameter of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) concentration

  2. 颗粒污泥在清水中的静沉速与颗粒粒径成正比,二者之间的关系可用Allen公式来描述;

    The settling velocity of granular sludge in clean water was proportional to its diameter , and thier relation could be described with Allen equation .

  3. 絮体自由沉速的变化规律不能用传统的Stokes定律解释;

    The variation rule of free subsiding velocity of flock can not be explained by traditional Stokes law ;

  4. 次高浊度水混凝最优GT值研究(一)&以过渡层沉速为标准

    The Research on the Best Coagulative GT Value of Sub Turbidity Water ( Part ⅰ)── Using the settling speed of transition layer as standard

  5. ~(113m)In示踪沙的沉速测定法

    A method for determining settling velocity of ~ ( 113m ) In labelled sands

  6. 电厂净化站排出的泥水加入高分子聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)絮凝剂后,改变了泥沙颗粒的自然沉速。

    In order to increase the falling velocity of sediment particles in the muddy water discharged from a clarification station of a coal-fired power station , polyacrylamide ( PAM ) was added into the muddy water .

  7. 结果表明,所设计的程序使用方便、效果理想,能够准确绘出沉降效率(E)与颗粒沉速(u)关系曲线,具有很好的应用价值。

    The designed program is simple for use and has an ideal effect , and the relation curve between the settling efficiency ( E ) and the velocity of deposition of particles ( u ) can be drawn precisely , therefore , it is of great value in application .

  8. 高浊度水的絮凝沉淀主要是投加聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM),而投加量、投加方式和良好的絮凝条件都会影响高浊度水浑液面的沉速。

    Coagulation of high-turbid water mainly depends on adding HPAM while the quantity of HPAM , the way of adding drugs and good conditions for coagulation can have an influence on sedimentation velocities of high-turbidity water 's surface .

  9. 根据塑料颗粒出现的漂浮和上浮现象,作者认为,滞流区的沉速公式只能适用于直径为0.10~0.35mm的塑料颗粒。

    Based on the phenomena of suspension and upward floating of plastic grains , the auther holds that the settling formula in stagnation region suits only to the plastic grains with a diameter of 0 . 10-0 . 35mm .

  10. 高浊度水混凝沉淀浑液面沉速的计算

    Calculation on settling velocity of interface coagulation precipitation of high-turbid water

  11. 细颗粒塑料沙的群体沉速及起动流速试验研究

    Experimental study of settling velocity and incipient velocity of fine plastic particles

  12. 非絮凝均匀沙群体沉速研究

    Research on Group Settling Velocity of Non cohesive Sediment Particles

  13. 高浊度水自然沉降浑液面沉速的计算及实验验证

    Calculating the zone setting velocity of high turbid water and experiment test

  14. 颗粒沉速是两相流动中的重要参数。

    The particle falling velocity is an important parameter in the two-phase flow .

  15. 泥沙群体颗粒平均粒径及平均沉速计算方法的修正

    Silt Calculation Method & Formula Revision of Average Particle Size and Setting Velocity

  16. 颗粒沉速新解法

    A New Method for Calculating Particle Falling Velocity

  17. 泥沙在静水中的沉淀运动&(Ⅱ)沉速在时间过程里的变化

    Sedimentation motion of sand particles in still water (ⅱ) the effect of time factor

  18. 沉淀池表面负荷率与截留沉速应用讨论

    Discussion on Application of the overflow rate and intercept settling velocity for sedimentation tank

  19. 过渡区泥沙沉速公式的比较

    Comparison among Formulae of Sedimentation in Transition Zone

  20. 颗粒在絮团结构体中沉降时,在一定条件下,均质颗粒具有非均匀的沉速分布。

    The settling of particles in a flocculated suspension can be divided into two parts .

  21. 天然悬移质泥沙粒径分布及混合平均沉速的计算

    Calculation of Gradation Distribution and Average Mixed Deposition Rate of Suspended Sediment in Natural River

  22. 泥沙的群体沉降&两种典型情况下非均匀沙沉速计算

    Settling of Particles in Suspension-Two Typical Cases in Calculating the Settling Velocity ot Nonuniform Sediment

  23. 阳离子浓度对泥沙沉速影响实验研究

    Experimental study on effect of positively charged ion in river on the velocity of sediment particles

  24. 粗沙高含沙浑水的沉降特性及粗泥沙的群体沉速

    Deposition Characteristic of Coarse and High Silt-content Turbid Water and the Mass Deposition of Coarse Silt

  25. 获得了表达钉螺静、动水沉速及起动流速的6个特征值;

    Six special values indicating dropping and start speed of snail in running water were obtained ;

  26. 沉速通常是由观测单个颗粒在圆柱筒内静止的液体中沉降来测定的。

    Fall velocities are usually measured by observing individual grains settling in a column of still fluid .

  27. 钉螺在水中沉速与钉螺大小、水温高低呈正相关;

    The settling velocity of snails in water were positively correlated with snail size and water temperature .

  28. 钉螺壳形特征与建立静水沉速公式的关系

    Relationship between geometric characteristics of Oncomelania hupensis and the formula of the snail dropping speed in stable water

  29. 粒径和沉速的频率分布特性对于描述泥沙都是必需的。

    Frequency distributions of properties , e.g. size and settling velocity are necessary to the description of sediments .

  30. 本文利用精确的试验资料对几个泥沙沉速公式进行了比较。

    Based on precise experimental data , a comparison among several formulae of sediment particle settling velocities is made .